Layoff and Recalls Sample Clauses
Layoff and Recalls. 23.01 In the event of layoff, employees and the Union shall be given notice of layoff or pay in lieu of notice of layoff in the amount required by the Northwest Territories Employment Standards Act. Whenever practically possible, additional notice will be provided to the employee, excluding pay in lieu of notice.
23.02 Both parties recognize that job security shall increase on proportion to length of service. Therefore, in the event of a layoff, an employee who has been given a layoff notice shall have the right to displace a less senior employee in the same or lesser pay classification provided that she has the qualifications and abilities to perform the work of the displaced employee. A displaced employee shall be deemed to be laid off.
23.03 Laid off employees shall be placed on a recall list for a maximum period of twelve (12) months, at which time the employee’s name shall be deleted from the seniority list and the employee’s employment shall be deemed terminated.
23.04 The recall procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Employees on the recall list shall be recalled in the order of their seniority, provided they have the qualifications and ability to perform the available work.
(b) Employees who have been laid off shall have the right to refuse work that would constitute a demotion or temporary employment, without loss of seniority or place on the recall list.
(c) Employees who accept an offer of a position which would constitute a demotion, temporary or less than full-time employment, shall not lose their right to recall to positions equivalent to those from which they were laid off.
(d) Employees shall be given seven (7) calendar days’ notice of recall in writing or email at their last known address on file.
23.05 New employees shall not be hired until employees on layoff have been given an opportunity of recall.
23.06 Grievances concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step 1 of the Grievance Procedure.
Layoff and Recalls. Layoffs and recalls will be implemented according to seniority provided that the employee affected has the skill and ability to do the job, with probationary employees laid off first, and the recalls in reverse order in which they were laid off.
Layoff and Recalls. Grievance concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step No. 2 of the Grievance Procedure. In the event of a layoff, employees with the least seniority within the classification in which the layoff takes place shall be laid off first, providing that the employees who remain on the job then have the ability to perform the work. An employee laid off pursuant to Article 11:06 shall have the option of accepting the layoff or shall have the right to displace the least senior employee in the bargaining unit who:
Layoff and Recalls. 10.01 The parties subscribe to the principles that lay-offs are avoided wherever possible, any reduction in the work force be done with the least possible disruption, and whenever a lay-off is necessary the most senior employee be retained. They agree to meet whenever any reduction is anticipated with a view to furthering these principles and seeking alternatives to lay-offs.
Layoff and Recalls. The Company has the right to lay off employees to the extent it determines to be necessary. In the event of a layoff, the Company shall discuss with the Shop Xxxxxxx Committee the procedure to be followed in the layoff including the order of those to be laid off. Failing agreement, the employees hired last shall be laid off first providing the senior employees who remain possess relatively equal qualifications and ability; where contested the onus shall be on the Company to establish that the junior employee has qualifications and ability superior to the senior employee. Recalls for such layoffs shall be in the order of seniority providing the senior employees possess the necessary qualifications and ability to perform the work required.
Layoff and Recalls. 20.01 a) Where a condition arises which reduces the workload to the extent that a staff or work reduction is required, Tbaytel shall discuss with the Union as to how a reduction may be effected: The following options will be considered:
1) work sharing; or
2) layoff; or
3) a combination of the above In the event an agreement cannot be reached within twenty (20) days after the issue has been submitted to the Union, Tbaytel may proceed on a plan of layoff. At any point during implementation of the plan as described above, discussions relating to same may be resumed at the request of either party.
Layoff and Recalls. (a) Temporary layoffs in the Skilled Trades are defined as any reduction of less than five (5) working days. Layoffs under this provision will be by seniority, by shift.
(b) Permanent layoffs in the Skilled Trades are defined as any reduction of five (5) working days or greater. Layoffs under this provision will be by seniority, by plant, by classification.
(c) Management retains the right to determine the number of tradesperson(s) required and the classifications needed to maintain efficiency in the plant. Management will meet and discuss their plans, in advance, of any layoff with the union to allow the UNIFOR chairperson and Skilled Trades representative to have input prior to the layoffs occurring.
(d) In cases where there are apprentices in the classification, they would be the first to go.
(e) The recall provision for Skilled Trades will be as per Article Eleven (11).
Layoff and Recalls. The Employer agrees to give as much advance notice of layoffs and recalls as is reasonably possible. Layoffs and recalls will be implemented according to seniority, provided that the employee affected has the skill and ability to do the job, with probationary employees laid off first, and the recalls in the reverse order in which they were laid off. The Employer shall not lay off employees when such lay off is not warranted by a reduced workload.
Layoff and Recalls. 1. When reducing staff or recalling laid-off employees, seniority shall prevail providing the senior employee has the merit, ability and fitness as evaluated by the Co-operative to handle the work to be performed.
2. The Co-operative shall give employees written notice or pay in lieu of notice, in case of layoff or discharge except for just cause as follows:
(a) After three (3) months' service and up to one (1) years’ service - One (1) week's written notice or pay in lieu of notice;
(b) After one (1) year of service and up to three (3) years' service - Two (2) weeks' written notice or pay in lieu of notice;
(c) After three (3) years' service and up to five (5) years' service - Four
Layoff and Recalls. The Company has the right to layoff employees to the extent it determines to be necessary. In the event of a layoff, the Company shall discuss with the Shop Xxxxxxx Committee the procedure to be followed in the layoff including the order of those to be laid off. Failing agreement the employees hired last shall be laid off first providing the senior employees who remain possess relatively equal qualifications and ability; where contested the onus shall be on the Company to establish that the junior employee has qualifications and ability superior to the senior employee.