Performance Management and Reporting Sample Clauses
Performance Management and Reporting. ▪ Maintain system-wide focus on performance management of WIOA common measures and other individualized performance goals that serve to strengthen the system as a whole. ▪ Oversee the timely population of data from system partners for NWC’s System Performance Dashboard in accordance with a schedule determined by NWC. ▪ Provide reports as required by NWC. ▪ Coordinate the WorkSource customer comment card system (and other customer satisfaction initiatives within each Center), data entry, analysis, customer replies, and quarterly reporting. ▪ Provide technical assistance to facilitate inclusionary and participatory completion and submittal of NWC’s WorkSource Certification Application, ensuring ongoing activities in support of program integration and continuous quality improvement initiatives.
Performance Management and Reporting. A. Performance Management
1. Clinical Quality Management Monitoring: Review contractor Clinical Quality Management program inclusive of performance measures data, health outcomes, and satisfaction surveys.
2. Program Monitoring*: Review and analysis of current program information to determine the extent to which contractors are achieving established contractual goals.
3. Fiscal Monitoring*: Review financial systems and xxxxxxxx to ensure that contract funds are allocated and expended in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Performance Management and Reporting. 4.1 The Contacts shall meet throughout the term in order to monitor the delivery and success of the Services in accordance with the Key Performance Indicators to ensure that this Agreement is being adhered to and that the Services are being delivered to the required standard and such meetings shall take place in accordance with the Governance Meeting Structure (or otherwise at such more regular intervals as GambleAware’s Contact shall reasonably determine is necessary).
4.2 The Supplier shall report to GambleAware as promptly as reasonably practicable, and in each case within five (5) Business Days of the Supplier becoming aware of the occurrence of, any of the following:
4.2.1 any material expected or likely underperformance against the Key Performance Indicators;
4.2.2 any matter which is likely, in the opinion of GambleAware (acting reasonably) to have a material impact on the ability of the Supplier to deliver the Services or to maintain any licence or registration or consent required to do so;
4.2.3 if the Supplier is in or likely to enter financial distress in the reasonable opinion of GambleAware.
4.3 The Supplier shall also report to GambleAware in line with the Reporting Requirements and shall include any such additional information as GambleAware reasonably requests on reasonable notice of such requests.
4.4 Without prejudice to any other rights under this Agreement, GambleAware may serve notice (“Default Notice”) on the Supplier in the event that GambleAware finds, in its reasonable opinion, the Supplier has:
4.4.1 failed to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement including by issuing an inaccurate, improper or misleading invoice;
4.4.2 failed to deliver all or any part of the Services in accordance with this Agreement;
4.4.3 failed to deliver its Key Performance Indicators by a margin of 10% or more below any required threshold;
4.4.4 failed to, or is reasonably likely to fail to, meet GambleAware’s Financial Due Diligence Conditions; or
4.4.5 failed to comply with any reasonable instruction or notice issued by GambleAware.
4.5 The procedure set out in this clause shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to GambleAware. Any notice may be given verbally where immediate action is required but should be confirmed in writing by GambleAware within 72 hours. All Default Notices under this clause served by GambleAware shall state:
4.5.1 the date of issue;
4.5.2 whether the notice is in respect of a minor breach or a ...
Performance Management and Reporting. The CPP has a robust performance reporting process in place, highlighted in the audit of the CPP. Performance is measured using Covalent4 and is reported to the Community Planning Steering Group each quarter. The Steering Group is responsible for scrutinising performance against SOA outcomes but performance is also monitored at the thematic and Board levels. Quarterly Horizon Scanning utilises SOA Performance Indicators (PIs) to measure progress in achieving outcomes, pointing to upcoming activities and developments that will impact performance. It is important to ensure that our PIs remain up to date and relevant and these are currently being reviewed. An updated SOA will be made publically available once approved by the CPP Board in August 2015 and this new set of PIs will be reported on quarterly and annually. A number of measures were taken in 2014/15 to improve how the CPP reports to the public. SOA performance reports, annual reports and the Steering Group and Board papers have been made publically available. The Community Planning website has been updated and improved to ensure that all relevant information is available to the public in a clear and easily accessible way. An easyread version of the SOA has also been developed. The first CPP newsletter was circulated to council staff, partners and a wide range of stakeholders in March 2015 and has received very positive feedback. A newsletter will be produced and circulated quarterly.
Performance Management and Reporting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 89A1A7B7-2D82-4337-A826-E83AA268B125 DocuSign Envelope ID: 45130B5F-968C-4809-90EA-1779C11117AF Monitoring may be performed by the DDPHE HIV Resources staff. Contractor may be reviewed for:
1. Clinical Quality Management Monitoring: Review contractor Clinical Quality Management program inclusive of performance data, health outcomes, and satisfaction surveys.
2. Program Monitoring*: Review and analysis of current program information to determine the extent to which contractors are achieving established contractual goals.
3. Fiscal Monitoring*: Review financial systems and xxxxxxxx to ensure that contract funds are allocated and expended in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
Performance Management and Reporting. 14.1 Each Party shall nominate a named Agreement Manager specifying the information set out in 0, which may be changed from time to time and notified in writing to the other Party, to act as contact point for the management of this Agreement. Subject to clause 29 (Change Procedure), the Agreement Manager for each Party will have full authority to represent that Party in all matters pertaining to this Agreement.
14.2 The Charity and the Council shall closely monitor the delivery and success of the Services throughout the Contract Term in accordance with the Key Performance Indicators set out in Schedule 2Part 2 to ensure that this Agreement is being adhered to and that the Services are being successfully delivered.
14.3 The Agreement Managers shall meet throughout the Contract Term in order to monitor the delivery and success of the Services and such meetings shall take place quarterly (or otherwise at such more frequent intervals as the Council’s Agreement Manager shall reasonably determine is necessary).
14.4 The Charity shall report to the Council as promptly as reasonably practicable, and in each case within 5 Business Days of the Charity becoming aware of the occurrence of, any of the following:
14.4.1 by reference to the Annual Service Plan any material:
(a) financial underperformance against forecast income or funding; or
(b) increase in expenditure; in each case, where “material” shall be taken to mean a divergence of 10% or more by reference to the Charity’s overall budgeted income, funding or expenditure (as the case may be);
14.4.2 any matter which is likely, in the opinion of the Charity (acting reasonably) have a material impact on the ability of the Charity to:
(a) deliver the Services;
(b) maintain its Arts Council England Museum Accreditation (or if relevant its equivalent accreditation from a successor accreditation scheme run by Arts Council England or its successor or replacement body);
(c) maintain the status of the Collection under the Arts Council England’s Designation Scheme (if relevant such successor designation scheme run by Arts Council England or its successor or replacement body); or
(d) maintain its charitable status.
14.4.3 if the Charity is in Financial Distress; or
14.4.4 any event has occurred which has increased the likelihood that the Charity will be in Financial Distress.
14.5 The Agreement Managers shall meet no less than once in each Contract Year at an Annual Review Meeting to review the Charity’s performance of the t...
Performance Management and Reporting the Service Manager, supported by the Admin Officer, will be responsible for performance management across the Lightbulb service in line with the agreed performance framework. This will include: Liaising with local Lightbulb teams to collect standardised performance data Preparing the Lightbulb performance dashboard and/or other reports in line with the performance framework on a monthly basis Analysis of monthly performance information to identify and put in place strategies to address poor performance or other trends or performance issues Annual review of the performance framework.
Performance Management and Reporting. We will provide meal options guaranteed to meet the current and any revised Food Based National Nutritional Standards and any other subsequent statutory regulations, guidance or advice. We will provide meals to those children requiring specific and/or modified medical dietary needs upon receipt of a letter plus diet sheet from a Dietician or Doctor. This provision currently excludes nut allergies. We will ensure that there are sufficient meals produced daily, subject to notification of meal numbers prior to 10 am each day, to enable pupils to select meal options as appropriate. This will be dependent upon information received from the school particularly in the event of school activities affecting pupil numbers. We will advise the school annually of changes to planned menus in line with Food Based Standards. We will monitor performance standards in accordance with the Council’s Performance Management Framework and ‘My Conversation’ staff appraisal process.
Performance Management and Reporting. Weekly school data will be transferred to our database within 5 working days from receipt. Any request for data reports will be dealt with within 2 working days. Charges to your budget will be made no later than 10 working days following the ex- piry of the charge dispute period. This is normally 10 days after you receive your charges data. Payments to service provider will be made no later than 40 days following the last day of trading. Both parties are to comply with the Council’s data security policies. The level of professional advice and guidance relating to the School Food Plan; National School Food Based Nutritional Standards and / or Universal Free School Meals will be agreed as required by an individual school.
Performance Management and Reporting. The Chief Executive is responsible for reporting to the Department in-year as follows: • regular provision of financial and operational performance information, including current risks to delivery, in an agreed format that takes due consideration of DVSA’s operational reporting requirements and avoids duplication of effort • reports to Ministers and RTL on a regular basis covering agreed topics • reports to the Principal Accounting Officer on any issue relating to financial control or that raises significant reputational risks for the Agency or the Department • Annual report and accounts, audited by National Audit Office and prepared for laying before Parliament • Additional reports as required to assist the Department and sister Agencies in preparing its accounts The Chief Executive is responsible for developing and maintaining an effective risk management system, and for its implementation throughout the Agency. The Agency’s approach and documentation will be compatible with that of the Department. The risk management process reports to the Directing Board with regular assessments of threats to, and opportunities for, the Agency's business. The Chief Executive reviews this system at least annually and reports its effectiveness via the Governance Statement within the Annual Report and Accounts. The risk management system is additionally examined by the Audit & Risk Committee and the National Audit Office. DVSA will support wider Government priorities to reform public service provision in line with efficiency programmes established by Central Government. AUDIT AND ACCOUNTING Accounting procedures As Agency Accounting Officer, the Chief Executive will ensure that proper financial procedures are followed, and that appropriate accounting records are maintained to satisfy internal management reporting and external audit requirements.