Scheduling of Time Off. (a) Employees will select available time off for which they are eligible from the schedule as determined by the Company in accordance with the procedures provided in this Article. The period during which time off may be scheduled shall extend through the last full week ending in April of the following calendar year.
(b) Time off for this purpose includes full weeks of vacation, day-at-a-time vacation, Excused Work Days (paid or non-paid), floating holidays, and days in lieu of holidays which occur during a scheduled vacation week. Employees may not select half-tour vacations during the vacation selection process. However, employees may subsequently request five (5) vacation days on a half-tour basis and such request shall be granted if service and coverage conditions permit. The assessment, discussion, and decision whether to grant additional vacation days in half-day increments will take place annually prior to the vacation selection process as set forth in Article 22, Paragraph 8(d).
(c) Employees shall select time off in seniority order within each vacation selection universe, in the priority set forth in this Article, as determined by the Company. It is the intent of the parties that the employees' selection will be granted to the extent practicable consistent with force requirements and the needs of the business.
(d) The vacation selection process in a vacation selection universe will begin no earlier than November 1. The entire process of scheduling time off shall be completed by December 31, for employees covered by Article 37 (Operator Services). For all other employees, the vacation selection process should ordinarily be completed by December 31, but in any event should be completed no later than April 1. Employees who will not be readily available between November 1 and December 31 may express their preference for choices in advance of November 1 and, if available, their choices will be assigned as chosen in accordance with seniority provided that service requirements permit. Prior to the beginning of the calendar year, management will canvass the vacation selection universe to allow the employees to select scheduled vacation weeks from the available dates. Only full weeks of vacation are included in this first selection priority.
(e) In addition to the time off scheduled under Paragraph 8(d) above, employees shall also select all other time off for which they are eligible, and such time will be referred to as "Reserve Time" on the second selecti...
Scheduling of Time Off. Although the appointee is not eligible to receive accrued vacation or holiday benefits, he/she can schedule of leave periods with the approval of the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics in his/her sole discretion after consultation with the appointee. Any leave of more than forty-eight hours (48) must be approved in advance by the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Scheduling of Time Off. In cases where conflict occurs in a unit over scheduling of time off benefits, Unit credits only shall be applied in determining any seniority preference for such paid time off that may be defined elsewhere in this Agreement.
Scheduling of Time Off. (a) Employees will select available time off for which they are eligible from the schedule as determined by the Company in accordance with the procedures provided in this Article. The period during which time off may be scheduled shall extend through the last full week ending in April of the following calendar year.
(b) Time off for this purpose includes full weeks of vacation, day-at-a-time vacation, Excused Work Days (paid or non-paid), floating holidays, and days in lieu of holidays which occur during a scheduled vacation week. Employees may not select half-tour vacations during the vacation selection process. However, employees may subsequently request five (5) vacation days on a half-tour basis and such request shall be granted if service and coverage conditions permit. The assessment, discussion, and decision whether to grant additional vacation days in half-day increments will take place annually prior to the vacation selection
Scheduling of Time Off. It is understood and agreed that all employees must take the vacations to which they are entitled within the twelve (12) month period following their entitlement date. The allotment of vacations shall be with the mutual consent of the Company and the employee in accordance with the following:
(a) to provide a minimum of interruption to the Company's operations;
(b) to give preference to senior employees.
Scheduling of Time Off. The following guidelines will be followed when applying for and authorizing time off. Vacation, holidays, personal days, and compensatory time are considered time off. Any and all combinations of the above may be used when applying for time off.
Scheduling of Time Off. The following guidelines will be followed when applying for and authorizing time off (Article 33, Section 33.4 excepted). Vacation, Holidays, Personal Days, and Compensatory Time are considered time off. Any and all combinations of the above may be used when applying for time off. There is no minimum requirement for emergency time off or scheduled sick leave. Priority for time off shall be determined on a “first request submitted” basis. Employees must submit applications no later than 7:00 a.m., seven (7) days prior to the date requested. If such applications for time off are submitted on the same date, seniority shall prevail.
i. e. if September 8 (Monday) is requested off, it must be submitted before 0700 hours on September 1 (Monday). Exceptions to minimum notice may be permitted if no schedule change is needed to accommodate such exceptions, or for exceptional circumstances subject to the approval of the Chief of Police. Authorization of time off is subject to available personnel, police activity, and the recognized City objective of minimizing overtime.
Scheduling of Time Off. Each Officer shall make a request for time off, including vacation time, compensation time, or combination thereof, to the Police Administration not less than two weeks in advance if the time off requested is two or more working days. Single day off requests or less are to be made at least three (3) working days in advance. Single day off requests or less that do not require overtime are to be made at least one day in advance. The Police Administration reserves the right to cancel single day off requests (or less) if overtime will be required to cover the time off. The lack of the proper lead time (listed above) can be the sole basis for the Police Administration's rejection of the request.
Scheduling of Time Off. The Supervisor shall approve any scheduled time off to which an Employee is entitled.
Scheduling of Time Off. Departments shall attempt to accommodate employee requests for time off, and shall not unreasonably deny such requests. In approving such requests, consideration shall be given to both the wishes of the employee and the needs of the City service. Employees shall request time off in advance, and the employee’s supervisor shall notify the employee as soon as possible of his/her approval or denial. No employee who has made a reasonable request(s) to use his/her accrued time and has been denied such use, shall lose the accrued time requested.