Use of Processors Sample Clauses

Use of Processors. The Parties and Pfizer agree that all processing agreements shall be in writing and that processors shall be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement as well as this letter agreement. Each Party and Pfizer shall be responsible for any noncompliance by a processor which it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that Party or Pfizer.
Use of Processors. Pfizer and Institution agree that all processing agreements will be in writing and that processors will be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, CRO is a processor of Pfizer. Institution and Pfizer will be responsible for any noncompliance by a processor which it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that Party. 12.
Use of Processors. Institution and Sponsor agree that all Processing agreements shall be in writing and that Processors shall be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement as well as this Exhibit. Institution and Sponsor shall be responsible for any noncompliance by a Processor that it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that party.
Use of Processors. A Party shall notify the other Party in writing or text form of its intention to appoint a new Processor. If a notified party notifies the appointing party in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice of reasoned objection to the proposed appointment, the parties shall negotiate in good faith a mutually acceptable alternative solution. If such alternative is not agreed within two (2) months of the objection, either party shall have the right to terminate the Services to the extent that they require the use of the proposed Processor. ANYBILL has taken the following technical and organizational measures 1. Is a security concept in accordance with Art. 32 GDPR in place? yes (please provide) no Recognition of international standards: Certification in accordance with ISO 27001 Certification in accordance with IDW PS 330 Certification in accordance with IDW RS FAIT 1 other: 2. If physical access control measures have been taken to prevent unauthorized persons from physically accessing systems, data processing facilities or -processes? yes no Measures: Access control systems, readers (magnetic/chip card) Key management/documentation of the key issue Securing doors (electric door opening, combination locks, etc.) Erection of fences Security doors/windows Window and door panels Office for internal security, gatekeeper Alarm system or burglar alarm system Video surveillance Special security for server rooms Employee or authorization cards Restricted access areas Registration and accompaniment of visitors 3. Have logical access control measures been implemented to prevent unauthorized access to data processing systems? yes no Measures: Personal and individual login for the use of systems or company networks and additional access IDs if required Password assignment (definition of password requirements in terms of complexity and update intervals) Single sign-on Separate system login for certain applications Automatic closing of programs after a certain time without user activity (also password-protected screen saver or automatic setup of work breaks) Electronic documentation of all passwords and encryption of this documentation to protect against unauthorized access Personalized chip cards etc. Security training and ensuring employee awareness (including training on phishing and social engineering) 4. Have data access control measures been taken to ensure that only authorized persons have access to the data included in their access rights and that these...
Use of Processors. Where one or more Contracting Parties wish to use, for one of the processing activities in Annex A, a third party as a processor (within the meaning of article 4 GDPR) to carry out a processing of personal data on their behalf, they shall consult with the other Contracting Parties being controllers of said processing activity and enter into a processor agreement with the third party in accordance with article 28(3) GDPR and other applicable Data Protection Laws and, if such third party is in a country without an adequate level of data protection, they shall also enter into an agreement reflecting the "Standard Contractual Clauses (processors)" pursuant to the Decision 2010|87|EU (C(2010)593) of the European Commission without the Illustrative Indemnification Clause, or any clauses superseding them under the GDPR, as the case may be (the EU Model Clauses). Individual interpreters and court reporters (but not legal entities) and the Arbitral Tribunal's secretary, if any, are not be considered processors but instead acting instead under the control of the relevant processor (article 29 GDPR). Hence, the provisions of Section 3.6 shall apply to them. The Contracting Parties agree that Matter Data and other personal data related to the processing activities for which they are a controller may be stored with a Cloud or hosting service provider by a Contracting Party with no further consultation of the other Contracting Parties, provided that this occurs otherwise in compliance the above provisions of this Section 4. Data Protection Governance Data Subject and Supervisory Requests Each Contracting Party who, as a controller of a processing activity defined in Annex A, receives a data subject request (including requests for access, correction, deletion or objection) or a request from data protection supervisory shall (a) without delay inform all other Contracting Parties who are also controllers of the processing activity at issue pursuant to Annex A, and (b) in good faith agree with them on how to respond to it, it being agreed that this shall not prevent a Contracting Party from complying the GDPR and other the Data Protection Laws applicable to it. Each Contracting Party who is a controller of the processing activity at issue shall provide the other Contracting Parties who are also controllers of such processing activity any reasonably requested support allowing them to properly respond to such request pursuant to the GDPR and other Data Protection Laws applica...
Use of Processors. Pfizer and Contractor agree that all processing agreements will be in writing and that processors will be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement. Contractor and Pfizer will be responsible for any noncompliance by a processor which it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that Party.
Use of Processors. The Provider can retain the services of processors to provide services on its behalf. Such processors shall be authorised to obtain Customer Data and Support Data solely in order to provide the services entrusted to them by The Provider, and under no circumstances shall they use the Customer Data and Support Data for other purposes. The Provider shall be responsible for ensuring that its processors comply with the obligations of The Provider under these Online Services Terms and Conditions. The Customer previously provided consent for the transfer of Customer Data and Support Data by The Provider to processors, as set out in the Online Services Terms and Conditions.
Use of Processors. For each Processor retained by a Party that may have access to the Shared Data, the relevant Party shall: • conduct a prior assessment of the Processor to ensure that it is able to comply with the relevant obligations imposed on the relevant Party under this Data Processing Agreement, to be subcontracted to the Processor; • ensure that an appropriate written contract is signed between the relevant Party and each Processor, in accordance with Article 28 of the GDPR, the terms and conditions of which may not be less stringent than those set out in this Data Processing Agreement (in particular with regard to the requirements established between the Parties concerning Processing that complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Regulations in force); • remain fully liable to the other Party for all acts and/or omissions of the Processor that could cause the relevant Party to breach this Data Processing Agreement and/or the Main Agreement. Skeepers’ Processors are listed online at xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx/en/en-sub-processors/. Neither Party may store any Shared Data with Processors located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), in a country that is not recognised by the European authorities as ‘adequate’, meaning providing a level of data protection equivalent to the GDPR, unless otherwise expressly agreed with the other Party. The Parties may not transfer any Shared Data to Processors located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), in a country that is not recognised as ‘adequate’, unless otherwise expressly agreed with the other Party for certain current or future Processors performing specific services, as set out on xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xx/en/en-sub-processors/. Each Party shall make every effort to use Processors located in the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) or a country recognised as ‘adequate’ whenever possible, providing the best data protection and security guarantees in accordance with the Data Protection Regulations in force. If a Party is required to transfer Shared Data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA), to a country that is not recognised as ‘adequate’, under the Union or Member State law to which it is subject, it shall inform the other Party in advance and in writing at [XXXX@XXX] at least fifteen (15) days in advance, unless the relevant law prohibits such information on important grounds of public interest. In the event that Shared Data needs to be...
Use of Processors. Institution and Sponsor agree that all Processing agreements shall be in writing and that Processors shall be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement as well as this section . Institution and Sponsor shall be responsible for any noncompliance by a Processor that it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that party. Survival. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the obligations pursuant to this section shall survive termination of the Agreement for as long as Institution holds or Processes Personal Data for purposes of the Study. Odebrání souhlasu subjektů Studie. Pokud zpracování osobních údajů subjektů Studie z právního hlediska podléhá jejich souhlasu a subjekt Studie tento souhlas odvolá, bude o tom Zdravotnické zařízení neprodleně informovat Zadavatele a společnost ICON. Použití zpracovatelů. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zadavatel souhlasí s tím, že všechny dohody týkající se zpracování údajů budou písemné a že zpracovatelé budou povinni dodržovat podmínky této Smlouvy a tohoto článku. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zadavatel odpovídají za jakékoli nedodržení ze strany zpracovatele, jehož služeb využívají, a takové nedodržení bude znamenat porušení zabezpečení, jako by bylo způsobeno přímo danou Smluvní stranou. Přetrvání platnosti ustanovení Bez ohledu na cokoli, co je v rozporu se Smlouvou, povinnosti vyplývající z tohoto článku zůstávají v platnosti i po ukončení Smlouvy, a to po dobu, kdy bude Zdravotnické zařízení uchovávat nebo zpracovat osobní údaje pro
Use of Processors. Pfizer and Institution agree that all processing agreements will be in writing and that processors will be required to comply with the terms of the Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, CRO is a processor of Pfizer. Institution and Pfizer will be responsible for any noncompliance by a processor which it has engaged, which noncompliance will constitute a breach as if committed directly by that party. spoločnosti Pfizer) inštitúcia a spoločnosť Pfizer uzavrú dohodu upravujúcu takýto Prenos vrátane najmä štandardných zmluvných doložiek EÚ, pokiaľ neexistuje iný adekvátny mechanizmus Prenosu údajov. 11.