Shift Rosters. 28.2.1 The Company must post a shift roster in a prominent place in the workplace.
28.2.2 The shift roster will specify the commencing and finishing times of ordinary hours of work of respective shifts and will not be altered without 14 days’ notice.
Shift Rosters. Where an employee is required to work according to a roster, the following arrangements will apply:
(a) Work rosters will be posted in a readily accessible place.
(b) All rosters will indicate the commencement and cessation times of the ordinary hours of work of the respective shifts for each employee.
(c) Changes or variations to shift rosters will be notified at least seven (7) calendar days prior to becoming operative.
(d) A shift roster may be changed at any time to enable the functions of the University to be carried on, where another employee is absent from duty because of illness or in an emergency. However, if such an alteration involves an employee working on a day that would have been the employee’s day off, such time worked on that day will be paid for at overtime rates or time off in lieu will be taken on a mutually agreed day.
(e) Places in shift rosters may be interchanged by agreement between the employees and the University, provided that the University will not incur additional shift or overtime penalties as a consequence of the interchange.
Shift Rosters. Shift rosters will specify the start and finish times of ordinary working hours of the respective shifts.
Shift Rosters. Campus Watch Where the employer requires an employee to change teams, a minimum of one shift rotation (currently 5 weeks) notice will be given. This may be reduced by agreement between the parties. In exceptional circumstances, the employer may require an employee to change with a shorter period of notice, and the employer reserves the right to implement this change. However, in recognition of the employer’s “family friendly” and good employer policies, the individual circumstances of an employee will be taken into consideration prior to any changes being implemented. Approved leave will not be impacted to the detriment of an employee changing shifts.
Shift Rosters. (a) There will be a roster of shifts which will:
(i) provide for rotation unless all the employees concerned desire otherwise;
(ii) provide for shifts to be worked consistent with the Readiness for Work Policy.
(b) So far as employees present themselves for work as rostered shifts will be worked according to the roster.
Shift Rosters. Shift rosters will specify the commencing and finishing times of ordinary working hours of the respective shifts and the maximum number of shifts to be worked. In the absence of any custom or agreement a roster will ensure that the maximum number of standard shifts to be worked will be not more than eight (8) in any nine (9) consecutive days.
Shift Rosters. 14.1 This clause applies to those employees covered by the classifications listed below:
14.2 State Water and an employee may agree to change or vary the roster arrangements as defined in Clause 9.1 of the Crown Employees (State Water - Storages, Operations and River Infrastructure Officers) Award.
14.3 The request to change or vary the roster may be initiated by either State Water or the employee and may be based on changes to the dam surveillance regime, to meet the specific needs of a particular job or individual or for any other reason.
14.4 An alternative roster arrangement may include (but is not limited to):
Shift Rosters. (a) The Company shall ensure that a shift roster is produced in 3 month periods and made available to the Employees at least 1 month in advance of commencement of the initial working week. The shift roster shall provide the Employees with the following information:
i. whether an Employee is rostered on day shift or night shift for the week; and
ii. the starting and finishing times for each Duty.
(b) The Company shall endeavour to avoid the need to alter a shift roster. However, where an Employee is requested to change his or her roster with less than 7 days notice, the Employee shall be paid overtime rates for those alternative or additional hours worked. The overtime in (b) shall be in accordance with the calculation of overtime stated in clause 4.5.
Shift Rosters. Where an employee is required to work according to a roster, the following arrangements will apply:
(a) Work rosters will be posted in a readily accessible place.
(b) All rosters will indicate the commencement and cessation times of the ordinary hours of work of the respective shifts for each employee.
(c) Changes or variations to shift rosters will be notified at least 7 days prior to becoming operative.
(d) A shift roster may be changed at any time to enable the functions of the University to be carried on, where another employee is absent from duty because of illness or in an emergency. However, if such an alteration involves an employee working on a day that would have been the employee’s day off, such time worked on that day will be paid for at overtime rates or time off in lieu will be taken on a mutually agreed day. This subclause does not apply where an employee in categories L and M of Schedule 5 is provided with at least 7 days notice of the change to a shift roster.
(e) Places in shift rosters may be interchanged by agreement between the employees and the University, provided that the University will not incur additional shift or overtime penalties as a consequence of the interchange.
Shift Rosters. Shift rosters shall specify the commencing and finishing times of ordinary hours of work or the respective shifts over any 7 days of the week. The time of commencing and finishing shifts, once determined by the Company, may be varied by agreement between the Company and the majority of employees affected to suit the circumstances and the needs of the Company or establishment, or in the absence of agreement, by seven (7) days’ notice of alteration given by the Company to the employee. Any five (5) day rosters implemented on site shall only be spread over Monday to Friday inclusive.