REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. In the event that a reduction in work force (RIF) becomes necessary due to declines in enrollment, budgetary restrictions, reorganization, or other causes as determined by the District, the following reduction-in-work force provisions shall apply:
a) The District will determine the classification(s) and the assignments within the classification(s) to be reduced. The Superintendent will notify the Association in advance of any pending reduction in work force action. When units are reduced, employees will be released in the inverse order of their length of time in the District.
b) In the event that two (2) or more employees affected have the same amount of continuous service within the District, the Superintendent or designee shall make the decision of who shall be retained.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. The board’s “Reduction in Force” policy will not be altered without the board notifying the association of proposed changes and providing the association an opportunity to comment and to make suggestions.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. 384 385 A. In the event it becomes necessary in the Board’s opinion to reduce the number of 386 teachers due to reasons of economy, program elimination or reduction, declining 387 enrollment in a given grade level, given subject area, or because of the consolidation or 388 elimination of positions or programs, the basis for the decision to terminate a teacher or 389 teachers shall be in accordance with the following:
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. A. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide a systematic and orderly process for a reduction in the number of employees. In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the number of employees, the personal well-being of the affected employees shall be given primary consideration. Reducing the number of employees because of reduced allocation, elimination of a position, or the closing of a building would proceed with the understanding that all employees are District 214 employees, and it will be assumed that all affected employees will desire to continue employment in the District. In all cases, the Board, or their designee, shall make a concerted effort to make any necessary reduction by attrition.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. Whenever, in the judgment of the board, it is advisable to reduce positions in the district, the following procedures will be used:
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. The Board will notify the administrator(s) being affected by a reduction in the administrative group as soon as the potential reduction is known. The affected administrator(s) will be notified of the potential reduction in writing and will be given the opportunity to discuss the reduction with the Superintendent of Schools. Such notification will take place prior to March 30th of the given year. The Superintendent of Schools will consider the following in determining which staff will be subject to R.I.F.: performance, training, certification, seniority, and the needs of the district. Seniority will rule if all other factors are determined to be of equal or insignificant difference. Seniority is defined as length of service in the Claremont School District in administrative positions. Administrators affected by reduction in force will be given every opportunity to apply and be considered for an appropriate teaching position which may become available. Those individuals who have prior teaching experience in the Claremont School District will have their seniority grandfathered for their actual teaching time. Individuals with such experience will be placed on the district’s teaching seniority list on an annual basis as appropriate. If an administrator’s contract is not renewed because of reduction in force, that administrator’s name will be placed on a recall list for a period of two years. If a position becomes available during that period, and the administrator is qualified to hold that position, the administrator will be notified in writing by registered mail sent to the last known address, at least 30 days prior to the anticipated date of re-employment. In determining whether an administrator is recalled for reappointment, the Board will employ, in reverse order, the same criteria it established to determine layoff order.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. The decision to implement a Reduction-In- Force and select programs to be reduced shall be made at the sole discretion of the Board. The Board will make every reasonable effort to minimize the effect of a Reduction-In-Force on the current staff by absorbing as many positions as possible through attrition (e.g., retirement or resignation). Whenever it is necessary to lay-off Faculty Members for reasons of reduced enrollment, program reduction, or elimination due to budget cuts, the lay-off procedure will combine a Faculty Member’s seniority rights and evaluation rating. A Reduction-In-Force will be determined by the following criteria:
1. A Faculty Member with 0-5 years experience in the School District has no seniority rights unless so grandfathered by RSA 189:14-A, which became law in July 2011.
2. A part-time Faculty Member (i.e. 1/5, ½,) may accumulate his/her time and be awarded the equivalency in years.
3. A Faculty Member’s year-end summative evaluation shall determine placement in either Professional Growth Phase or Professional Growth with Assistance Phase for the following year.
4. A Faculty Member in the Professional Growth Phase may displace a Faculty Member in the Professional Growth with Assistance Phase and the Beginning Phase. A Faculty Member in the Professional Growth with Assistance Phase may displace a Faculty Member in the Beginning Phase.
5. Within the phases, a Faculty Member with the most in-School District seniority has seniority rights. In order for displacement to occur, a Faculty Member must currently be in the Professional Growth with Assistance Phase for at least one (1) year.
6. A Faculty Member with multiple certifications may displace another Faculty Member in a different department or grade level in which both are certified under any of these conditions:
a. the to-be-displaced Faculty Member is in a lower evaluation rating category, or b. the to-be-displaced Faculty Member is in the same evaluation rating category and has fewer years in the School District.
7. In case of a tie (i.e., Faculty Members in the same rating category and have the same number of years in the School District), the decision shall be made by the Administration in the order of priority as follows:
a. date of nomination, b. date of contract signature,
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. 1. Whenever possible, loss of employment for employees shall be avoided by demotion or temporary work assignments in other areas of the Department. Laid off or demoted employees shall be placed on a one (1) year priority list from the layoff or demotion date. Within that one-year period employees on this list shall be recalled or re-promoted to their former positions as soon as a vacancy or new position becomes available. The employees shall be recalled or re-promoted from a reverse chronological order (e.g., most recent employee laid off or demoted shall be first recalled or re-promoted) This list may be extended upon approval of the City Administrator.
2. Employees notified of recall shall have up to fourteen (14) business days to return to work. Once an employee is recalled or re-promoted, his/her seniority shall be based on their original hire/promotion date.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. 376 A. In the event it becomes necessary in the Board’s opinion to reduce the number of 377 teachers due to reasons of economy, program elimination or reduction, declining 378 enrollment in a given grade level, given subject area, or because of the consolidation or 379 elimination of positions or programs, the basis for the decision to terminate a teacher or 380 teachers shall be in accordance with the following: 381 1. Reductions will first be accomplished by attrition, such as resignations, retirements 382 or probationary status. Teachers who have yet to obtain continuing contract status 383 under RSA 189:14-a and any experienced educator who has been placed on a Formal 384 Assistance Plan (FAP) as outlined in the Supervision and Professional Development 385 Model who has not shown acceptable progress in six (6) months on the plan will be 386 included in this pool of probationary teachers and considered for the reduction in force.
REDUCTION IN FORCE POLICY. 403 A. In the event it becomes necessary in the Board’s opinion to reduce the number of 404 teachers due to reasons of economy, program elimination or reduction, declining 405 enrollment in a given grade level, given subject area, or because of the consolidation or 406 elimination of positions or programs, the basis for the decision to terminate a teacher or 407 teachers shall be in accordance with the following: