Safeguarding Sample Clauses
Safeguarding. The Local Authority has overarching responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people in their area. They have a number of statutory functions under the 1989 and 2004 Children Acts which make this clear, and the ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2015 guidance1 sets these out in detail.
Safeguarding. 3.1. The LA has overarching responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people in their area. They have statutory functions under the 1989 and 2004 Children Acts which make it clear, and the ‘Working Together to safeguard Children’ 2018 guidance sets these out in detail.
3.2. The provider must follow the EYFS and have clear safeguarding policies and procedures in place that are in line with the LA guidance and procedures for responding to and reporting suspected or actual abuse and neglect. A lead practitioner must take responsibility for safeguarding and all staff must have training to identify signs of abuse and neglect. The provider must have regard to ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2018 guidance.
3.3. The LA has set the following safeguarding criteria for childcare providers as a condition of funding: • All childcare providers must sign up to the identified agreement protocols as set out in the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements, these may include but not be limited to; the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) compact (and future safeguarding children’s partnership arrangements), to receive Public Protection Notices (PPN) and Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) and the Dorset Information Sharing Charter (DISC). • Providers are required to complete and return an Annual Safeguarding/Inclusion Self- Assessment. Follow up visits or phone calls may be undertaken by the Early Years Team to support providers with developing their safeguarding and inclusion practice. This process should support providers with their ongoing self-evaluation. • Providers are required to address any identified areas of development in their safeguarding/child protection practice identified through observation and Self-Assessment process, or by other professionals. • All providers must ensure that all staff are appropriately trained in safeguarding. Designated Safeguarding Leads and their Deputy Safeguarding Leads must attend the Multi agency training provided at least every 3 years and any other identified training for their role. • All new providers will be required to undergo relevant safeguarding training prior to joining the Directory of Providers for Early Education Funding. • All providers must collate and provide self-assessment/auditing information as requested by the relevant Local Safeguarding Partners. • All providers to ensure that any actions or recommendations set by Ofsted during inspection or the ...
Safeguarding. 50.1 For the purposes of this Clause 50, “Reasonable Measures” shall mean: all reasonable endeavours expected to be taken by a professional and prudent supplier in the Supplier’s industry to eliminate or minimise risk of actual, attempted or threatened exploitation, abuse and harassment (including Sexual Abuse, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Harassment) and whether or not such conduct would amount to a criminal offence in the United Kingdom or an offence under the laws of the territory in which it takes place (together “Serious Misconduct”) as is reasonable and proportionate under the circumstances. Such endeavours may include (but shall not be limited to):
(a) clear and detailed policies and guidance for Supplier Personnel, Supplier Providers and where appropriate, beneficiaries;
(b) developing, implementing and maintaining a safeguarding plan throughout the term (including monitoring);
(c) provision of regular training to Supplier Personnel, Supplier Providers and where appropriate, beneficiaries
(d) clear reporting lines and whistleblowing policies in place for Supplier Personnel, Supplier Providers and beneficiaries,
(e) maintaining detailed records of any allegations of Serious Misconduct and regular reporting to DFID and the Appropriate Authorities (where relevant) of any such incidents;
(f) any other Good Industry Practice measures (including any innovative solutions),
50.2 The Supplier shall take all Reasonable Measures to prevent Serious Misconduct by the Supplier Personnel or any other persons engaged and controlled by it to perform any activities under this Agreement (“Supplier Providers”) and shall have in place at all times robust procedures which enable the reporting by Supplier Personnel, Supplier Providers and beneficiaries of any such Serious Misconduct, illegal acts and/or failures by the Supplier or Supplier Personnel to investigate such reports.
50.3 The Supplier shall take all Reasonable Measures to ensure that the Supplier Personnel and Supplier Providers do not engage in sexual activity with any person under the age of 18, regardless of the local age of majority or age of consent or any mistaken belief held by the Supplier Personnel or Supplier Provider as to the age of the person. Furthermore, the Supplier shall ensure that the Supplier Personnel and Supplier Providers do not engage in ‘transactional sex’ which shall include but not be limited to the exchange of money, employment, goods, or services for sex and such reference to sex...
Safeguarding. We accept and understand the duty of care in respect of safeguarding of young people and will consider the suitability of staff who works with them. We will disclose staff, where known, who are disqualified from working with children, where appropriate, in accordance with The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 and Protection of Children Act 1999. INSURANCE
Safeguarding. The Trust will continue to deliver the delegated responsibilities of Torbay Council regarding Safeguarding Adults. The Care Act 2014 put Safeguarding Adults into a statutory framework for the first time from April 2015. This placed a range of responsibilities and duties on the Local Authority with which the Trust will need to comply. This includes requirements in the following areas: Duty to carry out enquiries; Co-operation with key partner agencies; Safeguarding Adults Boards; Safeguarding Adult Reviews; Information Sharing; Supervision and training for staff. Accountability for this will sit with the Torbay Safeguarding Adults Board (TSAB). This is a well-established group that will provide a sound basis for delivering the new legislative requirements. The Board will incorporate the requirements into its Terms of Reference and Business Plan for 2017/18, ensuring that all relevant operational and policy changes are in place for April implementation. Regular performance analysis from all partner agencies will be reported to the TSAB to give a clear picture of performance across the agencies. The Council will ensure high level representation on the Board by the Director of Adult Social Services and Executive Lead for Adult Social Care. In order to maximise capacity Torbay SAB will work closely with the Devon SAB with an increased number of joint sub-committees and shared business support. In addition to this, to provide internal assurance that the Trust is fulfilling its Safeguarding Adult requirements, the Board will have a sub-committee which will oversee performance. This will have a particular focus on training and performance activity. The Council has signed up to the national initiative of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’. This is an exciting initiative designed to measure Safeguarding Adult performance by outcomes for the individual, rather than the current reliance on quantitative measurement of timescales for strategy meetings and case conferences. This is now in place. The Trust also has delegated responsibility as a provider of ASC services to ensure that it participates as a full partner in the TSAB and meet all regulatory requirements in safeguarding adults and children.
Safeguarding. 12.1 Your Balance will be safeguarded in accordance with the Payment Services Regulations 2017.
12.2 We have sole discretion over the establishment and maintenance of any pooled account holding Your Balance. Funds associated with Your PayFac Account will be held in a separate account from Our corporate funds. We will not use Your funds for Our corporate purposes (including the granting of any security or similar interest), will not voluntarily make Your funds available to Our creditors in the event of bankruptcy or for any other purpose and will not knowingly permit Our creditors to retrieve Your funds.
12.3 You will not receive interest or any other earnings on any funds that We handle for You.
Safeguarding. 3.1 Together for Children will safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and young people in Sunderland. Work will continue in order to carry out statutory functions under the 1989 and 2004 Children Act, and outlined responsibilities with regard to safeguarding and child protection in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2018 guidance.
3.2 Providers of free entitlement places must:
Safeguarding. 9.1 If appropriate, the Supplier shall develop and maintain awareness and understanding of safeguarding issues with vulnerable adults, children and young people.
9.2 The Supplier shall ensure that all allegations, suspicions and incidents of abuse, harm or risk of harm to children and/or vulnerable adults or where there is concern about the behaviour of an individual are reported immediately to CDC’s Representative and Cornwall Council’s Safeguarding Adults team 0300 1234 131 in respect of a vulnerable adult or Cornwall Council’s Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU) 0300 123 1116 in respect of a child. The Supplier’s safeguarding policies and procedures should include active encouragement to staff in whistle blowing if aware of suspected abuse.
9.3 The Supplier shall ensure that children and/or vulnerable adults are safeguarded from any form or exploitation including physical, financial, psychological and sexual abuse, neglect, discriminatory abuse or self-harm or inhumane or degrading treatment through deliberate intent, negligent acts or omissions.
9.4 The Supplier shall comply with all statutory obligations and CDC and Government policies (including but not limited to the CDC’s Safeguarding Policy, Safeguarding Guidance for Providers and the South West Safeguarding Procedures) in respect of safeguarding as applicable and amended from time to time.
9.5 The Supplier shall immediately notify CDC of any information that it reasonably requests to enable it to be satisfied that the obligations of this clause 9 have been met.
9.6 The Supplier must comply with any instruction given by CDC in respect of this clause 9.
Safeguarding. 4.1 The Hirer will ensure that when children, young people or adults at risk are present on the Premises the appropriate legislation and best practice in connection with their supervision and safety is observed.
4.2 The Hirer will ensure that children, young people and adults are protected at all times by taking all reasonable steps and by having any necessary insurance in place.
4.3 The Hirer must respond without delay to every complaint which suggests that a child, young person or adult at risk has been harmed or is at risk of harm and co-operate with the police and Children’s and Adult Services in any investigation.
4.4 The Hirer must abide by and implement their own Safeguarding Policy if they have one or if they do not have one the Hirer acknowledges that it has read and understood the Church’s Safeguarding Policy and will abide by and implement it.
Safeguarding. 6.1 The Local Authority has overarching responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people in their area. It has a number of statutory functions under the 1989 and 2004 Children Acts which make this clear and the ‘Working together to safeguard children’ 2015 guidance sets these out in detail.
6.2 The Provider must follow the EYFS and have clear safeguarding policies and procedures in place that are in line with local guidance and procedures for responding to and reporting suspected or actual abuse and neglect. A lead practitioner must take responsibility for safeguarding and all staff must have training to identify signs of abuse and neglect. The Provider must have regard to ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’ 2015 guidance.