Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. Will attend PLCs as determined by the Assistant Superintendents/designees for Elementary and Secondary Education.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. Effective July 1, 2002, for staffing purposes, teachers who will no longer be in a District assigned TOSA position and have been in a District TOSA position for five school years or less will be placed back to their building/program assignment which preceded the District TOSA position; if a teacher has five or less school years and not previously employed in the District, he/she will be assigned to a vacancy; if a teacher has been assigned to the District TOSA position for more than five school years, he/she will be provided choices from posted vacancies as set forth in Section 2, Subd. 2 and 3 of this Article.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. A Certificated employee assigned to a special program. These positions can include International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator, Learning Support Teacher (LST), MSAP Support Teacher (MST), and Instructional Coach (IC). These Certificated employees do not have a preparation period and will not be considered for period subbing.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. These positions are one-year positions that are renewable depending on a Teacher’s performance. Only Teachers that have obtained tenure status are eligible for these positions. Teachers selected for these positions will have the ability to return to their previous building upon completion of their TOSA duties.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. The Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) serves as a resource to educational staff; specifically, to those new teachers working on an intern credential or going through the induction program. The TOSA (support provider) must plan on how support will be offered to the intern via weekly class visits, co-planning, debriefing after a lesson, EL support, etc. A TOSA must hold a credential in the area of the intern or teacher clearing his/her credential in induction; possess an EL authorization; and, have a minimum of three years teaching experience in the classroom. The TOSA positions are based on need and funding. TOSAs are not assigned a classroom or caseload. The pay and calendar stay the same as a teaching assignment. A TOSA will not be assigned any administrative duties. Positions are year to year and, if positions are no longer needed, the TOSAs will be reassigned as a classroom teacher. Selection is based on letter of interest, resume, interview, and classroom observation.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. The TOSA refers to a Teacher on Special Assignment in conjunction with our PDS partnership with MSU-Mankato. The District will notify all teachers of the opening in the TOSA position, along with the qualifications and a detailed job description, no later than May 1st. The teacher shall have the right to resign at the end of any school year.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. 34 56.2.1 A teacher on special assignment (TOSA) is a non-supervisory certificated 35 employee who is assigned for all or a portion of their contract to provide 36 instructional support and specialized expertise to the District’s certificated
1 56.2.2 The District will outline the duties and responsibilities of each TOSA 2 position prior to hiring any employee, and will amend the job description in 3 consultation with the Association if the expectations change. TOSAs shall be 4 selected using the regular hiring process. The Parties acknowledge all non- 6 and RIF provisions of the contract.
7 56.2.3 Each TOSA shall be contracted for ten (10) additional 8-hour days beyond 8 the certificated employee's contract year, compensated on a per diem basis 9 on a supplemental contract. Any additional time above the 10 additional 10 days must be mutually agreed upon between the employee and their 11 supervisor, and shall also be compensated at the per diem rate of pay.
12 56.2.4 To ensure TOSAs maintain the skills and expertise necessary to provide high 13 quality support to school-based colleagues, the District will re-open and fill 14 each TOSA position at least once every five years.
15 Prior to posting the position, the District will notify the 16 incumbent TOSA no later than March 15.
17 A TOSA who is to be re-assigned to a school-based or classroom 18 position by the District as an outcome of the posting cycle 19 described above in 56.2.4, shall be notified by May 1st and 20 informed of all open positions for the coming year for which they 21 are certificated and endorsed. In such cases, the TOSA shall be 22 assigned by mutual agreement between the District and the TOSA.
23 If no assignment is mutually agreed upon by June 1st, the TOSA 24 will be assigned by the District.
25 56.2.5 A TOSA may elect to return to a school-based or classroom assignment in 26 any year by notifying the District by letter no later than March 15. When 27 such notice has been given, the District shall reassign the TOSA to a school- 28 based position for which s/he is both certificated and endorsed.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. 1. TOSA assignments shall be voluntary and a TOSA can return to a regular teaching position the following school year with notification to Human Resources Assistant Superintendent by March 1 of their intent to return for the next school year. A TOSA shall be notified if they will be assigned to return to a regular teaching assignment for the following year by March 1.
2. The work day for a TOSA shall be 7 hours, exclusive of the lunch period.
3. TOSA shall be paid the hourly rate for in-service teaching for each hour a TOSA works on their daily assignment past the TOSA work day.
4. The TOSA work year is equal to a certificated employee work year as provided in this Agreement. A TOSA may be asked to voluntarily work a longer year in their primary assignment as defined in section 7 below. All days worked in excess of their primary assignment shall be paid their per diem rate of pay for each day worked in excess of the certificated work year.
5. Prior to the first working day of each school year, each TOSA and the District shall agree, in writing, on their working calendar for the following year. Upon mutual written agreement between the TOSA and the District, the TOSA’s calendar may be flexed for up to 15 days per year.
6. All TOSA shall not be considered part of school site staff, whether or not a TOSA is assigned primarily to one school site. As such, TOSA may not be assigned adjunct duties or other duties or assignments by the site administrator.
7. TOSA shall receive their assignments and report to a designated administrator in the District Office. A job description of the TOSA duties shall be given to the TOSA prior to acceptance of the position, and nothing else may be added to that job description without the prior written consent of the TOSA and the District.
8. A unit member who serves as a TOSA has the right to return to the school site and position held prior to becoming a TOSA for up to two (2) years. In the event this causes a surplus of teachers, normal contract provisions shall apply to determine the transfer of a teacher from that school.
9. An APLE selected representative will be invited to be part of TOSA interview panels.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. The selection and nonrenewal of a unit member for a Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) position is not subject to Article 11, except as follows: Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) who resign (or are not renewed) upon the completion of their first year of TOSA service, shall have the right to return to their previous school location and within two grade levels of their previous assignment effective with the beginning of the next school year. In the event that the District cannot comply with this provision by releasing a temporary certificated employee, the site administrator may involuntarily reassign a unit member pursuant to Article 11 Section 7 in order to fulfill this obligation. Thereafter, upon completion or termination of their TOSA assignment, they shall have return rights to their previous school location. In the event that the District cannot comply with this provision by releasing a temporary certificated employee, the site administrator may involuntarily transfer a unit member pursuant to Article 11 Section 6 in order to fulfill this obligation.
Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA. If the administration determines a teacher on special assignment or TOSA is necessary for a given year, the position will be posted pursuant to Article 5. TOSAs are members of the bargaining unit and retain all of the contractual and other employment rights of bargaining members. Teachers working on special assignments can be removed from those special assignments at the end of a school year, but not terminated as teachers without due process. Upon leaving a special assignment, TOSAs will be reassigned to a position for which they are certified, subject to the reduction in force provisions of the Master Agreement. Teachers on special assignment shall be provided a workspace.