CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with section 170LT of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, I now certify the attached written agreement. This agreement shall come into force from 16 February 2004 and shall remain in force until 31 October 2005. BY THE COMMISSION: Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer <Price code 70> TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Matter Clause No. Page No. Accident Pay 29 32 All-In Payments 34 34 Alpine Areas 14.1.(b) 15 Altona Area Allowance 14.2.(a) 16 Amenities 37 35 Apprentices 22.(a) 23 Australian Materials 41 37 Casual Labour 12.2 13 Classification Structure & Rates of Pay, Allowances 13 14 Clothing Issue & Safety Footwear 40 36 Co-Invest (Long Service Leave) 27 31 Commitments 3 5 Consultation 8 7 Demolition Work 14.1.(d) 16 Dispute Settlement Procedure 9 8 Drugs & Alcohol 38 35 Employment & Termination 12 12 Fares & Travel Allowance 15 17 Fast Food Allowance 14.1.(a) 15 Further Flexibilities 23 24 Geelong, Altona, Portland, etc Metals Agreements 14.3 16 Geographic Area, and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions 14 15 Hearing Tests 11.(2) 10 Heavy Blocks 11.(9) 12 Hours Of work, Rostered Days Off, and Protection of Leisure Time 17 17 Inclement Weather 24 24 Income Protection 28.1 31 Income Protection & Trauma Insurance 28 31 Induction Procedures 11.(4) 11 Job Stewards/Delegates 36 34 Job Xxxxxxx/Delegate Facilities 36.2 35 Journey Accidents 30 32 Latrobe Valley Allowance 14.2.(b) 16 Leisure Time Protected 17.3 18 Living Away from Home Allowance 16 17 Major Events 14.1.(c) 15 Metal Trades Labour Hire Agreement 14.4 16 Negotiation of a Subsequent Agreement 43 37 No Extra Claims 44 38 Objectives of the Agreement 2 5 Overtime 17.2 18 Parties and Persons Bound 4 6 Payment of Wages 19 21 Period of Operation 6 6 Picnic Day 31 33 Project Agreements 5.2 6 Project Pre-Commencement Conference 18 21 Protective Clothing & Equipment 11.(3) 10 Pyramid Subcontracting 35 34 Redundancy 25 30 Rehabilitation Program 39 35 Relationship to Parent Award and Victorian Building Industry Agreement 7 6 Right of Entry & Representation 33 33 Rostered Days Off 17.4 19 Safety Dispute Resolution 10 8 Scope & Application 5 6 Security & Continuity of Employment 32 33 Service Core Allowance 14.2.(c) 16 Signatories 45 39 Superannuation 26 30 Termination of Employment 12.3 13 Time & Wages Records 19.1 21 Title 1 5 Tool Storage 20 22 Toxic Substances 11(8) 11 Training & Related Matters 22 23 Trauma Insurance 28.2 32 Waste Minimisation, Recycling and Environme...
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with Division 4 of Part VIB of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the Commission hereby certifies the attached written agreement in this matter. This agreement shall come into force from the date of certification, being 4 March 2004, shall operate in accordance with its terms and shall remain in force until 31 October 2005. <Price code 95>
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with section 170LT of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the Commission hereby certifies the attached written agreement. This agreement shall come into force from 20 June 2003 and shall remain in force until 31 October 2005. <Price code 65> TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Matter Clause No. Accident Pay 29 All-In Payments 34 Alpine Areas 14.1.(b) Altona Area Allowance 14.2.(a) Amenities 37 Apprentices 22.(a) Australian Materials 41 Casual Labour 12.2 Classification Structure & Rates of Pay, Allowances 13 Clothing Issue & Safety Footwear 40 Co-Invest (Long Service Leave) 27 Commitments 3 Consultation 8 Demolition Work 14.1.(d) Dispute Settlement Procedure 9 Drugs & Alcohol 38 Employment & Termination 12.1 Fares & Travel Allowance 15 Fast Food Allowance 14.1.(a) Further Flexibilities 23 Geelong, Altona, Portland, etc Metals Agreements 14.3 Geographic Area, and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions 14
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with section 170LT of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, I now certify the attached written agreement.
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with Division 4 of Part VIB of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the Commission hereby certifies the attached written agreement in this matter. This agreement shall come into force from the date of certification, being 20 November 2003, shall operate in accordance with its terms and shall remain in force until 31 October 2005. <Price code 65> TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Matter Clause No. Accident Pay 29 All-In Payments 34 Alpine Areas 14.1.(b) Altona Area Allowance 14.2.(a) Amenities 37 Apprentices 22.(a) Australian Materials 41 Casual Labour 12.2 Classification Structure & Rates of Pay, Allowances 13 Clothing Issue & Safety Footwear 40 Co-Invest (Long Service Leave) 27 Commitments 3 Consultation 8 Demolition Work 14.1.(d) Dispute Settlement Procedure 9 Drugs & Alcohol 38 Employment & Termination 12.1 Fares & Travel Allowance 15 Fast Food Allowance 14.1.(a) Further Flexibilities 23 Geelong, Altona, Portland, etc Metals Agreements 14.3 Geographic Area, and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions 14
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. On behalf of my institution, I understand and am in agreement with the terms and conditions of this consortium agreement for the student indicated on the reverse side of this form.
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. In accordance with section 170LT of the Workplace Relations Act 1996, the Commission hereby certifies the attached written agreement. This agreement shall come into force from 11 April 2006 and shall remain in force until 30 November 2008. BY THE COMMISSION: SENIOR DEPUTY PRESIDENT Printed by authority of the Commonwealth Government Printer <Price code 47> Xxxxx Bros. Specialised Services Enterprise Bargaining Agreement
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. Agreement to the foregoing Contract between the parties is attested to by the representative whose signatures appear below. By BECPO President Date By Executive Director Human Resources Date By Superintendent Date By Board President Date Employee Name Date Job Title Work Site Evaluation Period: Ending Date Beginning S= Satisfactory; NI = Needs Improvement; U = Unsatisfactory
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. By the Agreement, made between and Olympic College, the undersigned hereby agree that:
CERTIFICATION OF AGREEMENT. A. This agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2003 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2006. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and it is expressly understood that it shall expire on the date indicated. B. In witness whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective representatives and their corporate seals to be placed hereon, all on the day and year first above written.