Reduction in Professional Staff. 1) Where it is determined by the Division that a lay-off is necessary and where natural attrition, transfers, sabbaticals and leaves of absence do not affect the necessary reduction in staff, the Division shall give first consideration to retaining teachers having the greatest length of service to the Division.
2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Division shall have the right to disregard the length of service of any teacher in the event of a layoff, if such teacher does not have the necessary training, academic qualifications or experience for a specific teaching assignment.
Reduction in Professional Staff. When staff reductions among certificated personnel are necessitated by a decrease in enrollment, budgetary restrictions, or phasing out of programs, reductions shall be made first by reverse order of seniority within the area of teacher certification, and then consideration shall be given to academic program needs by subject area or grade level. All certificated personnel terminated for the reasons stated above shall be re-employed in order of system seniority within their area(s) of certification as vacancies occur and consistent with Title 49 of Tennessee Code Annotated. (1999)
Reduction in Professional Staff. A. The Board may make a reasonable reduction, pursuant to Section O.R.C 3319.17 of the Ohio Revised Code.
B. A reduction in force (RIF) will have occurred when the Employer reduces, eliminates or fails to fill a bargaining unit position. A RIF will only occur for the following reasons:
1. By reason of a building, grade level or district-wide decrease in student enrollment from the previous year or years.
2. By reason of the return to duty of a regular teacher after a leave of absence.
3. Due to reasonable budgetary or financial reasons.
4. By reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the district.
C. When the Board determines it necessary to reduce the number of PSM positions, the following procedures will apply:
1. The number of PSMs affected by a reduction in force will be minimized by not employing replacements for employees who retire, resign, die or whose limited contracts are not renewed. No PSM’s contract will be non-renewed for the purpose of reduction in force. Attrition alone may not be sufficient to accomplish necessary reductions.
2. Reductions needed beyond those available by attrition will be made by suspending contracts as follows:
Reduction in Professional Staff. Where it is determined by the Board that a layoff is necessary and where natural attrition does not affect the necessary reduction in staff, the Board shall give first consideration to retaining teachers having the greatest length of with the Board, considering also, the needs of the Division and of each particular school. total length of employment the Division total recognized teaching experience in Manitoba total teaching experience as recognized by the if all of the above are equal, the teacher to be declared surplus shall be determined by the committee as set forth in
Reduction in Professional Staff. 12.1 Definition Reduction in teaching staff shall mean that the total number of teaching staff of the system must be reduced due to any of the following reasons:
A. Consistent decrease in student enrollment
B. Changes in curriculum C. Severe financial conditions
Reduction in Professional Staff. 18.1 Staff Adjustment 61 18.2 General Notification of Potential Reduction 61 18.3 Decision-Making Process 61 18.4 Alternatives to Reduction in Force 61 18.5 Reduction Process 61 18.5.1 Initial Reductions 62 18.5.2 Additional Reductions 62 18.6 Notice of Proposed Reduction 62 18.7 Right to Grievance 62 18.8 Re-Employment Rights 62 18.8.1 Eligibility for Recall 62 18.8.2 Recall Period 63 18.8.3 Sequence of Recall 63 18.8.4 Notice of Recall 63 18.8.5 Benefits 63
Reduction in Professional Staff. 332.1 When the Board has determined that teaching positions must be eliminated, such reductions shall first be dealt with by way of normal staff attrition.
Reduction in Professional Staff. 1. Should any situation exist making it necessary for the Pomfret Board of Education to reduce the number of teachers, determination of those who are to be released is to be made in the order listed below:
a) Vacancies due to retirement or resignations are to be considered before release takes place.
Reduction in Professional Staff. 32.1 When the Board has determined that teaching positions must be eliminated, such reductions shall first be dealt with by way of normal staff attrition.
32.2 When additional reductions are required, determination of those teachers who are to be terminated is to be in the following order:
a. non-tenured teachers;
b. tenured teachers holding Provisional Educator Certificates;
c. tenured teachers holding Professional Educator Certificates.
32.3 In the event that tenure and certification status are found not to be definitive enough, the following criteria shall be used within each level in the following order:
a. total contractual experience in the system;
b. experience in position in the system;
c. total experience in position in any district;
d. total experience in any district; e. degree status;
Reduction in Professional Staff. The following shall apply whenever the Committee deems that a reduction in the professional staff is advisable:
A. Positions will be the determining factor for what will be eliminated, and not the teachers who occupy those positions.
B. Teachers without Professional Teacher Status (non-PTS) holding eliminated positions will be laid off first. Teachers with Professional Teacher Status (PTS) holding eliminated positions will be laid off following the criteria listed below in Sections C, E, F, and G.
C. Positions will be eliminated from the groupings based on certification.
D. If there is more than one (1) teacher without Professional Teacher Status in the position being considered for reduction, the following criteria will be used in making the decision of whom to lay off. The criteria are, in order of importance:
1. Performance in Job: A recommendation will be made by the Superintendent subsequent to recommendations by the Principal based on the evaluations of the teacher.
2. Versatility of the Teacher: Preference will be given to a teacher who has the ability and certification to teach in more than one area, if needed, and whose degree status and professional development indicate professional growth.
3. Longevity of the Teacher in the North Andover Public Schools: The criteria for determining longevity will be the first working day in the school system and then the date of employment. If the date of employment is the same for two (2) or more teachers, the date and order of hiring will be used as the determining criteria.
E. If a reduction in the teaching staff results in a teacher with Professional Teacher Status being laid off, then junior teachers will be laid off within their discipline first if the criteria delineated in Section E2 below are approximately equal. When a reduction in force in Professional Teacher Status personnel is to occur it shall first occur by attrition such as retirement or voluntary termination. Transfer to a vacant position shall be made to avoid the termination of a teacher due to a reduction in force, provided, however, the teacher to be transferred is licensed to perform the duties of the vacant position. In the event of a reduction in force of Professional Teacher Status personnel the following procedure shall apply:
1. No teacher with PTS will be dismissed due to a reduction in force if there is a non-PTS teacher holding a position which the teacher with Professional Teacher Status is licensed to fill.
2. In the event a teac...