Salesmen. In no event are salesmen to disturb instructional personnel in the classroom, while at a work location, or while involved in work-related activities. Any presentation by a salesman shall be at the end of meetings and attendance at any sales presentation shall be voluntary. However, an employee with the approval of the principal may schedule (with companies having prior payroll deduction approval) a meeting necessary to initiate or maintain the employee’s financial payment through payroll deduction. Such meetings may be held before or after school or during the employee’s lunch period.
Salesmen. Should it be necessary for the Company to write any supplier in regard to the activities of their salesmen, a copy of such letter will be forwarded to the Union.
Salesmen. Salesmen for outside companies shall not be permitted to do work in the store normally done by store employees, except when opening a new or remodeled store.
Salesmen. Should it be necessary for the Company to write any supplier in regard to the activities of their salesmen, a copy of such letter will be forwarded to the Union.
a) No full time employee shall be laid off as a direct result of the introduction of changes to Article 14, nor shall it prevent a recall from lay-off.
Salesmen. (The term “ salesmen” shall include any and all employees who wait on trade, regardless of other duties performed.)
Salesmen. The Employer assumes a particu lar responsibility to require observance of this Agree ment on the part of book salesmen. The Employer shall give to one clerk on each shift written authoriza tion to request any book salesman performing work in violation of this Agreement to cease such work. If the book-salesman does not comply with such request, then the authorized clerk shall report the matter to the Employer or store manager, who shall then cause the book-salesman to cease such work. It is under stood, however, that such observance need not be required for a total of six (6) days before, during and after the opening of a store, provided, however, that in no event shall any work be performed by said book-salesman for more than three (3) days immedi ately following the store opening.
Salesmen. Except prior to store opening and one (1) week thereafter, or during store remodelling to a maximum of one (1) week, suppliers' representatives, other than rack jobbers will not price products in stores, stock or replenish merchandise other than to rotate or check code dating on shelf stock or provide merchandising advice.
Salesmen. Each salesman is required to wear, on a daily basis. the prescribed uniform consisting of a jacket, pants, tie and overcoat. The Employer will absorb a percentage of the cost of the uniform up to a maximum amount per year. The salesman is therefore able to purchase any articles of cloth- ing or safety footwear and the Company will contribute to the maximum of the year’s fund towards this cost with the balance being paid by the salesman, to the Employer by way of weekly payroll deduction. The payroll deduction will be made at the rate of per week until the bal- ance has been paid. The amount of the fund will be: January January 3 January Under no circumstances will the balance be carried for- xxxx in the employee’s accounts receivable from one fiscal year to the next.
Salesmen. Laboratory personnel engaged for research and development or otherwise carrying on duties of a confidential nature are excluded. No employee, as excluded above, shall perform work in the Bargaining Unit except in the case of emergency, or where temporarily and for a short time the unexpected unavailability of Bargaining Unit employees will cause a loss of production. This is not intended to prevent foremen from occasionally assisting in such work. The Company will not bargain collectively with any other labor organization affecting employees during the life of this Agreement. The Company agrees that it shall be a condition of employment that any employee who, at the date of this Agreement was a member of the Union in good standing, or who becomes a member after that date, shall maintain such membership as long as this Agreement in effect. Since the Union is recognized as the bargaining agent of the employees as defined i n this Article, and i n order to promote harmony among such employees, it is hereby provided that employees hired after the effective date i f this Agreement and who come within the scope if this Agreement, shall pay such Union dues as may from time to time be assessed by the Union, whether they become member of the Union or not. All employees coming within the scope of this Agreement shall pay Union dues the day they become employed by the Company. The Company will request each new employee at the time of hiring to sign an authorization for the deduction of Union dues. The Company will also deduct from each employee covered by this Agreement, the Union initiation fee. Such deduction of Union initiation fee will commence only after receipt from the Union of an authorization card duly signed by the employee. Except where otherwise provided in Article of this Agreement with respect to "on-call" employees, these deductions will apply only to full-time employees within the Bargaining Unit. All deductions shall be made weekly to coincide with each pay period. All sums deducted, together with a record of those from whom deductions have been made and the amount thereof, shall be forwarded monthly to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union not later than the 15th day of the following month. A Negotiating not to exceed three ( 3 ) in number, and who shall be regular employees of the Company, shall be selected by the Union in a manner to be decided by them. The Company shall be kept informed by the Union of the personnel of that Committee. The Co...
Salesmen. New employees will have a base rate of ten percent (10%) less than the job rate for the first six (6) months of employment and a rate of five percent (5%) less than the job rate for the next six (6) months. These percentages will apply to base rate only. Driver shall receive a base of Five Hundred and Twenty One Dollars ($521.00) weekly which will increase to Five Hundred and Thirty One Dollars effective June and shall receive the commissions: Effective June Shelf Service cents per for Private Label cents per for Branded Product