ARTICLE SENIORITY. When reducing the working force of employees, plant-wide seniority will be the guiding factor so long as it does not prevent the company from maintaining a working force of employees who are capable and willing to do the work which is available. employees within the department will normally be the first to be laid off. Any employee with seniority who is displaced due to a layoff off more than two days may elect to bump the junior employee in another department with less seniority, so long as it does not prevent the Company from maintaining a working force of employees who are capable and willing to do the work which is available at the scheduled rate for the job. The Company reserves the right to decide the work assignment of an employee who elects to exercise paragraph In cases of promotion, demotion, up-grading or transfer of employees, the skill, ability, and physical fitness of the employee for the job shall be the governing factors and where these are relatively equal, plant seniority will be the governing factor. When the company decides to fill a vacancy, such vacancy shall be posted for three (3) working days. Employees interested in filing the vacancy shall sign the posting within three working days. Applications will be considered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph Vacancies will be filled from within the department; however, in the event that the vacancy cannot be filled from within the department, the vacancy will be filled on a plant wide basis. Should this not satisfy the vacancy, the Company will hire from outside. The term as used in this Article, shall mean a permanent vacancy that occurs from retirement, resignation, transfer, discharge, a new job with an existing classification, or a new classification, and which the Company decides to fill or where the requirement for employees exceeds the number of employees in a department on a permanent basis. If the employee fails to meet the requirements of the job or wishes to relinquish the new position, will be returned to their former postion. The successful applicant on a job posting may not apply on a subsequent posting for a period of months from the date of the final selection, unless posting for a higher rated position. If posting for a higher rated position, the successful applicant may not apply on a subsequent posting for a period of months. A two step posting procedure shall be used. The job shall be posted, and the vacancy created by filling the original job if it is highe...
ARTICLE SENIORITY. The purpose of seniority is to provide a policy governing work preference, lay-offs and recalls. In the event of a lay-off, the Company shall consider:
ARTICLE SENIORITY. Seniority shall be established on a departmental basis and may be exercised only to the extent specifically set agreement. Although departments may be established, eliminated or changed by the Company, at the time of signing of this Agreement there existed the following departments: Cutting Sewing Comforters Alliance Janitorial (both locations) Shipping (both locations) Receiving (both locations) Seniority to promotions, transfers, layoffs, and recalls, shall be subject to interchangeable skills, and shall be consistent with the provisions of Article of the Collective Agreement. Seniority lists will be established on a departmental basis and designate the classification of each employee with the exception of "floaters" whose seniority shall be on a plant wide basis. Seniority lists shall be revised every six (6) months and posted with a copy to the Union. A new employee shall be on probation until after he has worked for the Company for a total period of sixty (60) working days. If retained, his seniority will then be dated from the day he commenced work for the Company and will accumulate thereafter. The layoff discharge of a probationary employee not be the subject of a grievance. The following conduct constitutes reasonable cause for discharge and seniority shall cease (and the employee's employment terminated) if an voluntarily leaves the employ of the Company; is discharged, and such discharge is not reversedthrough the Grievance Procedure; having less than one year's seniority with the Company at the time of layoff, is laid off for a continuous period greater than six (6) months. A return to work for a period less than ten consecutive days will count as a continuous layoff; having seniority with the Company of more than one year at the time of layoff, for a period greater than twelve
ARTICLE SENIORITY. Seniority is defined as the length of service in the bargaining unit, subject to the provisions in this Article, and shall include service with the Employer prior to the certification or recognition of the Union, measured from the date of last hire. All seniority, illness, vacation and like credits obtained under this agreement shall be retained and transferred with the member if she changes her status from full-time to hourly and vice-versa.
ARTICLE SENIORITY. On the date of completion of his employment, an employee shall have One Hundred and Eighty (180) days seniority in the Company and thereafter shall accrue seniority as provided herein. Subject to Section and an employee’s seniority shall pertain solely to his classification. The classifications which the parties hereto have agreed upon for this purpose are listed in Article Should any employee be permanently transferred from one classification to another classification, his seniority shall continue to pertain to his old classification for a period of thirty (30) calendar days after which if the transfer remains in effect, his seniority shall pertain to his new Employees temporarily transferred to a higher classification shall not accrue seniority in that classification for the temporary period, but shall receive the rate of pay for such classification and shall receive first consideration for permanent promotion in that job. Temporary transfers shall be for periods not longer than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days.
ARTICLE SENIORITY. An employee shall be considered to be probationaryand will not have any seniority until he has completed six calendar months of service with the Authority after which his name will be placed on the seniority list and the employee's seniority will date back to the date of his last hiring; provided that temporary employees shall not acquire seniority. Notwithstanding the above, probationary employees will be entitled to benefits after ninety (90) calendar days of service. No grievance may be submitted concerning the termination of employment, lay-off or disciplining of a probationary employee or a temporary employee mentioned in Article Two seniority lists will be maintained; one for full-time employees and one for part-time employees. The seniority date for a full-time employee will be the date of hire as a full-time employee, and the seniority date for a part-time employee will be the date of hire as a part-time employee. Seniority lists will be updated annually, with copies posted on the bulletin board and given to the Union. In all cases of lay-offs, recalls, promotions, filling of vacancies or new jobs (other than to appointment of positions outside of the bargaining unit) and demotions, the following factors shall be considered:
ARTICLE SENIORITY. An employee will be on probation and will not have any seniority with the Company until after he has completed three hundred and sixty (360) regular working hours from his date of hiring. Seniority will then date back to the date he was hired. if, however, a probationary employee is laid off and is re-hired after lay-off within a period of three (3) consecutive calendar months, he will be given credit for time worked toward completion of his probation period.. When an employee completes his probation period, his seniority will date back three hundred and sixty (360) regular working hours. All probationary employees shall be classified as temporary and they will benefit from all rights of this Collective Labour Agreement. However, Articles to, (Paid Holidays) and Articles to (Insurance Program) will become effective after the completion of three hundred and sixty (360) regular working hours by an employee.
ARTICLE SENIORITY. The Employer shall supply the Union with an up-to-date seniority list in the month of January and July of each year of this agreement. Such list is to contain names of employees and the seniority date of each employee who has completed the probationary period.
ARTICLE SENIORITY. For all provisions of this Agreement, seniority shall commence and accumulate from the date on which a nurse was last employed by the Employer and shall be recorded in number of hours paid. A newly employed nurse shall be considered a probationary nurse until has completed six (6) months continuous service for Full-Time nurses, or hours or twelve months continuous service, whichever comes first for part-time service. A seniority list of nurses save and except probationary and casual nurses showing each nurse's name and professionalcategory and revised yearly as to length of service shall be sent to the Association by March 1st of each year and immediately prior to any lay-off. The list shall be by the Employer and the Association by the 1st of May in each and every year. A list of probationary and casual nurses as of January in each year will be sent to the Association by May of each year. In the case of lay-off or recall, seniority shall be the deciding factor. The Employer will meet with the Association two (2)months before the proposed lay-off. In the event of recall, the Employer shall the nurses by registered mail at the last recorded address by the Employer and the nurse shall the Employerwithin ten days from date of mailing of her intention to return. Probationary and casual nurses shall be laid off first. Seniority shall be retained and accumulated when a nurse is absent work under the following circumstances:
ARTICLE SENIORITY. Section An employee hired directly will be considered on probation until after has completed ninety (90) calendar days of employment. In the case of employees who have achieved four hundred (400) hours, through an agency, these employees will be considered on probations until after has completed thirty (30) days. If the Employer decides to terminate an employee at any time during the employee’s probationary period, for any reason whatsoever, such action by the Employer shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures and does not constitute a difference between the parties. Section Upon successful completion of such probationary period, the employee’s name will be place on the seniority list and credit shall be given since the date of last hire. Seniority rights, as created by this Agreement, exist only to the extent expressed herein and do not survive beyond the terms of this Agreement. Seniority shall not prohibit the Company from discontinuing its operation, in whole or in part. It will also not prohibit the Company from discontinuing a job classification or rearranging duties within a classification. The purpose of seniority is to provide a policy governing job transfers, overtime selection, lay-offs and recalls. Section Within one (1) month of signing this Collective Agreement, and every three (3) months of each year thereafter, the Employer shall prepare and post seniority lists of all regular employees showing the employee’s seniority according to the records of the Employer, a copy of such list will be sent to the Union Business Representative. Seniority, as posted, shall be deemed to be final and not subject to complaint unless such complaint is made in writing within fifteen