Sabbaticals Sample Clauses
Sabbaticals. A. Policy. Sabbaticals for professional development are to be made available to employees who meet the requirements set forth below. Such sabbaticals are granted to increase an employee's value to the University through enhanced opportunities for professional renewal, planned travel, study, formal education, research, writing, or other experience of professional value, not as a reward for service.
Sabbaticals. The University endorses sabbaticals as a means of encouraging continuous professional development and productive scholarship, which will be mutually beneficial to the academic staff member and the institution. A member may apply for, or the University may offer, a sabbatical. The University shall grant annually a limited number of sabbaticals in keeping with its responsibilities. Such sabbaticals shall not be withheld unreasonably.
Sabbaticals. Eligible regular faculty members (as defined in Article 15) shall be eligible for sabbaticals as described in this Section.
Sabbaticals. 13.1 In recognition of the fact that full-time faculty members are required to develop as researchers, scholars and teachers throughout their careers, the University maintains a sabbatical policy. Sabbaticals are granted for the purpose of academic study, research and/or scholarly writing and the widening of professional contacts which will be mutually beneficial to the faculty member and the University. Sabbaticals are an essential part of the academic cycle. Sabbatical leave shall not be automatic.
13.2 Faculty on sabbatical do not have a reduction in workload, and are expected to be fully engaged in scholarly activity. Therefore, workload during the sabbatical period shall be redistributed such that the main focus is scholarly activity. Members may not teach or accept any other paid employment during the 6 or 12 months they are on sabbatical without written permission of the Academic Xxxx. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
13.3 Faculty members shall accrue one sabbatical credit per year of service. A faculty member’s years of service for the purpose of sabbatical credits shall be calculated from the date of first full-time appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher and from the first day of resumption of regular duties following the completion of a sabbatical. Additionally, faculty may be given one year’s credit for every three (3) years of full-time service at the rank of Lecturer (full-time) up to a maximum of two years’ credit (six (6) years of service). Sabbatical credits do not accrue while the faculty member is on sabbatical, Academic Leave, Personal Leave, or Political Leave. Credits continue to accrue at the normal rate of one (1) per year for Pregnancy Leave, Parental and Adoption Leave, Leaves for Jury or Witness Duty, and Bereavement Leave. Members who have been appointed directly from a position at another University may be granted a maximum of three (3) sabbatical credits for service at the other University. Any credits beyond zero (0) must be agreed upon at the time of the Member’s appointment and must be stated in the Member’s Letter of Appointment.
Sabbaticals. Full-time tenured or permanent-status faculty may apply for one (1) fully or partially compensated quarter after seven years of continuous employment. The availability of sabbaticals is dependent on funding for this purpose.
Sabbaticals. The parties agree that research and development programs are intended to advance the abilities of faculty members and to strengthen the university as well. Such programs contribute significantly to the quality and success of research universities. Sabbaticals are granted to tenured faculty members to permit them to engage in intensive programs of research and/or study. Sabbaticals constitute a research assignment and are granted to faculty members to enable them to further their research or other creative activities, to improve teaching skills, to enhance the university’s distinction and a faculty member’s value to the university. Sabbaticals are granted in a process described in this Article.
Sabbaticals. 1. After being employed for seven (7) consecutive, complete school years, a unit member is eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave of absence not to exceed a school year, or two separate semesters in separate six (6)-month periods.
2. Applicants for sabbatical leave must submit their request no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the school year in which the leave is requested. Unit members will be notified of the decision by May 1. Subsequent to the Superintendent's recommendation, the Board of Education may grant leave depending on the benefit of the proposed leave to the educational process.
3. Unit members on sabbatical leave will receive fifty percent (50%) of their regular salary and medical and dental benefits equivalent to other full-time employees. The unit member returning from sabbatical leave shall receive the same consideration for assignments as if he/she were not on leave. The replacement for a member on sabbatical leave shall be on temporary assignment.
4. The terms and conditions of the leave shall be agreed upon in writing, and shall include, but not be limited to: an indemnification bond for failure to successfully complete the sabbatical program or to render the necessary post-leave service; a stipulation to a post-leave service of not less than two (2) full years for a full year of leave and one (1) full year for a one-half (1/2) year leave; the description of the sabbatical program; and appropriate reporting procedures as may be designated by the Superintendent.
5. When fiscal conditions permit, the District shall grant three (3) sabbatical leaves yearly that have met the approval of the Board of Education but may grant more.
Sabbaticals. No sabbatical leave shall be granted with pay. Sabbatical leaves without pay may be granted at the discretion of the board. Any employee desiring a sabbatical leave shall file written application with his principal or supervisor at least 90 days prior to the first day of the requested leave. The application shall be in writing on a form prescribed by the superintendent and shall explain in detail the length of the desired leave, the purpose of the desired leave and the applicant's reasons why the leave will be of benefit to the district. The superintendent shall present the request to the board at its next regular or special meeting together with his recommendation. No sabbatical leave shall be granted for a period longer than the one semester. The employee receiving a sabbatical leave shall be entitled to all of the rights and privileges of employment he would have received had he performed his regularly contracted functions during the period of such leave, except that salary shall be discretionary with the board.
Sabbaticals. Each Association Member shall be eligible for an in-year sabbatical; only one Association Member may be absent for this purpose in any one school year. This benefit provides for the Association Member to receive three quarters (3/4) pay for the full year’s sabbatical. Association Members shall receive this benefit only once during the term of their employment with the Mahwah Public Schools. Sabbatical proposals are subject to review by the Superintendent or his designee and are subject to the approval of both the Superintendent and the Board of Education. Sabbaticals shall be frozen, not granted, for the duration of this agreement.
Sabbaticals. 40.1 Effective at the beginning of the Fall, 1997 academic semester, ten (10) full-year sabbaticals at half- pay per year, and four