Selection of Administrators. Whenever a vacancy arises for the following positions, President, Vice- Presidents, Deans, Directors, or other similar excluded administrative positions that may be created, the Association shall have the right to appoint to any committee established to fill the position, members equal to the number of members appointed by the College which will appoint at least one member. This clause does not apply to those administrative positions that do not have faculty reporting to them.
a. Selection Process for Administrator Selections
Selection of Administrators. The Board endorses the concept of participation of full-time instructional faculty in the process of selection of academic administrators. The role of the instructional faculty in selection of an administrator should be commensurate with the legitimate faculty interest in the position.
Selection of Administrators. 1. When a vacancy in the position of Principal, Assistant Principal, or other administrative position is to be filled by the Board, the Superintendent shall consult with the Association about the qualifications for and method of selection of the administrator.
2. A Consultative Committee consisting of three (3) teachers from the affected building or area may be appointed by the Association.
3. The Consultative Committee may interview each candidate who is interviewed by the Superintendent and submit a written evaluation of the candidate for consideration by the Superintendent.
Selection of Administrators. Prior to the appointment of a Division Head, the Employer shall provide to the Association and the members a description of the consultative process that will be followed in the selection. The Association shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make representations to the Employer thereon on its own and the members’ behalf.
Selection of Administrators. Appointment of all excluded employees is clearly the responsibility of the Employer. Selection Committee:
8.6.1 There shall be a selection committee with equal representation from CUPE, BCGEU, Administration and the College Board. The Union shall designate their representative(s).
8.6.2 The selection committee will meet and set the minimum selection criteria, create a job posting, review and short list all applications, interview candidates and make recommendations to the College President or designate (or Board, in the event of a Presidential search).
8.6.3 The job posting will contain the working title, brief description of duties and classification of position, qualifications, and state ability and experience required.
8.6.4 The posting will be posted within the College five (5) working days prior to it being advertised externally. A copy of the posting will be provided to the Union.
8.6.5 The selection criteria will include the following: academic and professional qualifications, work experience, College related experience and contributions, community involvement, personal attributes, and competence in applicable area.
8.6.6 In the event that an administrative and Union-excluded position is filled by a member of the bargaining unit, the vacated position within the bargaining unit will be treated as a normal vacancy and filled in accordance with Article 8.
8.6.7 In the event of a managerial reorganization, the Union will be consulted.
Selection of Administrators. Teachers shall be included in the selection process of all district administrators. The interview format will be reviewed with the Association president for all administrative positions, and Association’s representatives shall be from as broad a spectrum as the vacancy warrants. Association building representatives will be solicited by administration to serve on building level and district office administrator interviews. A list of all interview team volunteers will be shared/discussed with the Association president or designee. The Administration and Association shall collaboratively form the interview team. Before the Board acts, the committee will meet with the superintendent or a designee to discuss the finalists and reasons for their choices. The final selection of any administrator is the authority of the superintendent. Therefore, the Association understands that, on occasion, the superintendent may determine the selection of an administrator without convening an interview team.
Selection of Administrators. The Union and the District agree to review the process of hiring/appointing regular and acting administrators. Administrative hiring shall follow all relevant Board Rules and District and College procedures in developing job descriptions, recruiting candidates and establishing selection committees.
Selection of Administrators. The Association shall be entitled to one representative on hiring committees pursuant to AP 7250 committees.
Selection of Administrators. (a) If a Search Committee is created to fill the vacant administrative positions of President or Xxxx of Academics, the Association shall have the right to appoint one (1) full time faculty member to it.
(b) In the event that an administrative position is filled by a faculty member of the College, the position vacated by the faculty member may be filled, if there is a continuing demand for the courses formerly taught and a demonstrated need for that position. That vacancy may be filled in whatever manner the College deems appropriate, including filling the vacancy with a contract appointment, if the College in its sole discretion deems it appropriate to do so.
(c) If an administrative position is filled on an "acting" basis, the position shall be confirmed as permanent as soon as possible.
Selection of Administrators. The Board agrees to provide to the Association, before the selection of any senior academic administrator, a description of the consultative process that will be followed. The role of members in the selection of deans shall not be altered without the consent of the Association.