Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center Sample Clauses
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. Temporary Status Option: A permanent employee of Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center subject to layoff shall be entitled to assume temporary employee status in lieu of layoff provided the employee is qualified to assume the duties and responsibilities of an existing temporary position and class. No new temporary positions shall be created for the sole purpose of eliminating permanent employees.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. A labor management committee made of four (4) employee representatives and SEIU Local 521 staff and four (4) management representatives shall meet on a bi-monthly basis to address issues directly related to NMC and the delivery of quality care, including but not limited to issues impacting bargaining unit employees at NMC. An agenda shall be prepared and forwarded to the other party no later than five (5) working days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. On the first full pay period of each new calendar year, NMC employees will receive a Nurses Development Certification stipend of three hundred dollars$300 to be used toward the cost associated with taking classes in preparation of mandatory testing for renewal of professional nursing certificates. Nurses assigned to the Emergency Department (ED) shall receive an additional fifty dollars ($50.00), for a total of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), with a requirement that all nurses in ED possess a current Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) certificate. Employees in unpaid leave of absence status as of this date shall also be entitled to this stipend in the pay period following that in which the employee returns to active paid status. Taxes and CalPERS eligibility shall be determined by the Auditor-Controller. On the first full pay period of each new calendar year, Health Department employees will receive a Nurses Development Certification stipend of $150 to be used toward the cost associated with taking classes in preparation of mandatory testing for renewal of professional nursing certificates. Employees in unpaid leave of absence status as of this date shall also be entitled to this stipend in the pay period following that in which the employee returns to active paid status. Taxes and CalPERS eligibility shall be determined by the Auditor-Controller.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. When any of the below listed County holidays, fall on a Saturday or Sunday, employees at NMC shall receive holiday pay for any time worked on the actual calendar holiday at time and a half base pay. In the event, the actual calendar holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, employees at NMC shall not be eligible for holiday pay for the County observed holiday. Employees may use a maximum of twelve (12) hours of paid time off on a holiday based on their assigned work schedule of eight (8), ten (10) or twelve (12) hours a day. Employees with an assigned work schedule of twenty –four (24) hours may use up to twelve (12) hours of paid time off on a holiday. January l - New Year’s Day Third Monday in January - Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Jr's Birthday Third Monday in February - President's Day Last Monday in May - Memorial Day July 4 - Independence Day First Monday in September - Labor Day November 11 - Veterans Day Fourth Thursday in November - Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November - Day After Thanksgiving December 24* Christmas Eve December 25 – Christmas *When December 24th falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, Christmas Eve shall be observed as a County holiday. Floating Holiday was eliminated in 2012. The monetary equivalent of eight (8) hours was rolled into salary. NMC shall post a holiday sign-up sheet in every department ninety (90) days prior to the holiday. Sixty (60) days prior to the holiday, management shall schedule volunteers and registry and per diem nurses for the actual holiday. If management is unable to fill all shifts with volunteers, registry and per diem nurses, regular part- and full-time employees shall be scheduled to work the actual holiday. NMC will require that one regular part-time or regular full-time employee be assigned as charge nurse in every department on every shift, prior to the start of scheduling from the above mentioned section for scheduling order. Staffing of County observed and the actual holiday at Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center shall be in the following order: Volunteers (need to submit request to work the holiday in accordance with the vacation request section of this MOU Registry nurses Per diem nurses Regular employees less than 0.8 FTE Regular employees 0.8 or above FTE The following listed days shall be observed and paid as legal holidays by Health Department employees during the term of this Memorandum. The holiday shall be equal to eight (8) hours for a full-time employee and pro-rated for part-time employee...
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. 1. For Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center employees, the regular work schedule is eighty (80) hours of work within a biweekly pay period of fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first Saturday of a pay period.
2. Regularly assigned work schedules vary depending upon hospital needs from 40 to 80 hours per pay period. Benefit eligible employees are budgeted for a minimum of forty (40) hours per pay period.
3. Except as provided in paragraph 4 below, a full-time work day is eight (8) sequential hours of work exclusive of a meal period of at least thirty (30) minutes. There will be a rest period of 15 minutes during each half-shift of more than four hours. A rest period is considered hours worked for pay purposes.
4. Employees who accept a 10 or 12-hour shift shall sign an Overtime Waiver to work a 10 or 12-hour shift. Employees who seek to rescind their overtime waivers are automatically deemed ineligible for any position requiring such a waiver. Management has sole discretion to schedule employees who rescind a waiver.
5. Alternate work schedules may be established by the Appointing Authority after consultation with MCRNA and the affected employee(s). For purposes of calculating overtime, a work schedule is forty (40) hours of work within seven (7) consecutive calendar days beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday of a pay period. See Overtime in Section 10.
6. Nothing in this section shall be considered as a guarantee of minimum hours or exemption from potential call-off under Section 9.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. Transfer opportunities at Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center will be posted every Monday in the HR bulletin board outside the cafeteria and in the HR department. Employees covered by this agreement may request to transfer to another unit/department within Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center after serving a minimum of one (1) year in their current unit/department.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. Staffing of County observed and the actual holiday at Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center shall be in the following order: Volunteers (need to submit request to work the holiday in accordance with the vacation request section of this MOU Registry nurses Per diem nurses Regular part-time employees (less than 0.8 FTE) Regular full-time employees 0.8 or above FTE NMC shall post a holiday sign-up sheet in every department ninety (90) days prior to the holiday. Sixty (60) days prior to the holiday, management shall schedule volunteers and registry and per diem nurses for the actual holiday. If management is unable to fill all shifts with volunteers, registry and per diem nurses, regular part- and full-time employees shall be scheduled to work the actual holiday and the County observed holiday unless the employee waives his/her right to work both the observed and actual holiday. NMC will require that one regular part-time or regular full-time employee be assigned as charge nurse in every department on every shift, prior to the start of scheduling from the above mentioned section for scheduling order.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. Staffing of County observed and the actual holiday at Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center shall be in the following order:
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. When an eligible County holiday, fall on a Saturday or Sunday, employees at NMC shall receive holiday pay for any time worked on the actual calendar holiday at time-and-- a-half base pay. In the event, the actual calendar holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, employees at NMC shall not be eligible for holiday pay for the County observed holiday. Employees may use a maximum of twelve (12) hours of paid time off on a holiday based on their assigned work schedule of eight (8), ten (10) or twelve (12) hours a day. Employees with an assigned work schedule of twenty –four (24) hours may use up to twelve (12) hours of paid time off on a holiday. County holidays: January l - New Year’s Day Third Monday in January - Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Jr's Birthday Third Monday in February - President's Day Last Monday in May - Memorial Day July 4 - Independence Day First Monday in September - Labor Day November 11 - Veterans Day Fourth Thursday in November - Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November - Day After Thanksgiving** (exempt from holiday pay) December 24* Christmas Eve December 25 – Christmas *When December 24th falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, Christmas Eve shall be observed as a County holiday.
Xxxxxxxxx Medical Center. On the first full pay period of each new calendar year, NMC employees will receive a Nurses Development Certification Stipend of three hundred dollars ($300) to be used toward the cost associated with taking classes in preparation of mandatory testing for renewal of professional nursing certificates. Nurses assigned to the Emergency Department (ED) shall receive an additional fifty dollars ($50.00), for a total of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), with a requirement that all nurses in ED possess a current Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) certificate. Employees in unpaid leave of absence status as of this date shall also be entitled to this stipend in the pay period following that in which the employee returns to active paid status. Taxes and CalPERS eligibility shall be determined by the Auditor-Controller. On the first full pay period of each new calendar year, Health Department employees will receive a Nurses Development Certification Stipend of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150) to be used toward the cost associated with taking classes in preparation of mandatory testing for renewal of professional nursing certificates. Employees in unpaid leave of absence status as of this date shall also be entitled to this stipend in the pay period following that in which the employee returns to active paid status. Taxes and CalPERS eligibility shall be determined by the Auditor- Controller.