Short Term Training Sample Clauses

Short Term Training. (1) Short course attendance and distance education courses. (2) Conferences, seminars and workshops.
Short Term Training. The Project Implementing Entity shall: (i) cause BBSYDP to implement the activities under Component 1 of the Project in accordance with the BBSYDP Operations Manual; and (ii) refrain, and cause BBSYDP to refrain, from unilaterally amending, suspending, abrogating, repealing or waiving, whether in whole or in part, any provision of the BBSYDP Operations Manual, so as to materially and adversely affect the ability of BBSYDP and the Project Implementing Entity to perform any of the obligations set forth in this Agreement. In carrying out Component 1 of the Project, the Project Implementing Entity shall cause BBSYDP to: call for rounds of short-term training technical/financial proposals/ expressions of interest from pre-qualified Training Providers on a regular basis, in a manner and substance satisfactory to the Association; and soon thereafter, have such proposals examined by a technical committee, in accordance with selection criteria set forth in the BBSYDP Operations Manual, and in a manner and substance satisfactory to the Association, so as to ensure that the proposals are technically feasible and cost-effective, and are designed in accordance with appropriate business standards. Upon the selection of short-term training proposals, the Project Implementing Entity shall cause BBSYDP to enter into service contracts or Sub-grant Agreements, as the case may be, with the respective Training Providers, under terms and conditions satisfactory to the Association, which shall include the following: a performance-based system for the payment of the training services requiring that: (i) the Training Providers commit to a minimum level of job placement of the trained Trainees, which levels shall be reported and verified within timeline described in the BBSYDP Operations Manual; and (ii) at least ten percent (10%) of the service fee or Sub-grant be withheld until the respective Training Provider has submitted to BBSYDP the foregoing job placement report. the automatic disqualification, for a period of twelve (12) months, or another time frame as may be described in the BBSYDP Operations Manual, of the Training Provider that does not accomplish the minimum levels of job placements of Trainees agreed as per sub-paragraph (a) above; and the obligation of the Training Providers to submit to BBSYDP regular reports on the performance of the Project-financed short-term training programs, including, inter alia, a baseline inception report, regular attendance reports, regul...
Short Term Training. A Pilot in Short-Term training shall be paid four (4) PCH per Day for every Day he is in Short-Term Training.
Short Term Training. The CEHLS partnership held 40 short-term trainings between FY 2012 and FY 2015 benefiting a total of 1,135 individuals (Table 1). Activities consisted of courses, workshops, and professional trainings, all designed to strengthen the medical infrastructure of Liberia. Joint collegiate efforts among the U.S. and Liberian institutions have been paramount in establishing a foundational framework that addresses the country’s growing medical institutions. Trainings have also been essential in consolidating various fields, skills, and professions to improve the delivery of health and life science programs at UL. Among the most notable activities is the Helping Babies Breathe course, a 4-day training designed to preempt child mortality. Participating students, 50 in FY13 (25 female and 25 male) and 154 in FY14 (24 female and 130 male), were provided with information on neonatal resuscitation techniques and methods of supervising practical experiences, which all enhanced their competency in the field. In FY15, a laboratory training of DNA separation was conducted on the Fendall campus’s newly updated CEHLS laboratory space. Xx. Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx and Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx trained the 24 participants (8 female and 16 male) to use the new molecular biology laboratory equipment to analyze DNA. UL students, faculty members and staff have also engaged in a number of professional workshops designed to improve their computer and administrative skills. Workshops included Introduction to Excel, Introduction to Data Type, Techniques for Power Point for Presentations in the Biological Sciences and the Security and Anti-virus for Life Science Faculty. In addition, female nursing students participated in leadership workshops that equipped them with the skills and knowledge to be competent practitioners.
Short Term Training a. A Pilot who fails a Checkride or Line Check on the first attempt shall be referred to the PTRB as provided in paragraph B.2.a., above. b. A Pilot who fails to receive a sign-off after additional flight training dictated by the PTRB and an Assessment Ride, or who fails a second Checkride or Line Check, shall be referred to the PTRB as provided in paragraph B.2.b., above, then at his option either:
Short Term Training. The partnership implemented a variety of short term training activities designed to augment faculty and staff capacity. The topics included ethics, hands-on research methods and practices, and medical education. The training sessions took place both at the host county institution and at the
Short Term Training a. A Pilot who fails a Checkride or Line Check on the first attempt shall be referred to the PTRB as provided in paragraph B.2.a., above. b. A Pilot who fails to receive a sign-off after additional flight training dictated by the PTRB and an Assessment Ride, or who fails a second Checkride or Line Check, shall be referred to the PTRB as provided in paragraph B.2.b., above, then at his option either: i. accept the PTRB recommendation, or ii. exercise his rights set forth in paragraph B.6.c., below, or iii. If the Pilot is a Captain, he may be given a First Officer Checkride or MV and XXX, as applicable. Prior to taking this check, the Pilot will be provided training as provided by the PTRB. If he successfully completes this check, he will be assigned to a First Officer position (at the applicable First Officer Pay rate) in the same Domicile in which he held the Captain’s position for a period of twelve (12) months. Following the 12-month period, the Pilot may be awarded a Captain position. (The Pilot may bid to change Domiciles as a First Officer during this period). When the Pilot is awarded a new Position, he will be treated as a regular candidate.

Related to Short Term Training

  • Short Term Leaves Short Term Leaves are designed to allow Teachers who have to apply for short term personal leaves of absence not otherwise covered by this Collective Agreement.

  • Short Term Leave Members who are LTD trustees and Union stewards or designates may apply in writing to the Employer for short term leaves of absence for; attendance at union conventions, union courses, and union committees. The employee will give reasonable notice, which will be at least seven (7) days. The Employer will make every reasonable effort to accommodate such leave, and shall grant it subject to the ability to maintain the operational needs of the department. With the exception of members of the Union's executive, the employer is not required to grant more than twenty (20) days LOA per calendar year under this provision.

  • Short Term Upon written request from the Executive Director of AFSCME Council 75 to DAS Labor Relations Unit and the Agency’s Human Resource Manager, up to four (4) Presidents/designees from AFSCME Council 75 Central Table participating Agencies shall be given release time from his/her position for a period of time up to three (3) months for the performance of Union duties related to the collective bargaining relationship. Only one (1) employee from a bargaining unit and a total of four (4) employees from all Central Table participating bargaining units may be on such leave at any one (1) period in time. Such requests will be granted unless the affected Agency can demonstrate that the employee’s absence would adversely impact the operating needs of the employee’s work unit. If granted, such time may also be taken on an intermittent basis. AFSCME shall, within thirty (30) days of payment to the employee, reimburse the State for payment of appropriate salary, benefits, paid leave time, pension, and all other employer-related costs. Where this reimbursement is expressly prohibited by law or funding source, the employee shall be granted a leave of absence but the Employer will not be responsible for continuing to pay the employee’s salary and benefits.

  • Short Term Paid Leaves The parties agree that the issue of Short Term Paid Leaves had been addressed at the Central Table and the provisions shall remain status quo to provisions in current local collective agreements. For clarity, any leave of absence in the 2008-12 Collective Agreement, that utilizes deduction from sick leave, for reasons other than personal illness shall be granted without loss of salary or deduction from sick leave, to a maximum of five (5) days per school year. Local collective agreements that have more than (5) days shall be limited to five (5) days. These days shall not be used for the purpose of sick leave nor shall they be accumulated from year-to-year. Such provisions shall not be subject to local bargaining or mid-term amendments between local parties. Notwithstanding this stipulation, local collective agreement terms will need to align with the terms above.

  • Short Term Disability The Employer agrees to provide Short Term Disability benefits to all active full-time employees from the first (1st) day of an accident or the first (1st) full-time day of hospitalization or the fourth (4th) day of sickness. The Plan will pay sixty-six and two thirds percent (66 2/3%) of basic earnings for the first two (2) weeks, then Unemployment Insurance will pay fifteen (15) weeks, then the Plan will resume payments for thirty-five (35 weeks).

  • Short Term Disability Plan The administration of the Short Term Disability Plan and the payment of benefits under this Plan shall be handled by the Company.

  • First Aid Training In the interests of the occupational safety and health of employees, the Employer will undertake an in-service program of first aid training aimed at providing a first aid officer for each department.

  • Short Term Disability Insurance The Employer will provide access to a short term disability supplemental insurance plan to employees through payroll deduction. Such plan will be 100% paid for by the employee through payroll deduction using post- taxed dollars. Prior to the implementation, the Employer will review the plan with the Union. If an employee purchases the short-term disability insurance plan and incurs hours of leave that would qualify for both short-term disability and Extended Illness Bank paid leave, the employee may elect to use either short-term disability leave or Extended Illness Bank hours.

  • Employee Training The Provider shall provide periodic security training to those of its employees who operate or have access to the system. Further, Provider shall provide LEA with contact information of an employee who LEA may contact if there are any security concerns or questions.

  • Short-term Disability Coverage Days Payable at 90% Wages Permanent Employees