A. 100% of all instructional staff will be trained on the use of digital curriculum platform usage (District curriculum).
B. Develop and intensive instructional schedule that increases student instructional time in the core academic area of Reading and Math from 60 to 90 min blocks.
C. Implement a part-time social work and student support specialist to develop and provide teachers with ongoing support at the Tier II & Tier III level with student behaviors that impact instruction.
D. Implement a .50 FTE Instructional Interventionist to support Tier II- Tier III students in need targeted interventions.
E. Ensure that 100% of staff is developed on Restorative Practices that promotes student learning
F. Ensure that 100% of staff is trained in Tools for Classroom Instruction that works s outlined in the Thoughtful Classroom G. Teacher observation and evaluation framework.
Strategy 1: Create a calendar for district and embedded local school level training from the Oakland County ISD team to develop clear instructional goals using the Atlas Rubicon Curriculum Resource. Strategy 2: Develop a vision and mission that fosters school culture and climate that promotes a culture of learning for all stakeholders through the articulation of curriculum expectations and development that is consistently taught in the classroom with fidelity. Strategy 3: Develop a system of accountability that monitors ongoing staff development and systemic implementation that
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS a. Analysis of online curriculum and teacher resources via a Survey of Enacted Curriculum.
b. Improvement and alignment of curriculum utilizing Curriculum Crafter.
c. Refine early warning system for attendance and engagement to identify at-risk students based on day one.
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS a) Goal 1 – Recruit and retain certified teachers and provide incentives for them to stay. Recruiting at job fairs, posting on Indeed, intensive interview process, and mentoring new staff relationships from the initial hire. Professional development will last 9 days before the start of school with curriculum trainers. Professional development surveys, first year reflection journal, sign in sheets at all staff and committee meetings. Data meetings with all teaching staff twice a month to build our capacity level while ensuring mission and vision aligned to the Academy’s goals.
b) Goal 2 – Leadership will serve as instructional leaders to ensure academic rigor and fidelity of instruction. Weekly observations will be taking place by the Curriculum Director, ELA specialist, Math Specialist and the Principal. These will be discussed amongst the leadership team and during data meetings with the teachers.
c) Goal 3 – An early warning system will be set up to monitor student absences and referrals. Make an effort to build partnerships with the IISD. Learn how to engage students in the curriculum in ways that excite them to learn. Work on parent education and their responsibilities in their child/ren education. This may include making home visits.
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS o Strategies for Goal 1: Improving student achievement in ELA and Mathematics o Strategies for Goal 2: Improving student attendance o Strategies for Goal 3: Fully implementing ANet Data Process with fidelity o Strategies for Goal 4:
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS. A) Strategy 1: Instructional Practices (Goal 1 and 2)
B) Strategy 2: Climate and Culture (PBIS) (Goal 3)
C) Strategy 3: Behavioral Monitoring and Intervention (Goal 3)
D) Strategy 4: Engaging Stakeholders (Goal 4)
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS. Strategies for Goal 1: Teacher Professional Development in Guided Reading by August 31, 2018.
1. Hire a reading specialist • Xxxxx County Regional Educational Service Agency (Xxxxx XXXX) has agreed to network the position.
2. 70% of staff would complete the initial guided reading professional development in grades K-8.
3. K-5 self-contained teachers, middle school ELA teacher and paraprofessionals.
4. The PD will be On-going/Continuous
5. After the PD, leadership will continue to conduct bi-weekly walk-throughs to monitor small-group instruction, anchor charts, use of academic vocabulary, and use of the Reading A-Z reading booklets. The focus will be on phonemic awareness, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and phonics.
6. Measured by sign-in sheets, PLC notes, walkthrough observation artifacts direct instruction of technology skills through the technology elective course. Students can enrich their learning and expand their skill-set through global exposure with the completion of research and presentations using technology.
1. Additional practice test time during new technology elective time will be added by August 2018.
2. Add an additional mobile computer lab for student use.
3. Teachers will be expected to use technology across all subject areas.
4. Differentiation for students across all levels of learning.
5. Multiple intelligences
1. Utilize the first 20 minutes of existing student showcase events as a time to share Information.
2. Host Family Universities that include Skill Building 3. Family University discussing Eureka Math
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS. 36 Month Goal 18-Month Benchmarks Strategies to Meet Goals and Benchmarks
STRATEGIES TO MEET PARTNERSHIP GOALS AND BENCHMARKS. Goal #1: Curriculum & Instruction Strategy 1: Create a partnership with the Curriculum Crafter PD (Professional Development) team. Create a calendar for district and embedded local school level training from the Curriculum Crafter team to develop clear instructional goals using the Curriculum Crafter Curriculum. Strategy 2: Create a partnership with the MI Excel Statewide field team to install the Blueprint to have a clear articulated curriculum that is consistently taught in the classroom with fidelity. Goal #2: School Culture & Climate
Strategy 1: All instructional and support staff will participate in a Tier 1 PBIS professional training provided by WRESA. These training will take place several time during the school year to ensure all staff including new staff are fully aware of the importance of PBIS in our school. Strategy 2: A PBIS Team will be identified and will attend all PBIS training provided by WRESA. The team will participate in the Tier 1, 2, 3 training based on the grade level they work with (elementary, middle or high school.) Strategy 3: Within the PCL meeting the PBIS team members will meet with staff to further inform them of the expectations of implementing PBIS in the class level. School-wide posters will be placed throughout the school (classrooms, buses, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria.) There will be monthly PBIS school assembly to heighten awareness of the PBIS expectations with the student body and acknowledge and reward improved behavior. Strategy 4: The PBIS will meet twice a month to plan and review the implementation of PBIS school-wide and on the class level. To ensure that these meeting take place, substitutes will be placed in those classrooms to cover for the team member. Strategy 5: Monthly reports are required by the PBIS grant to analyze our discipline data which includes out-of-school suspensions. The goal is to identify problem areas and place mechanisms in place to improve the climate, culture and behavior of the student body and staff. Strategy 6: The discipline team will attend training at WRESA on “Alternatives to Suspensions” as a way to reduce the number of suspensions that are given out to students. Goal #3: Student Academic Achievement Strategy 1: Create student achievement team to rework schedule and create a PLC calendar and agenda templates to ensure that staff are meeting in PLCs to discuss instructional practices, and the evaluation of student assessment data. Strategy 2: Create a test bank of balanced ass...
1) Strategy 1: During 2018 Summer Summit (August 2018), teachers will meet in content-specific planning PLCs to 1) Review the scope of standards for their content and grade level; 2) Preview the scope and sequence of their core curricula relative to EQUITY network pacing guides; 3) Conduct the preview protocol for Interim #1 within their content/grade-level areas; 4) With support from the Instructional Coach of Humanities or Instructional Coach of STEM, develop their first unit map and two weeks of instructional lessons.