Regular Bus Routes. 1. Once a route has been established and approved by the Transportation Supervisor's Office, it must be followed daily, unless a change is approved. Exception of p.m. routes may be made when some students are not riding, or are walking home.
2. All drivers shall continue to hold their run(s) from year to year or until a new run or vacancy occurs in which they wish to apply for. If a new run or vacancy in a current run becomes available, it shall be posted in accordance with the posting procedure in Article 11.
3. Bus drivers shall be given medical history of students when necessary for the safety or protection of the student.
4. Kindergarten trips and shuttle runs will be awarded to full time regular drivers by seniority and availability. Once a driver has been awarded one of the above trips by acquiring the necessary seniority, he/she shall retain the trip so long as he/she desires it and as long as his/her work performance is satisfactory. If a regular driver gives up the regular trip for another job, the extra trip is also relinquished for the same night.
5. Drivers are required to make map routes and keep them current.
6. In order to ensure the safety of students, provide consistency of service and maintain rules and expectations of students, the parties agree that regular drivers will not substitute for the A.M. Career Center run. Regular drivers will however be allowed to substitute on a rotating basis according to seniority for the P.M. Career Center run.
Regular Bus Routes. 1. All regular bus routes (including kindergarten routes) shall be posted and filled in accordance with Article 24 of this Agreement.
2. Every driver, excluding unassigned drivers as defined in Paragraph 6 below, shall have a regular scheduled run. The runs shall be guaranteed as follows:
a. Full-time 4.5 hours per day; b. Part-time 2.25 hours per day.
3. The time calculated for runs (4.5 hours and 2.25 hours) shall include:
a. loading time;
b. thirty (30) minutes for pre-trip inspection and cleaning time;
c. dead head time. If any run exceeds the guaranteed run hours on a regular basis, the Board will either restructure the route or pay the driver for the time in excess of the guaranteed run time. A driver with a kindergarten route shall have the option of keeping or giving up the kindergarten route for the next school year. The driver must notify his/her supervisor by June 15 if he/she is opting to give up the route. All such waived routes shall be posted in accordance with Article 24. If no driver bids for the kindergarten route, the Board shall have the right to assign the route to the least senior driver (full- or part-time).
4. The Board may permit drivers of handicapped routes to have the option of taking their buses home.
5. The District shall have the right to hire one (1) or more unassigned driver(s). The driver(s) shall not be assigned to a regular and/or kindergarten route. Unassigned driver(s) shall have the right to be placed on the extra trip rotation list. The driver(s) will be used to substitute for absent drivers. When possible, unassigned driver(s) shall be used to fill the routes of regular drivers who waive their routes or a portion of their routes to drive extra trips. No regular route driver may be involuntarily transferred to the position of unassigned driver. All unassigned drivers shall be guaranteed 4.5 hours of work per day for full-time drivers and 2.25 hours of work per day for part-time drivers.
Regular Bus Routes. 1. The drivers agree that they will maintain, schedule and assign all regular bus routes, subject to the general direction of the Superintendent or his designee.
2. Once the bidding for bus routes has been completed, there shall be no major changes made to the routes. Should any major change occur, all bus routes shall be re-bid.
3. Regular drivers shall assist with bus routes in an effort to solve routine problems. Drivers will be paid up to sixteen hours to develop routes with schedule approved by supervisor.
4. In the event a new route is established which necessitates the use of additional bus(es), or an existing route becomes vacant or is to be filled due to a resignation, retirement, or termination of an employee, said route(s) shall be in accordance with Section 6.5 Vacancies and Job Posting. Such new routes shall be considered a permanent route after a period of twenty days.
5. All regular bus drivers shall normally be scheduled to work not less than four and one quarter (4.33) hours per day. The TCTC run shall be five and one quarter (5.33) hours per day unless charter school students are transported; in such case, the TCTC run shall be six (6) hours per day. When the charter school is not in session or the charter school student calls off sick, the TCTC run shall revert to five and one quarter (5.33) hours. As long as the TCTC run has normally been six (6) hours, the TCTC driver shall be paid six (6) hours for holidays, calamity days, sick days, and personal days. Time for safety checks, pre and post inspections, sweeping, etc., is included in this time. All bus drivers shall be required to keep their school-provided cell phones or radios on during runs.
6. By the third week of each school year, the drivers shall be given the list of students who will be riding their bus along with the notation of illness, handicaps and allergies after their name. All drivers shall be responsible for making seating charts.
7. In the event the Employer determines it necessary to utilize a driver to coordinate transportation secretarial duties in the bus garage, such amount of secretarial time will be posted and bid in a manner similar to the bidding of kindergarten runs and work the following times.
8. Bus Drivers who normally drive or non-public trips when the Xxxxxx Schools are not in session will be paid only for the time that they drive with a minimum of two hours for each A.M. and P.M. run.
Regular Bus Routes. A regular route is made up of all the runs assigned to one driver/transportation assistant for a particular day exclusive of mid-day routes. All bus contracts, except for pre-school drivers/pre-school transportation assistant, will be a 186 day contract. (Revised 2015)
Regular Bus Routes. To the extent possible, regular bus routes will be equalized according to the following criteria:
1. The number of pupils;
2. Capacity of the bus;
3. Total length of time required to complete the bus route. Any bargaining unit employee may apply for any posted position. Positions will be awarded on the basis of the needs of the District, an employee’s credentials, prior work performance, seniority, number of previous transfers, and other relevant factors, including legal requirements. Shuttle runs are regularly scheduled bus routes that occur during the school day from one (1) educational facility to another educational facility. Shuttle runs will be paid at the driver's regular hourly rate for actual time driven to the nearest quarter hour.
Regular Bus Routes a. All bus routes shall be posted and selected annually by drivers on the basis of seniority during the bus drivers/bus monitors beginning of the year meeting, subject to the approval of the Director of Maintenance & Transportation. Drivers will maintain those routes during the course of the school year unless it is determined by the Director of Maintenance & Transportation that a situation exists whereby the health and safety of those on the bus may be at risk. Every effort will first be made to remedy the situation unless it is non-remedial.
b. When a regular daily run needs to be filled due to short notice of driver/monitor absence the Director of Maintenance & Transportation or Designee will determine who goes on that route for that day.
c. All routes will have predetermined run times assigned to them. These run times will be set by the Director of Maintenance & Transportation or Designee prior to the beginning of the year route meeting. If a run exceeds predetermined time, it will be addressed by the driver and Director and will be reexamined. The final determination of run time rests with the Director.
d. The Director of Maintenance & Transportation or Designee should be notified at least 60 minutes prior to the start of the driver/monitors run if the driver/monitor will not be in attendance for the run. Allowance shall be made due to unforeseen emergencies, which would not have allowed an hour notification. Failure to communicate will be considered a no call/no show and will result in loss of afternoon run/time as well. Any P.M. no call/no show, will result in driver/monitor losing the following A.M. run/time.
Regular Bus Routes. A regular run is the transporting of students from one location (home or school) to another and returning those same students to their pickup location on a regularly scheduled basis. A combined elementary and secondary run with different departure times will be considered a “double” run and will be posted as such. The exception to the regular bus routes is through the use of a shuttle run. A “shuttle run” is time added to either the beginning or the end of a driver’s regular run for the purpose of transporting children home from school, to school, or in between school buildings. A shuttle run driver may be different than the students’ regular run driver. A shuttle run may not be more than thirty (30) minutes of added time per run. Some vocational education runs may require delivering students to one session and returning students from a previous session. In addition to pickup and drop off of students, a regular run includes vehicle safety checks before each run, cleaning the interior of vehicles and exterior mirrors after each run, and the fueling of vehicles when necessary. The time for safety check and clean-up will normally not exceed twenty (20) minutes. When possible at the start of the each year, drivers will be returned to the they had the previous year.
Regular Bus Routes. Daily a.m. and p.m. regular bus runs that equal a minimum accumulated total of 2 hours per run.
Regular Bus Routes. Payments for the Regular Bus Routes (as specified in Appendix A, Section A) shall be made to the CARRIER in ten (10) equal and automatic payments. The checks will be cut in the first check run of each month beginning in September and ending in June and mailed within five (5) days. The check run schedule will be sent to the CARRIER by July 15th of each year.
Regular Bus Routes. Provide nineteen (19) 71+ passenger buses. Distribution of spare buses shall be at the discretion of the DISTRICT for regular transportation. The nineteen (19) regularly scheduled buses do approximately 38 runs each morning and afternoon for grades kindergarten (k) through twelve (12).