Sick Leave Donation Program A Labor Management Committee will be established for the purpose of proposing rules and procedures for a new, program. The LMC will be to develop consistent, transparent and equitable proposals for processes across all departments within the City. The LMC shall also explore proposals to lower the minimum leave bank required to donate sick leave and permit donation of sick leave upon separation from the City. The LMC must consult with the Office of Civil Rights to ensure compliance with the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative. Once the LMC has developed its list of proposals, the City and Coalition of City Unions agrees to reopen each contract on this subject.
Voluntary Layoff Appointing authorities will allow an employee in the same job classification and department where layoffs will occur to volunteer to be laid off provided that the employee is in a position requiring the same skills and abilities, as a position subject to layoff. Any volunteer for layoff shall have no formal layoff option. If the appointing authority accepts the employee’s voluntary request for layoff, the employee will submit a non-revocable letter stating they are accepting a voluntary layoff from the University. The employee will be placed on all applicable rehire lists.