Shore Leave Sample Clauses
Shore Leave. Provided that a cruise is out of home port for longer than twenty-four (24) hours, crew members on duty shall accrue paid shore leave of two (2) hours:
(1) for each day served (any portion of a 24-hour period where work is performed) aboard the ship at sea beginning with the date and time the ship leaves home port until its return to home port; or,
(2) when the ship is docked or anchored in a port other than its home port.
Shore Leave.
A. If an employee is directed to perform work necessary for the preparation of a voyage, which entails working in excess of 8 hours during the day preceding the day of departure from the home port, then that day will be creditable for shore leave.
B. If an employee is directed to perform work necessary for the completion of a voyage, which entails working in excess of 8 hours during the day following the arrival in home port, then that day will be creditable for shore leave.
Shore Leave. Shore Leave is a period of approved absence with pay authorized by 5 U.S.C. 6305(c) for employees who are regularly assigned to serve aboard an ocean going vessel on an extended voyage. An employee is considered “regularly assigned” when his or her continuing duties are such that all or a significant part of them require that he or she serve aboard an oceangoing vessel. Temporary assignments of a shore-based employee, such as for limited work projects or for training, do not constitute a regular assignment. An employee earns one day of shore leave for each 15 calendar days of duty on one or more extended voyage. Shore leave accumulates without limit. Employees shall request and managers shall approve shore leave in writing.
Shore Leave. (a) When a vessel is in Port and suitable transport is accessible and available, then suitable transport will be provided upon request, for seafarers who are not required to remain on the Vessel to carry out operational tasks during their scheduled shift. Travel to and from the Vessel will be granted up to 50km each way, from the Port in which the Vessel is berthed.
(b) The Vessel Master or an Officer shall be responsible for arranging suitable transport and setting the times the shore leave transport departs the Vessel and returns to the Vessel.
(c) Suitable transport shall be a taxi, ride share vehicle or a charter vehicle.
(d) It is the responsibility of each person who proceeds on shore leave to return to the Vessel within the timeframe set by the Vessel Master to ensure the Vessel is able to leave Port at the scheduled time.
(e) Any issue pertaining to the operation of this provision should be raised and dealt with through the consultative committee meetings.
Shore Leave. (1) The crew member shall be entitled to shore leave in his/her off-duty time outside the hours of work in port while in the port or while the ship is in the roads.
(2) The crew member shall also be entitled to shore leave in his/her off-duty time within the hours of work in port while in the port or while the ship is in the roads insofar as this is permitted by the ship’s operations.
(3) The entitlement to shore leave in accordance with subs. 1 and 2 shall only exist insofar as permitted by the departure time and safety of the ship and of the crew members.
(4) The master shall, where reasonable, ensure a connection to land if for the persons on shore leave there is no suitable possibility of obtaining transport from third parties.
(5) The master shall ensure that the watchkeeping that is necessary outside the hours of work while in port or in the roads is shared equally among the crew members.
Shore Leave. 22.1 With the prior approval of the Master or Chief Engineer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, an Officer may, while the vessel is in port or transiting through the seaway, make arrangements with other Officers to exchange watches thereby enabling the Officer to go ashore. There shall be no additional cost to the Company as a result of any such exchange of watches.
22.2 The Company assumes no responsibility for securing access to or through property owned or controlled by others, but the Company agreed to cooperate and assist, where possible, in securing such access upon request from the Officer.
22.3 Compliance with governing regulations, including safe xxxxxxx and the provision for adequate work/rest hours for all Officers involved shall always take precedent.
22.4 Should an Officer fail to report for duty as scheduled, the Officer who was to be relieved must remain on duty until a substitute is secured.
22.5 The Company agrees to post notice of the expected date and sailing time. In the event an Officer misses a vessel, the following terms shall apply:
Shore Leave. 15.1 No shore leave shall be granted and no seafarer is allowed to leave the ship without the consent of the master or his deputy and the local authorities, but such leave will be permitted where possible on completion of a seafarer’s normal working hours.
Shore Leave. (a) When a Vessel is In Port and suitable transport is accessible and available for Employees not required to remain at the Vessel for operational duties, the granting of short leave shall not be unreasonably be denied.
(b) Suitable transport shall be a taxi, ride share vehicle or a charter vehicle.
Shore Leave. During TD, shore leave will be granted where passenger service, operational, navigational and safety requirements permit. Xxxxx leave is in the discretion of the Captain or your Head of Department/Line Manager, as appropriate and must be sanctioned in advance.
Shore Leave. (1) The crewmembers have the right to shore leave in the harbour and while the ship is in a roadstead acting as a harbour from Monday to Friday from 00:00 to 06:00 and between 18:00 and 24:00 as well as on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays, as long as this does not interfere with the safety of the ship and its departure time and/or this is not in contradiction to official regulations.
(2) A roadstead acting as a harbour in accordance with paragraph 1 is according to its geographical position, its technical features and its denomination an expanse of water at the sea or at the inland that is set aside for the clearing and/or loading and/or extinguishing ships sailing in or out.
(3) The captains are also obliged to give the crewmembers shore leave in the harbour during their off-duty time from Monday to Friday between 06:00 and 18:00, as long as this does not interfere with the operation of the ship.
(4) Where reasonable, the captains have to ensure that there is a connection to the land if there is no suitable transportation for those going on shore leave.