Union and Employer Representation Sample Clauses

Union and Employer Representation. No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. To implement this the Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its officers and similarly, the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its supervisory or other personnel with whom the Union may be required to transact business.
Union and Employer Representation. The Union shall supply the Employer with the names of its authorized officers and similarly, the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its supervisory and other personnel with whom the Union may be required to transact business.
Union and Employer Representation. 3.01 Recognition of Union Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards, and Union Representation. The Employer will recognize individuals and/or employees elected, appointed and/or designated by the Union as its qualified Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and Union Representatives. The Union may identify one Job Xxxxxxx as the Chief Xxxxxxx. The Union will notify the Employer in writing as to who are the elected, appointed and/or designated Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards, and Union Representatives authorized by the Union to discuss and wherever possible resolve problems arising out of the Collective Agreement. In the event that an alternative to the Job Xxxxxxx is assigned by the Union to discuss and, wherever possible, resolve a problem arising out of the Agreement, reasonable notice will be provided in advance by the Union to the Employer. 3.02 The Employer shall recognize three (3) employees elected or appointed by the Union to act as Job Stewards, one (1) of which shall be identified as the Councillor. These employees must have completed their probationary period of employment. The Union shall inform the Employer, in writing, of the names of the Job Xxxxxxx(s). In addition to the above, the Employer will also recognize one (1) employee elected or appointed by the Union to act as Job Xxxxxxx in each of the branch offices.
Union and Employer Representation. 3.1 Recognition of Union Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and Union Representatives The Employer will recognize individuals and/or employees elected, appointed, and/or designated by the Union as its qualified Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and Union Representatives. The Union may identify one Job Xxxxxxx as the Chief Xxxxxxx. The Union will notify the Employer in writing as to who are the elected, appointed and/or designated Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards and Union Representatives authorized by the Union to discuss and wherever possible resolve problems arising out of the Collective Agreement. In the event that an alternative to the Job Xxxxxxx is assigned by the Union to discuss and, wherever possible, resolve a problem arising out of the Agreement, reasonable notice will be provided in advance by the Union to the Employer. Rights of Job Stewards The duties and responsibilities of Job Stewards shall include the following activities: (a) Investigation of complaints grievances, including making presentations to management as required. (b) Posting notices relating to meeting, dues, entertainment, health and safety and general Union information and activities on the Union’s Bulletin Boards as provided under Article 15.1. (c) Participation in collective bargaining, and/or arbitration proceedings when directed by the Union. (d) Participation in the administration of the Union as may be required for Union Executive Meetings and Job Xxxxxxx Meetings. (e) Briefing time of up to one (1) hour prior to grievance meetings as set out under the Grievance Procedure. 3.2 The Job Xxxxxxx(s) may, within reason, carry out their duties in Article 3.1 Rights of Job Stewards (a), (b), and (e) above, without loss of pay, during regular business hours and it shall be considered as time worked. Time spent by Job Stewards beyond their regular working hours will not be paid by the Company. Before carrying out the duties relating to 3.1(a), (b), and (e), during regular working hours, the Job Xxxxxxx will first obtain permission from the manager or their designate at their location. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld. It is understood that the Job Xxxxxxx will carry out their duties in a manner as to cause a minimum of interference to normal job duties and business operations.
Union and Employer Representation. 3.1 Recognition of Union Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards, Occupational Health and Safety Committee Worker Representatives and Union Representatives The Employer will recognize individuals and/or employees elected, appointed, and/or designated by the Union as its qualified Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards, Occupational Health and Safety Committee Worker Representatives and Union Representatives. The Union may identify one Job Xxxxxxx as the Chief Xxxxxxx. The Union will notify the Employer in writing as to who are the elected, appointed and/or designated Executive Board Members, Councillors, Job Stewards, Occupational Health and Safety Committee Worker Representatives and Union Representatives authorized by the Union to discuss and wherever possible resolve problems arising out of the collective agreement or any applicable legislation. In the event that an alternative to the Job Xxxxxxx is assigned by the Union to discuss and, wherever possible, resolve a problem arising out of the Agreement, reasonable notice will be provided in advance by the Union to the Employer. The duties and responsibilities of Job Stewards shall include the following activities: (a) Investigation of complaints grievances, including making presentations to management as required. (b) Stewards shall be permitted to sit in on any performance review at an employee’s request.
Union and Employer Representation. 3.01 The Employer shall recognize the Job Xxxxxxx(s) elected or appointed by the Union, and shall not discharge, discipline or otherwise discriminate against such Job Xxxxxxx(s) for carrying out the duties proper to that position. The Union shall inform the Employer of the names of the Job Xxxxxxx(s). 3.02 The Job Xxxxxxx(s) may, within reason, investigate and process grievances or confer with or without the Representative(s) of the Union during regular working hours, without loss of pay. The Xxxxxxx(s) will obtain permission from their immediate supervisor before leaving their immediate area for such purposes, and such permission will not be unreasonably denied. 3.03 The Employer shall not discharge, discipline or otherwise discriminate against any member of the Union for participation in or for legitimate action on behalf of the Union, or for the exercise of rights provided by this Agreement. 3.04 Leaves of absence without pay will be granted to employees for the purpose of attending to Union business providing the employer's work requirements will allow for such leave. The Union will request such leave by giving the Employer at least two (2) weeks notice. Normally such leave of absence will not exceed ten (10) working days in any one calendar year for any one employee. Any such leave request will not be unreasonably denied.
Union and Employer Representation. Section 1 The Employer shall recognize a maximum of four (4) regular employees, two (2) Stewards per Branch, elected or appointed by the Union to act as Section 2 The Office Xxxxxxx(s) may, within reason, investigate and process grievances or confer with the Representative(s) of the Union during regular working hours, without loss of pay. The Xxxxxxx(s) will obtain permission from their immediate supervisor before leaving their immediate area for such purposes and such permission will not be unreasonably denied.
Union and Employer Representation. Section 1 The Employer shall recognize a maximum of two (2) full-time or part-time regular employees and one (1) alternate regular employee elected or appointed by the Union to act as Office Xxxxxxx(s), These employees must have completed their probationary period of employment. The Union shall inform the Employer, in writing, of the names of the Office Xxxxxxx(s). All new employees will be introduced to an Office Xxxxxxx (or alternate) during the first day of employment at a mutually convenient time. Section 2 The Office Xxxxxxx(s) may, within reason, investigate and process grievances or confer with the Representative(s) of the Union during regular working hours, without loss of pay. The Xxxxxxx(s) will obtain permission from their immediate supervisor before leaving their immediate area for such purposes and such permission will not be unreasonably denied. Section 3 Joint Labour/Management Relations Committee There shall be a Joint Labour/Management Relations Committee composed of two (2) employee representatives and one (1) alternate representative selected by the Union, and two
Union and Employer Representation a) No employee or group of employees shall undertake to represent the Union at meetings with the Employer without the proper authorization of the Union. To implement this, the Union shall supply the Employer with names of its officers and similarly, the Employer shall supply the Union with a list of its managers or other personnel with whom the Union may be required to transact business. b) The Company and the Union agree to schedule a Union- Management meeting during the life of this Agreement when deemed necessary by both parties. The meeting shall serve as a forum for discussion and consultation about policies and practices not necessarily covered by this Agreement.