Special Assignment Pay. The Chief of Police shall have complete discretion to pay two percent (2%) special assignment pay incentive which will be added to the base salary of persons in the Bargaining Unit.
Special Assignment Pay. A. Bargaining Unit 12 employees who are assigned for their full work shift to oversee the work of six (6) or more “special programs people” will receive special assignment pay of $0.30 per hour for that shift. Employees who have worked forty (40) hours in their work week and who are then assigned to this duty will receive overtime for that day's assignment and will not receive special assignment pay for that day.
B. This special assignment pay also does not apply when supervisory or custody personnel are present for the day and the employee is present merely to provide technical assistance regarding the work to be done and is not responsible for supervision of the special programs people.
C. It is understood by the Union that the decision to assign or not to assign an employee to such duty rests solely with the Department and is grievable only up to and including the department head.
D. IUOE recognizes that volunteers may donate their time to perform needed functions in a variety of settings. Working in cooperation with such volunteers does not qualify a Unit 12 employee for special assignment pay.
Special Assignment Pay. Assignments eligible for special assignment pay include any Officer or Sergeant assigned as an investigator or detective to the Criminal Investigations Unit, Narcotic=s Unit, a Team Detective, or any other assignment so designated by the Department Head. Limited duty assignments or assignments of less than 90 days are excluded from receiving special assignment pay. If while serving in the positions covered by this section the task/job is moved to another team/unit, the officer assigned will continue to receive special assignment pay only while performing the same job/task. Police Officer, non-uniform Sergeants and assignments receiving special assignment pay are not promotional positions. Any Police Officer or non-uniform Sergeants assigned to a position specified in this section are subject to the provisions of this contract and management rights and will, in addition to his regular salary, be paid one hundred dollars ($ 100.00) for each month he serves in that capacity. If he leaves the position without serving a full month, the pay will be allocated as follows: fifty dollars ($ 50.00) if leaving between the 1st and 15th day inclusive, and one hundred dollars ($ 100.00) if leaving between the 16th day and last day of the month inclusive. This Article does not preclude short term assignments up to ninety (90) calendar days without receiving special pay, nor does it entitle the person assigned, on a short term basis, to clothing allowance. Clothing allowance will be paid to all personnel, assigned by order and not working in uniform, during the time they are receiving special assignment pay. Assignments due to sickness, injury, or medical disability are not eligible for any benefit described in this Section.
Special Assignment Pay. Effective January 2, 1999, Police Officers, who are certified as Field Training Officers, will receive 5% special assignment pay while they are actively performing assigned duties as a field trainer for officers.
Special Assignment Pay. Any full-time regular, limited term or probationary employee in the following classifications permanently assigned to the Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) or to the Crisis Assessment Team (CAT), which includes the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT), shall be paid an additional one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour for all hours worked: Service Chief I & II There shall not be any duplication or pyramiding of rates paid under this Section, including Jail Salary Supplement provided in Section E., above.
Special Assignment Pay. Town shall provide a 5% special assignment pay to Association represented personnel who are routinely and consistently assigned as follows:
9.1.1 Motorcycle Patrol Premium- for unit members who operate and/or patrol on motorcycle.
Special Assignment Pay. A. The following positions shall be considered special assignments for the purpose of this agreement: Detective, Narcotics officer, Reserve Coordinator, Field Training Officer, Bomb Disposal Technician, K-9 Officer and Swat Operator.
B. Special assignment positions will receive a salary increase based on the percentage rate as follows: FULL TIME: Detective 9% Narcotics Officer 9% K9 Officer 5% SWAT Commander 5% Bomb Squad Commander 5% Hostage Negotiator Commander 5% Field Training Officer Commander 5% K9 Commander 5% WHILE PERFORMING THE DUTIES ONLY: SWAT Operator/Hostage Negotiator 5% Field Training Officer 5% Bomb Disposal Technician 5% School Resource Officer (SRO) 5% Note: The Field Training Officer, Bomb Disposal Technician and SWAT Operator/Hostage Negotiator shall only receive the salary increase while performing the duties of Field Training Officer, Bomb Disposal Technician, and SWAT Operator/Hostage Negotiator respectively. SWAT Commander, Bomb Squad Commander, Hostage Negotiator Commander, K-9 Unit Commander and Field Training Officer Commander shall receive the salary increase as long as they are assigned to the special assignment position, limited to two (2) FT special assignment positions as commander. Commanders receiving the full-time special assignment pay for all hours worked, are exempt from receiving 5% additional special assignment for a call out to perform the duties. K-9 Officers shall receive the salary increase as long as they are assigned to the duties of K-9 Officer. School Resource Officers shall receive the salary increase only during the pay periods in which school is in session, to include winter and spring break, as determined by the Elko County School District Calendar.
C. Special assignment pay is not transferable and does not follow the employee in the event of reassignment to another position not included in the special assignment pay category.
D. Bi-Lingual Pay: An employee is eligible for $100.00 per month if such employee passes a Department approved conversational proficiency examination in a foreign language approved by the Police Chief, at an intermediate or higher level.
E. Members who are placed in an on-call status shall receive $4.00 per hour for the on call period in which no work is performed.
1. “On call” time refers to off duty time in which an employee is away from the worksite and expected to be easily reached and immediately available to respond when called out.
F. Detectives and K-9 officers will be allo...
Special Assignment Pay. A. Uniformed members will receive an additional five percent of their base wage while either (1) permanently assigned or (2) certified and working in the following specialties below:
1. Post Academy Training Stations (XXX)
2. Technical Rescue Team (TRT) (minimum of three crews per Division)
3. Hose Repair station (minimum of two crews per Division)
4. Small Equipment Repair station (minimum of one crew per Division)
5. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) station (minimum of two crews per Division)
6. Annual Pump Testing station (minimum of two crews per Division)
7. Breathing Apparatus Repair station (minimum of one crew per Division)
8. Ladder Repair station (minimum of two crews per Division)
9. Staffing Desk station and Chief Officers with designated staffing duties 10. Metro Arson Strike Team (MAST) Personnel
Special Assignment Pay. Assignments eligible for special assignment pay are:
Special Assignment Pay. The City will provide an additional five percent (5%) of base pay to employees assigned to the following: