Start and Finish Times. The start and finish times will be determined by the employer within the span of hours prescribed in clause 8.1.1 and may vary between work groups to suit the project. The starting time will be at the employer’s pre start meeting. The finishing time will be at the work place.
Start and Finish Times. (a) On a normal rostered day on, start will be from normal workplace and finish will be on return to normal workplace plus 30 minutes;
(b) On a Rostered Day Off, start will be on leaving place of abode and finish will be on return to place of abode plus 30 minutes;
(c) Where it is not possible to return to place of abode or normal workplace, start will be on leaving accommodation and finish will be on return to accommodation plus 30 minutes;
(d) Where an employee is called to an Incident from their place of abode after the completion of a normal shift, starting time will be at the time of the call, finishing time will be on return to their place of abode plus 30 minutes.
Start and Finish Times. Fifteen minutes is allowed prior to and after the period for setting and clearing away. In any event functions must end by 11pm, inclusive of clearing up time.
Start and Finish Times. (a) The normal working day shall commence at 7:00am. By Agreement between the Employer and Employees, the working day may begin at 6:00am or at any other time between that hour and 9:00am, and the working time will then begin to run from the time so fixed, with a consequential adjustment to the meal break and finish time. The rates in appendix 1 compensate for the early start at 6:00am.
(b) Employees will be entitled to take five minutes immediately before lunch and before finishing time to enable them to wash and put away gear. The washing time breaks will be counted as time worked.
(c) The Employee is entitled to take daily Work Breaks as defined in clause 25.
(d) The Employee shall finish work on a normal working day at 3:30pm if the Work Breaks prescribed in clause 25 are taken.
Start and Finish Times. 24.1 The normal Project start and finish times are:
(a) start - 6.30am; and
(b) finish - 5.00pm.
24.2 By agreement between the Employer and the employee(s) concerned, the normal start time may be moved up to one hour either way without penalty, provided that the spread of hours in which ordinary hours are worked does not exceed 12 hours in any day.
24.3 The Employer shall notify the relevant union(s) bound by this Agreement of any change to the start and finish times agreed to by the Employer and employee(s).
24.4 The start time is 'at the work face'.
Start and Finish Times. The University and employees will strictly adhere to start and finish times.
Start and Finish Times. It is recognised by the parties that inefficiency may exist with work not commencing or finishing at the official starting or finishing times. In an endeavour to overcome this inefficiency it is agreed that technicians will be ready to work at the official starting time and cease work at the official finishing time.
Start and Finish Times.
49.1 Employees are required to observe the nominated starting and finishing times. The ordinary starting and finishing times of groups or individuals may be staggered by agreement.
49.2 When an employee is advised, two or more hours before the start of a rostered shift, that the starting time has been altered to a later hour, the employee will be paid one additional hour's pay at ordinary time plus any penalties (other than overtime).
49.3 If advised in less than two hours before the start of the shift , the employee will be paid two additional hours pay at ordinary time plus any penalties (other than overtime)
49.4 The Company will provide employees with at least 24 hours notice in the event the starting time of the employee’s next ordinary hours shift is brought forward to an earlier hour, without attracting overtime penalties.
49.5 Where notice has been given after the completion of the previous shift and the notice is within 24 hours of the new shift starting time, the following payment will apply:
49.5.1 all time worked outside of the previous rostered hours will be paid at overtime rates;
49.5.2 employees will be paid ordinary rates for all previously rostered hours not worked in the changed shift but these hours will not be counted for the calculation of overtime;
49.5.3 all time worked within the hours of the previously rostered shift will be treated as ordinary time to be paid at the rate applicable to the day.
49.6 The 24 hour notice period will be the 24 hours immediately preceding the ‘altered’ start time.
Start and Finish Times. 19.1 Within the limits prescribed in this clause, each Employee will be in attendance at the workplace or other agreed starting place ready to commence work in ordinary working hours and work will be deemed to have commenced, for each Employee in attendance, at the time and place so fixed.
19.2 Working in ordinary working hours will be deemed to have finished, for those Employees in attendance, when the ordinary hours as applied in accordance with clause 18, exclusive of a break for a meal, calculated from the fixed starting time, has elapsed.
19.3 Different starting times within the span of ordinary hours may apply to different groups of Employees in a workplace.
19.4 Any Employee who is not in attendance at the workplace or other agreed starting place ready to commence work at the fixed starting time or who fails to attend for their ordinary hours of work will be paid only for the actual hours worked.
19.5 The Employer may only alter the time and place fixed in accordance with clause 19 by notice posted for seven (7) days at the workplace or other agreed starting place, provided that the start time may be changed where it is necessary for reasons beyond the Employer’s control by notification before the end of the previous day’s work or with 24 hours’ notice where work has not been performed the previous day.
19.6 Time spent by Employees washing up will not count as time worked after the completion of work.
Start and Finish Times. 13.4.1. The starting and finishing time within the nominated spread of hours will vary depending on the requirements of the job at the time. Reasonable notice of the required starting and finishing time will be provided to the Technician.
13.4.2. Time worked in excess of the ordinary hours in a day will be treated as overtime (as per Xxxxxx 15. Overtime).