ORDERS Clauses Exemplaires
ORDERS. The order must precisely state the reference given in the Liebherr-Aerospace Montauban SAS catalog. The order is accepted only after Liebherr-Aerospace Montauban SAS issues an acknowledgment of receipt confirming the delivery date, price, quantity, and designation. The acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to the client within 15 calendar days after receiving the order. Any order placed for a quantity below the minimum quantity and/or amount will automatically be adjusted to the minimum quantity and/or amount.
ORDERS. The seller is only committed to fulfilling the order received if it has issued its express confirmation in writing therefor, irrespective of the form thereof.
ORDERS. The placing of orders implies the formal, unreserved acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale. Once the Customer’s order is received, CYBERGUN reserves the right to either accept or reject it or to issue reservations. An acknowledgement of receipt does not constitute acceptance of an order by CYBERGUN.
ORDERS. All orders must be placed in writing.
ORDERS. Any change or cancellation will only be accepted within 24 hours of receipt of the order form on a commercial letterhead. The contract is definitively entered into only after the express acceptance of the order. The commitments undertaken by our agents and representatives shall be binding upon us only after confirmation by the company.
ORDERS. 2.1/ The contract will only be considered valid subject to the express acceptance of the order by the supplier.
2.2/ The order expresses the client’s irrevocable consent. Consequently he may not cancel it, unless expressly agreed beforehand by the supplier. In this case, the client will indemnify the supplier for all costs incurred (including specific equipment, design and study costs, labour and supply costs, and tooling costs) and for all direct or indirect consequences arising as a result. Consequently, in addition to the down payment already paid, which will be retained by the supplier, the client will be required to pay the following penalties:
2.3/ The supplier will hold stocks (materials, tooling, work in progress, finished products) according to the client’s requirements and in his interest, either at his express request or in order to honour the forecasts provided by him. Any modification, non-performance or suspension of the contract making it impossible to dispose of the stock in the contractually agreed conditions will result in a renegotiation of the initial economic terms allowing for the indemnification of the supplier.
3.1/ The supplier’s responsibility is strictly limited to compliance with the client’s specifications as stipulated in his order. Indeed, due to his professional skills in his speciality and depending on the industrial production resources available to him, the client is able to precisely define the structure in question according to his own industrial data or that of his clients.
3.2/ The client must explicitly mention the reference and date of the technical standard with which he wishes the supplier to comply regarding the product to be produced.
3.3/ The client is responsible for the use of the product under normal foreseeable conditions of use and in compliance with the applicable safety and environmental legislation. In particular, it is the client’s responsibility to choose a product meeting his technical requirements and to ensure with the supplier that the product corresponds to the intended application.
ORDERS. Any order, whatever its form may be (fax, order form, e-mail…), received by the Seller commits irrevocably the Buyer as from its acceptance by the Seller. Any cancellation of the order shall be subject to the prior written consent of the Seller. Any cancellation of the order accepted by the Seller shall automatically and immediately give rise to a lump-sum payment of 10% of the amount (exclusive of V.A.T.) of the cancelled order as penalty. The price of goods not delivered for the date initially agreed for any reason incumbent upon the Buyer may be subject to price revisions that the Buyer commits to accept.
ORDERS. 1.1 Le Client peut commander des Produits en passant des commandes écrites et signées au moyen d’un formulaire de commande Eurotax ou (si disponible) via les saisies de commandes sur les sites web Eurotax (chacune la « Commande »). Les Commandes doivent faite l’objet d’une acceptation par Eurotax. Eurotax peut accepter une Commande en fournissant l’accès aux Produits. Les Commandes acceptées seront réputées être régies par ce Contrat de Licence ainsi que par toute autre document visé dans la Commande. Tous les autres termes et conditions figurant dans toute Commande ou autre document du Client sans référence expresse au Contrat de Licence n’auront aucun effet.
1.1 Customer may order Products by placing written, signed orders on a local Eurotax order form, or by placing orders via order-entry tools (where available) on Eurotax web sites (each, an “Order”). Orders are subject to acceptance by Eurotax. Eurotax may accept an order by providing access to Products. Accepted orders will be deemed to incorporate and be subject to this Licence Agreement, as well as any other documentation referenced in the Order. All other terms and conditions contained in any Customer purchase order or other document not expressly referenced in this Licence Agreement will have no effect.
ORDERS. An order is personally binding on the signatory and any principal. It may only be modified with the express written agreement of Bel-Cz Group sro . and, where applicable, with a price supplement. Orders will only be considered final after receipt of the customer's written commitment.
1.1 L’acceptation de nos propositions comporte celle des présentes conditions de vente nonobstant toutes stipulations contraires aux présentes.
1.2 Tous les ordres ne sont valables qu’après acceptation et confirmation écrite de notre Siège Social. La confirmation d’une commande fait l’objet d’un accusé de réception de commande.
1.3 Toute annulation ou modifications de commande, postérieure à la formation du contrat, même partielle par l’acheteur, ouvre droit à indemnités de 75 € minimum au profit du vendeur et dont le montant pourra être majoré en fonction de l’état d’avancement de la commande et des frais engagés par le vendeur.
1.4 Lorsque le matériel doit être réceptionné par des organismes ou bureaux de contrôle, les frais de réception et de vacation sont toujours à la charge de l’acheteur.
2.1 Selon la législation, nos prix sont indiqués hors taxes et s’entendent pour un matériel non conditionné et livré en usine.
2.2 CIAT peut à tout moment, avant la livraison du matériel, accorder une remise ou une ristourne sur le prix de ce matériel.
2.3 Toute livraison comportant un délai de fabrication inférieur à deux mois est facturée au prix de base convenu à la commande ; si ce délai est supérieur, ce prix sera corrigé en vertu des dispositions légales en vigueur et indexé selon la formule de révision de prix figurant à la proposition, s’il s’agit de matériel en comportant l’usage en appliquant le rapport des derniers indices connus au jour de la livraison.
2.4 Toute commande dont le montant est inférieur à 50 € H.T. donne lieu à la facturation d’une somme forfaitaire de 50 € HT destinée à couvrir les frais administratifs.