Reduction of Teaching Staff. 17.5.1 In the event that a reduction in teaching staff is necessary, the Board will seek to effect this reduction through attrition.
17.5.2 Where a reduction in teaching staff and system program cuts cannot be achieved by attrition, system seniority will be the sole determining factor.
17.5.3 Teachers subject to termination shall be offered involuntary leave based on the agreement between the Association and the Board included as Appendix “C”.
17.5.4 Teachers shall be offered involuntary leaves based on seniority. Those teachers who choose not to accept an involuntary leave shall be terminated in accordance with Board policy and the School Act. Employees who take the involuntary leave shall be eligible for recall based on field of employment (as determined by Staffing) and secondly on seniority within the field of employment. Refer to Appendix “C” of this agreement for guidelines relating to involuntary leaves.
Reduction of Teaching Staff.
20.01 The Employer may reduce teaching staff in the Collegiate:
(a) when substantial and recurring financial deficits have occurred or are projected to continue for at least two (2) consecutive years, which affect the total Collegiate budget and which threaten the solvency of the Collegiate as a whole, or
(b) where enrollment in a course or courses makes it unfeasible to continue to offer the course or courses, or it becomes necessary to combine course assignments, and
(c) when natural attrition, study leaves, resignations and retirements are not sufficient to effect the necessary staff reduction.
(d) when a Collegiate administrator re-enters the bargaining unit. Implementation of a reduction in teaching staff with tenured or probationary appointments shall be subject to the provisions of Clauses 20.04 and 20.05.
20.02 Reduction of teaching staff for reasons of Clause 20.01 (a) above shall occur only after efforts to alleviate the financial insolvency by economies in all other segments of the budget have been undertaken and after all reasonable means of improving the Collegiate's revenues.
20.03 Where reduction of teaching staff appears necessary, the Association shall be invited to consult with the Xxxx of Collegiate and the President prior to November 15th to discuss possible action, the reasons for it, and possible alternatives and solutions for the next academic year.
20.04 Prior to implementing any layoff, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to secure alternate employment, including administrative positions, in the Collegiate/University for Members. Members accepting such alternate employment shall retain all benefits and privileges as specified by this Collective Agreement. The Employer shall provide all reasonable support, including professional placement service consultants, leaves with or without salary, and release time for training courses for Members prepared to train for such alternate employment.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. 1. In the event the Board decides that the number of the Teachers must be reduced, the following guidelines will be followed. Reduction will be accomplished by the following steps:
a. attrition due to retirements and/or resignations;
b. non-renewal of non-tenured teachers;
c. a determination by the Board (as outlined below).
2. To determine the number of teaching positions to be reduced, the administrative staff will ascertain the educational program for the District to meet the educational goals established by the Board. The number of teachers needed to implement the District’s educational program will then be determined by the administrative staff based on those educational goals as determined by the Board.
3. All teachers will be evaluated in relation to the educational goals of the District using the rubric contained in the Appendix of this Agreement.
4. In the event two or more tenured teachers competing for the same position receive the same score on the rubric, the teacher that was employed first, provided the service has been uninterrupted, shall be retained.)
5. Any certified employee who has not been re-employed as a result of reduction of Professional Employees shall be considered for re-employment if vacancies exist for which the teacher would qualify.
6. It shall be the responsibility of the Professional Employee to notify the District of his/her address and teaching positions desired. In order to be notified of possible re-employment, the application must be made within thirty (30) days after the employee received a non- renewal notice. The Board shall not be required to consider reinstatement of any such employee after a period of one year from the date of non-renewal.
7. Due process rights are not waived by the policy.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. In the event the board decides the size of the teaching staff must be reduced, guidelines in the following proposal will be followed. Insofar as possible, reduction will be accomplished by attrition due to resignations and retirement. The following steps will be utilized by the district’s administrative staff: To determine the number of teaching positions to be reduced, the administrative staff will ascertain the educational program for the district to meet the educational goals established by the board. The number of teachers needed to implement the district’s educational program will then be determined by the administrative staff based on those educational goals as determined by the board. All teachers will be evaluated in relation to the educational goals of the district. Individual qualifications and specific skill areas or disciplines shall be ascertained and applied to the teacher needs of the district. Evaluation forms, instruments or tools will be used to measure each staff member’s teaching ability. In the event two or more teachers have similar qualifications, skills and teaching abilities in a teaching area deemed necessary to fulfill the district’s educational goals, the superintendent shall recommend a more experienced teacher before recommending a less experienced teacher for the position in question. Any certified employee who has not been re-employed as a result of reduction of the teaching staff shall be considered for re-employment if a vacancy exists for which the teacher would qualify. The superintendent will recommend to the board reinstatement of any such teacher whom he deems qualified and able to serve the best interests of the district. The board shall not be required to consider reinstatement of any such teacher after a period of one year from the date of non- renewal.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. 16.2.1. The following conditions shall not be deemed to be an extension of a teacher’s individual contract which has been terminated:
Reduction of Teaching Staff. Preservation of the educational program for children and youth must be the primary consideration in any staff reduction. If the Board decides that the size of the Professional Employee staff must be reduced, the Superintendent is responsible to implement a staff reduction plan as directed by the Board. The number of positions to be reduced shall be in accordance with the educational goals established by the Board. In such an event, reduction plans shall proceed in accordance with the following guidelines:
X. Xxxxxxx as possible the reduction of Professional Employees shall be accomplished by attrition due to resignations and retirement.
B. Reduction of Professional Employees shall be made on a District-wide basis rather than building by building.
C. Those Professional Employees who are tenured will be retained over those who are non- tenured.
D. The non-renewal for tenured Professional Employees will be in accordance with Kansas Due Process Law.
E. The Superintendent will make a recommendation to the Board for renewal or non-renewal based on certifications, qualifications, training, skills, evaluations, and recommendations by building administrators and professional preparation as related to his/her subject area.
F. If tenured Professional Employees have the same number of years’ service in the District and similar certifications, qualifications, training, skills and evaluations, the Professional Employee who best meets the needs of the District as determined by the Superintendent and the Board, will be retained.
X. A Professional Employee who may be eligible for reemployment must notify the District of his or her current address.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. 20.01 The Employer may reduce teaching staff in the Collegiate:
(a) when substantial and recurring financial deficits have occurred or are projected to continue for at least two (2) consecutive years, which affect the total Collegiate budget and which threaten the solvency of the Collegiate as a whole, or
(b) where enrollment in a course or courses makes it unfeasible to continue to offer the course or courses, or it becomes necessary to combine course assignments, and
(c) when natural attrition, study leaves, resignations and retirements are not sufficient to effect the necessary staff reduction.
(d) when a Collegiate administrator re-enters the bargaining unit. Implementation of a reduction in teaching staff with tenured or probationary appointments shall be subject to the provisions of Clauses 20.04 and 20.05.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. The Board shall determine the necessity and extent of reduction in staff members after receiving the recommendation of the Superintendent and appropriate administrative personnel. Before making the recommendation, the administration will seek input from the certified staff of USD 352. This recommendation shall be made on or before the third Friday in May.
Reduction of Teaching Staff. 10.1. Tenure - All reductions in force of certified staff will be done in accordance with State statute
10.2. Seniority - If a vacancy occurs within one calendar year from the beginning of the school term following a reduction-in-force, the Board shall tender the vacant position to the honorably dismissed tenured teacher with the greater seniority who is legally qualified to hold the position. For purposes of this article seniority shall be defined as follows:
10.2.1. Seniority is the continuous length of full-time District-wide service, commencing with the date of employment by the Board of Education. Seniority as a regular part-time tenured teacher shall accrue pro-rata, based upon the number of days and hours contracted for between the teacher and the District.
10.2.2. Seniority terminates upon the following: (a) resignation, (b) dismissal for cause,
Reduction of Teaching Staff. SECTION A: