Re-employment Lists Sample Clauses
Re-employment Lists.
A. The names of persons laid off, persons exercising their rights under Section 5, and/or persons who voluntarily reduced under the provisions of Section 6 shall be placed on SUPERIOR COURT REINSTATEMENT LISTS for each class in the occupational series at or below the level of the class from which laid off. The names of such persons shall be placed on SUPERIOR COURT REINSTATEMENT LISTS in the order of their respective layoff points, going from highest to lowest.
B. Positions to be filled shall be offered first to persons on the SUPERIOR COURT REINSTATEMENT LIST for that class, starting at the top of the list. If reinstatement is offered to a class other than that from which the person was laid off or reduced, such person must first meet the minimum qualifications and pass any required performance tests for that class.
C. The names of persons laid off shall be placed on the SUPERIOR COURT PREFERRED ELIGIBLE LIST for the class from which they were laid off and for any class from which they previously voluntarily reduced pursuant to Section 5., in the order of their layoff scores, going from highest to lowest. Persons on the SUPERIOR COURT PREFERRED ELIGIBLE LISTS shall receive consideration for vacant positions after any Reinstatement Lists have been exhausted but before consideration is given to candidates on other eligible lists.
D. Names of persons placed on the SUPERIOR COURT REINSTATEMENT LIST and the SUPERIOR COURT PREFERRED ELIGIBLE LIST shall remain on the lists for two (2) years, except that:
1. A person who on two (2) separate occasions rejects or fails to respond within five (5) calendar days to offers of employment in a particular class shall be removed from the lists for that class.
2. A person who on three (3) separate occasions declines referral for interviews in a particular class shall be removed from the lists for that class.
3. An employee who upon retirement signs a statement electing not to be eligible for re-employment under this provision shall have his or her name excluded from the aforementioned lists.
Re-employment Lists. The Employer shall establish and maintain a re-employment list by classification, with the names of employees with Union status ranked thereon in order of seniority. Seniority shall not be lost but shall not accumulate while an employee is on a re-employment list. It is the employees' responsibility to maintain their current address and phone number with the Employer.
Re-employment Lists. A) Each ministry shall maintain a ministry Re-employment List.
B) Employees shall be placed on the list and the list shall operate in the following manner:
1. Employees shall be placed on the list for their regular occupation and any occupation which they are deemed qualified in their own ministry;
2. Employees' names will appear on the list in order of highest total seniority;
3. The most senior employee on the re-employment list shall have his name entered into competitions for his regular occupation and any occupation for which he is deemed qualified for within his ministry. Employees from the re- employment list shall be entitled to utilize their service-wide seniority for all competitions, in their regular occupation, for which they are deemed to be qualified;
4. Where multiple vacancies exist the number of employees entered into the competition shall equal the number of vacancies;
5. An employee shall be allowed to submit and modify restrictions under which he is available for re- employment, e.g. job, level, geographic location. This is to be provided in writing to the Re-employment List Coordinator.
C) The name of the successful applicant will be posted in the same manner as the posted vacancy within three (3) working days after the selection.
Re-employment Lists. Permanent employees who are separated due to layoff, bump into a lower classification due to layoff or who accept an offer of reassignment in lieu of layoff shall be placed on a re-employment list according to seniority within such class for a period of two (2) years following such employee’s separation from employment. The most senior employee in the class on such re-employment list shall be the first one offered re-employment. No candidate for employment on an employment eligibility list shall be offered employment in a classification for which there is an existing re- employment list. Any employee on a re-employment list shall be removed from such list of the employee is offered employment into the classification for which the re-employment list exists by the City and rejects such offer.
Re-employment Lists. 1. Providing his or her overall performance has been satisfactory, any person having regular or probationary status in the classified service who is laid off in good standing shall have, at the time of layoff, his or her name placed on the re-employment list for the classification from which he or she has been laid off for a period of 18 months.
2. Any regular or probationary employee who is laid off may, upon written request, have his or her name placed on a re-employment list for any other classification of equal or lower pay for which he or she is qualified for a period of 18 months.
Re-employment Lists. When a regular employee is laid off, the employee’s name shall be placed on the appropriate re-employment list in inverse order of layoff. If not re-employed within one (1) year, the employee has one (1) additional year to request to be placed back on the re-employment list.
Re-employment Lists. 13 1. Employees who have been laid off shall be placed on a re-employment list 14 for a period of thirty-nine (39) months.
16 2. Employees who experience a reduction in hours or a voluntary demotion 18 the re-employment list (total sixty-three [63]).
Re-employment Lists. 8 The Personnel Department shall review the District’s re-employment 9 list in order to ascertain if any employees have been laid off for lack of work 10 or lack of funds or if employees have been placed on the list as a result of 11 exhaustion of accumulated leave. In the event the District has employees who 12 are willing and able to accept the vacancy, the position shall be filled from the 13 list without the need for posting a vacancy announcement as defined herein.
Re-employment Lists. 1. Providing overall performance has been satisfactory, any person having regular or probationary status in the classified service who is laid off in good standing shall have, at the time of layoff, their name placed on the re-employment list for the classification from which they has been laid off for a period of 18 months.
2. Any regular or probationary employee who is laid off may, upon written request, have their name placed on a re-employment list for any other classification of equal or lower pay for which he or she is qualified for a period of 18 months.
Re-employment Lists. All employees hired prior to April 30, 2013 who are laid off by the Employer shall be placed on the Employer’s seniority list for re-employment for five (5) years. Employees hired after April 30, 2013 who are laid off by the Employer shall be placed on the Employer’s seniority list for re-employment for three (3) years. Separate lists shall be maintained for each Craft Group.