Clothing Issue Sample Clauses
Clothing Issue. Day Care Employees Employees of the Day Care Centres shall receive one (1) laboratory type coat as required, to be replaced on the basis of need. The employee will be responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of issued garments. Employees will respect clothing issue which may be identified as City of Peterborough issue, and it is understood and agreed such clothing will not be worn at times or in a manner which will discredit the Employer, subject to disciplinary action. The clothing issue is for the sole use of the employee to whom it is issued and may not be sold, exchanged or given by the employee to any other person. Articles of clothing issue which becomes worn out or irreparably damaged in the service of the Employer will be replaced without charge with new articles upon presentation or surrender of the worn-out or damaged items.
Clothing Issue. 1) The Corporation will purchase and supply:
Clothing Issue. (1) The Corporation shall wash, maintain, and supply clothing and safety equipment, to be issued on an as required basis. Overalls, coveralls, rubber boots, gloves, rubber gloves, rain suits and hard hats shall be issued to employees, as they require them, upon return of the worn out articles. During winter months, employees requiring rubber boots shall be issued insulated rubber boots.
(2) Employees who are compelled to work in inclement weather for extended periods of time shall be supplied with suitable clothing: In Summer - rubber boots, rain suit In Winter - insulated coveralls
Clothing Issue. The Employer shall provide each employee requiring coveralls with two (2) pairs of summer coveralls and one (1) pair of winter coveralls. The coveralls shall be of high quality suitable for the Arctic. The specifications for the coveralls be determined by the Committee. Upon presentation, worn or damaged coveralls will be replaced by the Employer at no cost to the employee. Coveralls supplied by the Employer shall be worn only while employees are on duty. Employees who are provided with coveralls and who do not complete their probationary period shall return to the Employer the coveralls the Employee received. If the Employee does not do so on or before the employee’s final day of employment, the cost of the coveralls shall be deducted from any amounts owing to the Employee by the Employer. Employees who terminate their employment the Employer, for any reason, within three (3) months of receiving coveralls shall return to the Employer the coveralls the Employee received. If the Employee does not do so on or before the employee’s final day of employment, the cost of the coveralls shall be deducted from any amounts owing to the Employee by the Employer. The Employer shall provide gloves of a type and quality as determined by the Employer to employees who require gloves in the performance of their work. Said gloves shall be provided on a replacement basis upon presentation of gloves have been worn out. Gloves supplied for work shall be only in the performance of an employee’s duties. A maximum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per fiscal year will be provided to those employees who require safety foot wear, (namely those in the classifications of Xxxxxxx, Driver, Driver Helper, By-Law Officer, Facilities Maintainer, Recreation Facility Worker, Senior Air Coordinator, Air Operator, CARS Air Operator and Upper Air Operator) upon the presentation of a receipt (for the purchase of said foot wear). All safety footwear must be approved. The Employer shall supply a locker and lock to each employee requiring a clothing issue. The employee shall store coveralls and gloves in said lockers after he has completed his shift of work and these shall not be taken home or used for any other purpose than for which they have been provided. The Employer shall provide suitable on-site laundry facilities and detergents, at no cost to employees, to enable employees to launder their clothing issue.
Clothing Issue. Project Employees must wear the Project provided clothing and PPE at all times while you are working on the Project Site. If lost, you may purchase additional items. Project issued items will be replaced on a fair wear and tear basis upon production of the worn item to your Employer. Project Hours of Work: Generally, work periods will be of approximately equal duration but may be scheduled to suit the specifics of the work, and may vary. It is a condition of your employment that scheduled Project hours are worked. Food Orders: Project Employers will provide a service for ordering food from an off- site facility for Employees who wish to purchase food for meal breaks.
Clothing Issue. Upon termination of employment, it is the responsibility of the employee to return such clothing and equipment to the Employer. If not returned, the cost of the unreturned clothing or equipment will be deducted from the employee's final paycheck and/or other termination remuneration.
Clothing Issue. Avante Linemarking will provide all specialist personal protection equipment to enable all day-to-day activities to be conducted in a safe manner. The employee must wear PPE which is provided. The company will also supply uniform clothing to be worn by employees whilst “on the job” and it is their responsibility to maintain this clothing in a clean and presentable fashion. The Company will supply steel-toed, elastic sided leather boots at the certification of this agreement for existing employees and starting date of new employees, and replace them on a fair wear and tear basis. Any staff preferring a difference in style / quality, etc., has the option to pay the difference in cost, at the time of purchase. Clothing will be issued in 2 lots to relate to the general weather environment - staff may choose to “trade” off garments if not required at the time of issue. 2 x polo shirts 2 x cotton long sleeve 1 x long cotton trouser 1 x fleecy top 1 x overall (where required) 1 x jacket (when / if required) 1 x trouser Clothing for new employees will be issued on satisfactory completion of the 3 month probationary period and offer of employment. Employees commencing on a casual basis will be supplied with: 1 x polo shirt (Summer) - 1 x fleecy top (Winter). Clothing lost must be replaced by the individual. Clothing damaged will be replaced by the company. This can be reviewed by the consultative committee from time to time.
Clothing Issue. Effective May 1, 2006, clothing matters are covered by the Supplementary Agreement re: Clothing Point System. The Supplementary Agreement subsequently renders null and void all collective agreement issues relating to clothing matters. Prior to May 1, 2006, members of the Police Sector shall receive:
a) The following clothing will be issued to Uniform personnel as specified: Slash Resistant Gloves – one (1) pair of gloves and replaced thereafter as required. Trousers – three (3) pairs of trousers, either two (2) pairs of winter and one (1) pair of summer weight or one (1) pair of winter and two (2) pairs of summer Parka – one (1) nylon parka, suitable to the Association, to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Such parks to be issued for wear on or before November 15th in each year. Reefer Coat – one (1) reefer coat for spring and fall to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Raincoat – one (1) reversible raincoat to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Boots/Oxfords – two (2) pairs of boots or two (2) pairs of oxfords or one (1) pair of boots and one (1) pair of oxfords upon enlistment and thereafter as required, but not more than one (1) pair of either boots or oxfords every six (6) months. Overshoes – one (1) pair of zipper type overshoes to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Rubbers – one (1) pair of rubbers on enlistment and thereafter as required. Lined Mitts/Leather Gloves – one (1) pair of each upon enlistment and thereafter as required, but not more than one (1) pair of either in any year. White Cotton Gloves – one (1) pair upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Shirts – effective January 1, 1984, ten (10) “perma press” shirts, comprised of five (5) long sleeve and five (5) short sleeve shirts, to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required to a maximum of six (6) shirts per year. Ties – three (3) ties, of a clip on type, to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required to a maximum of two (2) per year. Caps – one (1) summer peak cap and one (1) winter cap to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required. Suitable waterproof covering for uniform cap. Scarf – one (1) scarf to be issued upon enlistment and thereafter as required.
b) The following equipment will be assigned to members assigned to Motorcycle duty as required:
c) Plain Clothes Constables and all Officers holding the rank of Sergeant regularly assigned to duties in Plain Clothes in all Divisi...
Clothing Issue. (a) A Clothing Officer shall be designated on each ferry route. Clothing Officer Quartermaster functions shall be considered hours of work.
(b) Except for made to measure items, the first clothing issue shall be made pursuant to Article 26.4 within one month of the employee's appointment. Made to measure items will be supplied within two months of the request being received by the clothing officer. When an employee changes classification, first issue clothing items identical to each of the subject classifications will not be re-issued.
(1) The replacement of clothing issue items shall be based upon a "fair wear and tear" policy and with the exception of made to measure items, will be made pursuant to 26.3(c)(2) within one month of the request being made to the Clothing Officer. If made to measure replacement is necessary, replacement shall be made pursuant to Article 26.3(c)(2) within two months of the request to the Clothing Officer.
(2) Replacement of an unserviceable clothing item will be made upon presentation of the item to the Clothing Officer and provision of a reasonable explanation that its replacement has not been occasioned through negligence of the employee. Clothing items being replaced shall be marked and have removed there from all employer insignia, after which the clothing items shall be returned to the employee.
(1) A clothing supply depot shall be established.
(2) An emergency supply of clothing shall be established and maintained at each ferry route.
(3) Whenever possible standardized forms shall be developed and utilized for purposes of clothing measurements.
(1) Upon termination of their employment, auxiliary employees shall return all clothing items issued pursuant to Article 26.4.
(2) With the exception of retiring employees, upon termination of their employment all regular employees shall:
(i) Return to the Clothing Officer all clothing items issued pursuant to Article 26.4 within the 12-month period prior to their termination. Present to the Clothing Officer all other clothing items issued pursuant to Article 26.4 for purposes of marking and removal of employer insignia, after which the clothing items shall be returned to the employee.
Clothing Issue. 25:01 All employees covered by this Agreement shall, on permanent employment, be issued suitable (new next-to-skin) uniforms and clothing as listed below. All items to be replaced as needed.
25:02 Any of the above mentioned clothing destroyed in the line of duty shall be replaced/ordered as soon as is reasonably possible. All equipment and clothing which deteriorates before the time through normal use will be replaced by the Employer as soon as is reasonably possible and old equipment and clothing must be returned to stores. Any employee leaving the force shall return all equipment and uniforms issued to him/her. Issued clothing shall only be worn while on duty unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police.
25:03 All members upon permanency shall receive an identification wallet and badge. Replacement to be determined by Chief.
25:04 Any member leaving the force shall return all identification wallets and badges issued to him/her.
25:05 It is mutually agreed that dry cleaning of (non wash and wear) police uniforms, plus any alterations required, shall be paid by the Employer for all employees covered by this Agreement. The Employer agrees to pay all reasonable expenses incurred in the maintenance of uniforms and equipment.
25:06 Plainclothes members shall receive an allowance of Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars January 1st of each year and Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars July 1st of each year for the purpose of dry cleaning and maintaining appropriate dress to be worn at work.
25:07 There will be a Clothing Committee jointly made up consisting of a member of Management who has been designated by the Chief of Police as the officer i/c of Force Stores as well as the Union President or designate.