UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP a. The Employer shall deduct from each employee, from the commencement of employment, an amount equal to Union dues as set by the National Convention of the Union and as continued within the Employer Dues Directive issued by the Union office.
b. The Employer is authorized to deduct any administration fees owing by an employee to the Union when hired.
c. The total amount(s) checked off and/or deducted on behalf of the Union will be remitted by the Employer to the Union by the fifteenth (15th) day of each month following the month for which the monies were deducted, together with an itemized list of the employees for whom the deductions are made and the amount remitted for each. The Union and the employees agree that the Employer will be saved harmless for all deductions and payments so made.
7.02 The Employer shall remit dues on a form prescribed by the Union and shall include on such remittance the following information for each employee:
a. name;
b. rate of pay;
x. xxxxx earnings;
d. total regular and overtime hours worked in the month for which such deductions are made;
e. dues or fees deducted and remitted on behalf of the employee as may be prescribed by the Union; and,
f. contributions on behalf of the employees and any deductions from and remitted for an employee as may be prescribed by this Agreement.
7.03 Neither the Employer nor the Union will compel employees to become members of the Union. The Employer will not discriminate against employees because of Union membership or lack thereof, and it will inform all new employees of the contractual relationship with the Union. All new employees shall be referred by the Employer to a Union Xxxxxxx or a Union Representative in order to give the Union an opportunity to describe the Union, its purpose, representation policies, and any other information relevant to such new employees.
7.04 When the Employer hires new employees who are not members of the Union, the Employer shall also include on the next remittance, the following information of the employee involved:
a. address;
b. telephone;
x. xxxx of hire;
d. classification
7.05 Employees who cannot support the Union with their dues for reasons of conscience, as determined by the Union’s internal guidelines of what constitutes a conscientious objection, may apply to the Union, in writing, to have their dues redirected. Such application shall outline the nature of the conscientious objection.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 The parties hereto agree that all employees covered by this Agreement shall become Members of, and maintain Membership in good standing, in the Union as a condition of employment.
4.02 Membership in the Union shall be available to any employee eligible under the constitution of the Union on payment of initiation or reinstatement fees uniformly required of all other such applicants by the Union Local. Membership shall not be denied for reasons of race, national origin, colour or religion.
4.03 New employees shall become Members of the Union within thirty (30) days of the date they commenced employment and shall maintain Membership as a continuing condition of employment.
4.04 The Company agrees that all employees covered by this Agreement shall have bi-weekly dues deducted from their wages as a condition of employment. The Company agrees to deduct authorized initiation/ reinstatement fees from employees as authorized. The Company agrees to remit monthly to the Union, the dues and initiation/reinstatement fees that are deducted by not later than the twentieth (20th) day of the following month.
4.05 The amount to be deducted will be advised by the Union. The Company shall be notified in writing of the name of the Union Official to whom the money so deducted shall be sent.
4.06 If the wages of an employee payable on the payroll for the last pay period of any month are insufficient to permit the deduction of the full amount of dues, no such deduction shall be made from the wages of such employee by the Employer in such month. The Employer shall not, because the employee did not have sufficient wages payable to him on the designated payroll, carry forward and deduct from any subsequent wages the dues not deducted in an earlier month.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 As a condition of employment of every employee under this Agreement, the Company shall deduct the amount of monthly Union Dues from his wages each month and shall remit the same to the Union on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month in which it is deducted.
4.02 The Company shall deduct from the wages of an employee any initiation fee due from him to the Union and shall remit the same to the Union on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month in which it is deducted.
4.03 As a condition of employment each new employee shall make application for membership in the Union and every employee covered by this Agreement who is or shall become a member of the Union shall remain a member during the life of this Agreement.
(a) Union dues shall not be deducted from any employees receiving provincial or federal government benefits such as WSIB or EI. The union will determine if union dues will be collected from employees receiving weekly indemnity.
(b) The Company agrees to deduct delinquent dues upon receipt of a list from the Union Office. In the case of an employee being off work on leave of absence when dues should be deducted, said dues shall be deducted commencing with the first full pay on return to work, and each time thereafter until paid up.
(c) The Financial Secretary of Lodge 717T shall notify the Company of a member's delinquent dues and provide written authorization from the member. This will be done in accordance with the I.A.M. Constitution and the Local Lodge Bylaws.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 3.01 An employee who is a member of the Union on the effective date of this agreement, or who thereafter becomes a member, will continue membership in the Union for the duration of the agreement as a condition of continued employment.
3.02 Each employee hired will become a member of the Union within thirty (30) calendar days following his hiring as a condition of continued employment. The first two (2) months’ Union dues that are deducted from the new employee’s pay on a weekly basis, is an initiation fee.
(a) There will be no discrimination, interference, restraint, intimidation or coercion by or on behalf of the Company regarding any employee because of his membership in the Union.
(b) The Union, its members and/or agents will not discriminate, interfere, restrain, intimidate or coerce, or attempt to discriminate, interfere, restrain, intimidate or coerce, any employee in respect to his right to employment or in respect to union activity or membership and, further, there will be no solicitation of employees for union membership or dues on Company time.
3.04 During the life of the agreement, the Company will deduct weekly from the pay of its employees, in accordance with sections 3.01 and 3.02 above, union dues uniformly levied against all employees.
(a) The Company will deduct from the wages of all employees the amount of union dues, and forward same to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union not later than the twenty-fifth day of the month following, along with a statement in alphabetical order, with each employees monthly deductions, with indications when applicable against those names from whom no deduction is made; indicating the reason for no deduction (i.e. sick, quit, laid off, etc.). The Union will notify the Company in writing of the amount of dues to be deducted.
(b) The Company will pay hourly employees for agreed to and authorized time spent on Union Business. The I.A.M.A.W. Local Lodge 2330 will reimburse the Company for the above pay including vacation pay on such. Procedure:
1. The Union will submit one completed copy of the "Request for Absence from Work" form.
2. If the Company agrees to the absence(s), one copy of the form signed by the Human Resources Manager or her designate will be returned to the Union President authorizing the absence.
3. The employee(s) on Union Business will swipe out before starting such business and swipe in upon completion of their business.
4. The Company will invoice the Union on a monthly basis. The Union will...
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 The parties hereto agree that all employees covered by this Agreement shall become members of, and maintain membership in good standing in, the Union as a condition of employment.
4.02 New employees shall become members of the Union within thirty
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 The parties hereto agree that all employees covered by this Agreement shall become members and shall remain members of the Union in good standing as a condition of employment. This article may not be used to deprive an employee of his/her employment.
4.02 a) Membership in the Union shall be available to any employee eligible under the constitution of the Union on payment of initiation or re-instatement fees uniformly required of all other such applicants by the Union Local. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of any prohibited ground under the applicable human rights legislation.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 The parties hereto agree that all employees covered by this Agreement shall become members of, and maintain membership in good standing in, the Union as a condition of employment.
4.02 All employees shall become members of the Union within thirty (30) days of the date they commenced employment and shall maintain membership as a continuing condition of employment.
4.03 The Company agrees to deduct union dues from employees pay xxxxxx.
4.04 If the wages of an employee payable on the payroll are insufficient to permit the deduction of the full amount of the dues, no such deduction shall be made from the wages of such employee by the Company in such pay period. The Company shall not, because the employee did not have sufficient wages payable to him on the designated payroll, carry forward and deduct from any subsequent wages the dues not deducted in an earlier pay period.
4.05 The Company agrees to provide the IAM&AW District Lodge 140, on a semi-annual basis, with the names and addresses of the employees in the bargaining unit. These shall be mailed, or faxed to the District 140 office.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. As a condition of employment of every employee under this Agreement, the Company shall deduct the amount of monthly Union Dues from his wages each month and shall remit the same to the Union on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month in which it is deducted. The Company shall deduct from the wages of an employee any initiation fee due from him to the Union and shall remit the same to the Union on or before the twenty-fifth (25th) day of the month in which it is deducted. As a condition of employment each new employee shall make application for membership in the Union and every employee covered by this Agreement who is or shall become a member of the Union shall remain a member during the life of this Agreement.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. Deductions shall commence on payroll for the first pay period of the calendar month, following completion of thirty (30) calendar days, after date of employment in a position covered by this Agreement, but in no case shall deductions commence earlier than the payroll for the first pay period of the calendar month following completion of thirty (30) days after the date of the last entry into the Company. Union Dues will be deducted weekly. The Company shall forward the money deducted as Union Dues to the Secretary- Treasurer of the National office of the IAM & AW District Lodge 140, no later than the tenth (10th) day of the following month. The amount of Union Dues to be deducted by the Company will be advised by the Union. If the wages of an employee payable on the payroll for the last pay period of any week are insufficient to permit the deduction of the full amount of dues, no such deduction shall be made from the wages of such employee by the Company in such week. The Company shall not carry forward and deduct from any subsequent wages the dues not deducted in an earlier week if the employee did not have sufficient wages payable to him on the designated payroll.
UNION DUES AND UNION MEMBERSHIP. 4.01 The parties hereto agree that all employees covered by this agreement shall become members of, and maintain membership in good standing in the Union as a condition of employment.
4.02 Membership in the Union shall be available to any employee eligible under the constitution of the Union on payment of initiation or reinstatement fees uniformly required of all other such applicants by the Union. Membership shall not be denied for reasons of race, national origin, colour or religion, sex and age.
4.03 New employees shall become members of the Union within thirty (30) days of the date they commenced employment and shall maintain membership as a continuing condition of employment. All present employees who are not now members of the Union shall become members in good standing within thirty (30) days of the signing of the contract.
4.04 As a condition of employment of every employee under this agreement the company shall deduct the amount of Union dues from his/her wage each week and shall remit the same to the Union on or before the first week of the month following the month in which it is deducted.
4.05 The amount to be deducted will be advised by the Union. The Company will be notified in writing by the Union official as to where to remit such withheld dues.