Project Abstract Sample Clauses

Project Abstract. The Skills for Small Business Program with Child Care Funding (SSBCC) will provide training for small private businesses in the local area. Each participating business partner will select training courses for its new and/or existing employees that will contribute to the enhancement of the business’ operations. The program will cover tuition and fee costs for course offerings provided by Southwest Texas Junior College up to $1,800 in a 12-month period for a new employee and up to $900 in a 12-month period for an existing employee. The approved business partners, job titles for training, and courses for this project will be specified in Attachment A-1 of this grant award by written amendment in accordance with Section 5.3 of this Attachment A. For activities and services funded with CCDBG funding, the SSBCC program allows child care programs to request training for their employees to support improvement of overall program operations and ensure compliance with ongoing training requirements for programs licensed or registered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission to provide child care services in Texas.
Project Abstract. Applications must include a high-quality project abstract that summarizes the proposed project in 400 words or less. Project abstracts should be • written for a general public audience; • submitted as a separate attachment with “Project Abstract” as part of its file name; and • single-spaced, using a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman) with 1-inch margins. As a separate attachment, the project abstract will not count against the page limit for the program narrative. The abstract should briefly describe the project’s purpose, the population to be served, and the activities that the applicant will implement to achieve the project’s goals and objectives. The abstract should describe how the applicant will measure progress toward these goals.
Project Abstract. Each proposal should contain a project abstract that summarizes the project objectives and tasks. The abstract should be no more than 200 words and is prepared free form (no RTI form needed). This section of the selected proposal will become part of the Project Agreement; the Abstract should be direct. Use contractual phrases which are definitive, such as – “this project shall”, rather than “we propose to” or “the proposed project will”. The primary value of the abstract is to clearly and succinctly describe the project. The ability to succinctly summarize the work proposed to do help demonstrate the understanding of the project. For successful proposals, the abstract is used to enter a project description into relevant databases, including. • TxDOT's research database(s) • Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Research in Progress system Implementation (for research projects only) At the university’s option, include a free form section by this title that presents the researcher's assessment of potential areas for application of the research findings, such as changes in specifications, standards, or department policies. If included, this section should also include an assessment of which TxDOT operations will be affected. When deciding whether or not to include an implementation section, consider the project being proposed, and what the project results will look like. If including thoughts about the implementation will better explain the project or knowledge of the area, include the section. For projects expected to produce results which could be implemented either during the progress of the project or shortly after completion, material in this section might include an assessment of several issues. The form in which the findings would be most effectively reported • mathematical model or formula • laboratory test procedure • design techniques The organization logically responsible for application of the results • American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) • Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Division or District The specific medium of practice that would be changed or developed by the findings • AASHTO Standard Specifications • TxDOT Standard Specifications • special specifications The best method to convey the research findings to operating personnel for use • circulation of a written reportpersonal contact with operating personnel • demonstrations • movie, slide, or videot...
Project Abstract. The Texas Workforce Commission’s (the Agency) annual Local Performance Quality Improvement Awards recognize Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) grant recipients and fiscal agents, as defined by the Agency’s Request for Proposal 000-00-00 and their resulting provider contract with the Agency, for their efforts in meeting state or federal performance measures, or measures developed by the Commission pursuant to criteria adopted under 40 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) § 802.169 and Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act § 223(a)(1)(D), 29 U.S.C. § 3303(a)(1)(D). This grant award recognizes Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas for Best in Class, in the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000). The grant award winner will also be responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the quality, and the improvement in, adult education and literacy activities and the dissemination of information regarding models and proven or promising practices within the State. The Agency reserves the right to extend the grant period for an additional amount of time, as per the Agency’s discretion.
Project Abstract. The study is focused on prevention for Latino/a youth and families and has been derived from a longstanding community-based participatory research project. In partnership with UCSB (see also agreement #OA20170123 between SBUSD and UCSB), CALM will pilot a multi- level family-focused intervention which uses a low cost, culturally attentive, parent-youth engagement strategy focused on adapting an empirically supported Latina parent training program, and incorporating a trauma-informed approach to prevent violence and related health disparities among Latino youth.
Project Abstract. Applicant Type
Project Abstract. This project will train an intern in museum cataloging which will, in turn, assist Xxxxxxx Pueblo Missions National Monument (SAPU) with cataloging an estimated 5,000 archeological objects into the Interior Catalog Management System (ICMS), rehousing the collection currently stored at Arizona State University (ASU) for permanent curation at the Western Archeological and Conservation Center (WACC) in Tucson, Arizona; photography of selected objects; and digitizing and printing field records and reports from the collection.
Project Abstract. The proposed project will accomplish three objectives: 1) describe longitudinal patterns in subsidy continuity within Maryland, 2) examine the association between continuity in subsidized care arrangements and the use of high quality care, and 3) analyze the association between new guidance regarding the administration of subsidy redetermination periods and subsidy spell length.
Project Abstract. As a partner in the Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CPCESU), The University of Texas at San Antonio’s Center for Cultural Sustainability will complete a Historic Structures Report for Bryce Canyon National Park’s NPS Old Housing Historic District. The project will increase public awareness and support for historic preservation and stewardship of cultural and historic sites. In addition, the project provides opportunities for youth to gain experience with the process of reporting on historic structures.
Project Abstract. In FY2010 San Antonio Missions NHP entered into a task agreement with the University of Pennsylvania to do the cyclic condition assessment and treatment of the Gothic Column at Mission San José’s convento. A comprehensive condition assessment of the column was completed as per the initial scope of work. Due to the advanced weathering of the column since 1993, a more complex treatment program beyond the initial cyclical treatment is now necessary. This new treatment will require some laboratory testing prior to the development and execution of conservation. In June 2011 the park received the report on the Evaluation of the 1993 treatment of the San Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Column and its recommendations for further work. This request builds on those recommendations.