Termination of Seniority Rights Sample Clauses
Termination of Seniority Rights. Seniority rights under the Agreement shall terminate under the following conditions:
A. Resignation or termination of employment.
B. Layoff in excess of a period equal to an employee’s state seniority but not more than four years.
C. Failure to return from recall.
Termination of Seniority Rights. All seniority rights will be terminated with no re-employment rights under the following circumstances:
(1) The employee resigns.
(2) The employee is discharged or terminated.
(3) The employee does not signify intent by certified or registered mail to return to work from an unrequested leave of absence to a position that is equal to or greater than the one held prior to placement on unrequested leave of absence, within fourteen (14) calendar days after being notified to return by certified or registered mail, addressed to the employee at the last address filed with the Superintendent of Schools. An employee who changes address must notify the Employer of the change. The date by which the employees must return to work from unrequested leave shall be at the discretion of the Employer, but shall in no case (except by mutual agreement) be sooner than twenty-one (21) calendar days following original notification by the Employer.
(4) The employee has been on unrequested leave for a period of time equal to the employee's category seniority at the time of the unrequested leave or five (5) years, whichever is less. Any teacher while on unrequested leave of absence shall be offered in order of category seniority and full-time substitute teacher contract in the teacher's seniority category covering at least one (1) full semester of the school year which becomes available fifteen (15) days prior to the first workshop day of the school year for the entire faculty.
Termination of Seniority Rights. Seniority and employment within the bargaining unit will terminate if an employee:
(a) resigns;
(b) is discharged for just cause and is not reinstated in accordance with the grievance and arbitration procedure;
(c) fails to report for duty as arranged after an authorized absence without an explanation satisfactory to the Employer;
(d) is laid off for more than twelve(12) months;
(e) is promoted or transferred out of the scope of the bargaining unit, subject to Article 16, Promotions Outside of Bargaining Unit; or
(f) following xxxxxx, fails to return to work within ten (10) working days after receiving notice to do so unless just cause exists. Employees shall keep the Employer informed of their current address. Employees shall be deemed to have received notice by registered mail. It is further agreed that laid off employees who are recalled will be permitted to give their current employer reasonable notice of termination in order to accept recall, but will be required to return to work within three (3) weeks from the post-marked date on the registered mail sent to them by the Employer party to this agreement.
Termination of Seniority Rights. A unit member shall lose seniority rights if they resign, is discharged and not reinstated, is terminated during their probationary period, is not recalled from layoff within twenty-four (24) months or is continuously absent due to illness or injury beyond their accumulated sick leave or approved leave of absence.
Termination of Seniority Rights. An employee's seniority rights terminate upon the earliest of the following events:
a. Discharge, resignation, or retirement;
Termination of Seniority Rights. (a) A complete loss of seniority rights will occur for any of the following reasons:
(1) When an employee voluntarily resigns or quits em‑ ployment with the Company. An employee who re‑ signs or quits employment will notify the Company seven (7) days before separation.
(2) Discharge for cause. However, should an arbitrator or other relevant authority overturn the discharge, all time away from employment will be credited to the employee upon return to work.
(3) Failure to return to work following recall from lay‑off as provided in Article 11.03(g) or from an approved leave of absence as provided in Article 11.04.
Termination of Seniority Rights. An employee's seniority rights terminate upon the earliest of the following events:
a) Discharge, resignation, or retirement;
b) Failure to return to work upon expiration of a leave of absence;
c) Xxxxxx without recall for a period from the employee's last day of actual work for the district equal to the employee's length of active service, or two (2) years, whichever is less; or
d) Failure to give written notice accepting recall within ten (10) days after notice of recall is mailed by the district to the last address furnished by the employee.
Termination of Seniority Rights. All seniority rights under this article shall end upon termination of employment, resignation, or expiration of employees recall rights, whichever occurs first.
Termination of Seniority Rights. Seniority rights and employment shall terminate when:
A. An employee quits;
B. An employee is discharged for just cause;
C. A laid-off employee is given five (5) days' written notice, sent by registered mail to the employee's last-known address, of recall and fails to report to work at the specified time and date;
D. An employee is absent from work for three (3) consecutive days without notifying the Village, in which case the employee will be considered to have abandoned the job; or
E. An employee fails to return to work from an approved leave of absence.
Termination of Seniority Rights. Seniority rights shall cease in the following circumstances:
a) if a member resigns,
b) if a member retires,
c) if a member is discharged and not re-instated
d) if a member is laid off for a period in excess of twelve (12) months,
e) if a member who had been laid off does not report for work within ten (10) working days of recall as provided for in Article 18.4 (b)