Section 3.6. Evaluations Sample Clauses
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 32 Regular employees shall be formally evaluated and met with at least annually, no later than the last day 33 of school, by their supervisor designated for evaluation purposes. Probationary employees shall be 34 formally evaluated prior to the end of the probationary period. Supervisors shall use the same 35 performance evaluation form. Each Supervisor shall address concerns as they come up throughout the 36 year with employee. Shall the Supervisor fail to address concerns within a reasonable timeframe prior 37 to the evaluation with the employee; the concerns shall not be placed on the evaluation form. The 38 signature of the employee does not necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the contents of the 39 evaluation. The employee has the right to attach a rebuttal to the evaluation that will be placed in the 40 personnel file. 41 42 Such evaluations shall be completed by the employee’s supervisor in writing, provided to the 43 employee, and placed in the employee’s personnel file. Bargaining unit members shall not administer 44 such evaluations, although supervisors may ask an employee in a lead position for input regarding the 45 performance of employees under the lead employee’s direction. For employees with no performance 46 concerns, annual evaluations shall be completed at least five (5) work days prior to the end of the 47 employee’s work year.
Section 3.6. Evaluations classified employees will be observed and given a written evaluation by his/her supervisor once per 18 employment year. The forms will be attached to this agreement as Addendum C. Evaluations shall be 19 based on the elements contained in the employee’s job description. Evaluations reflecting an 20 unsatisfactory level(s) of performance shall state specific reasons for said rating and the remedial 21 action/training necessary to correct the deficiency. 23 Issues contained in the formal evaluation that reflect substandard job performance by the employee 24 will be issues that have been previously discussed with the employee by the supervisor. To allow the 25 employee sufficient time to improve performance, it is expected that job performance concerns will be 26 discussed with the employee at the earliest possible opportunity, but no later than thirty (30) workdays 27 after the time when it first comes to the attention of the supervisor.
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 46 Each employee shall be assigned a supervisor in writing each school year for the purpose of evaluation 47 and the grievance procedure. If the supervisor changes, notification will be given to the employee in 1 writing. All employees shall be evaluated yearly by their assigned supervisor. Evaluations shall be 2 completed and discussed with the employee before the last workday of the employee’s work year. 4 Each supervisor shall address concerns as they come up throughout the year with the employee. Shall the 6 employee; the concerns shall not be place on the evaluation form. In case there is an emergency for the 7 supervisor or employee at the time of the incident and they are not available within the five (5) school 8 days, the concern(s) will be dealt with as soon as either the employee or supervisor return back to work. 10 Evaluations will be based upon observation by the employee’s supervisor and feedback provided by 11 administrative or certificated staff member who works with the employee on a regular basis. The 12 employee and his/her supervisor shall meet to discuss the evaluation. The employee shall sign the school 13 district’s copy of the evaluation report to indicate that he/she has received a copy of the report. The 14 signature of the employee does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the contents 15 of the evaluation report. The employee shall have the right to attach any comments to the evaluation 16 report. 20 A R T I C L E I V 22 RIGHTS OF THE ASSOCIATION
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 2 Each employee’s performance shall be evaluated not less than annually. If an employee did not receive 3 a formal evaluation for a school year, he/she shall be considered as having received a satisfactory 4 evaluation for that year. The evaluation form to be used will be prepared by the District and be reviewed 5 by the Union in Article VI. The form shall include the following statement, “Signing the evaluation 6 shall indicate only that the employee has seen the evaluation and does not necessarily indicate that the 7 employee agrees with the content of the evaluation.” 8 ARTICLE I V 10 RIGHTS OF THE UNION
Section 3.6. Evaluations. Employees shall be evaluated annually on a form (Appendix A and B), to be mutually agreed upon by 3 the parties. Such evaluations shall be based on the requirements and duties as outlined in the job 4 description.
Section 3.6. Evaluations performance evaluations reflecting a “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” or equivalent 31 terminology rating in one or more categories shall state specific reasons for the rating, remedial action 32 necessary by the employee to improve performance and specific remedial training as deemed necessary 33 by the District. 34 37 A R T I C L E I V 38 39 RIGHTS OF THE UNION 40 41 Section 4.1. 42 The Union is entitled to have a representative at hearings conducted by any District official or body 43 arising out of grievance and to make known the Union's views concerning the case.
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 11 Each employee’s performance shall be evaluated not less than annually. If an employee did not receive a 12 formal evaluation for a school year, he/she shall be considered as having received a satisfactory evaluation 13 for that year. The evaluation form to be used will be prepared by the District and be reviewed by the 14 Union in Article VI. The form shall include the following statement, “Signing the evaluation shall 15 indicate only that the employee has seen the evaluation and does not necessarily indicate that the employee 16 agrees with the content of the evaluation.” 17 18 20 ARTICLE I V 22 RIGHTS OF THE UNION 25 The Union has the right and responsibility to represent the interests of all employees in the unit; to present 26 its views to the District on matters of concern, either orally or in writing; to consult or to be consulted with 27 respect to the formulation, development, and implementation of industrial relations matters and practices 28 which are within the authority of the District; and to enter collective negotiations with the object of 29 reaching an agreement applicable to all employees within the bargaining unit.
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 39 Evaluations shall be based on job functions included in the position description applicable to the assignment 40 and specific duties identified by the supervisor consistent with the position description. The proper use, as 41 defined in the CBA, of accrued leave (sick, emergency, personal, and vacation) will not be used in 42 evaluations. Evaluations shall rate the employee on the quality of performance and such ratings shall be used 43 when considering promotion or reassignment. Deficiencies in performance shall be noted and utilized to 44 identify needed training and/or establishment of probationary periods. 46 At any time during the work year, if an administrator or supervisor is concerned that an employee’s 47 performance is unsatisfactory, the administrator or supervisor will discuss the performance concerns with 48 the employee and state the performance expectations. The performance concerns will be discussed
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 43 Each employee shall be assigned a supervisor of record for the purpose of evaluation and the grievance 44 procedure. All employees shall be evaluated yearly by their assigned supervisor. Evaluations shall be 45 completed and discussed with the employee before the last workday of the employee’s work year. 47 Evaluations will be based upon direct observation by the employee’s immediate supervisor. The 48 employee and his/her supervisor shall meet to discuss the evaluation. The employee shall sign the school 1 district’s copy of the evaluation report to indicate that he/she has received a copy of the report. The 2 signature of the employee does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the contents 3 of the evaluation report. The employee shall have the right to attach any comments to the evaluation 4 report. 8 ARTICLE IV 9 10 RIGHTS OF THE ASSOCIATION 11 12 Section 4.1. 13 The Association has the right and responsibility to represent the interests of all employees in the unit, 14 to present its views to the District on matters of concern, either orally or in writing, to enter collective 15 negotiations with the object of reaching an agreement applicable to all employees within the 16 bargaining unit. The Association shall be consulted with respect to the formulation, development, and 17 implementation of industrial relations matters and practices which are within the authority of the 18 District.
Section 3.6. Evaluations. 30 Each employee’s performance shall be evaluated annually in writing by the employee’s immediate 32 employee’s immediate supervisor can seek input of his/her performance from other employees.