Academic Needs. The importance of retaining all eligible teachers to provide educational continuity for students.
Academic Needs. The need to comply with 45% requirement under I.C. 20-29- 9-28(a)
Academic Needs. The need for teachers to transition to a new compensation schedule for staff retention.
Academic Needs. If, after the increases to the base for Evaluation Rating and Education, a current teacher’s salary is not equal to a new teacher’s salary, with the same level of education and experience, on the New Teacher Salary Placement Schedule applicable to that year, then such additional amount needed to reach that level will be added to the current teacher’s salary, but not to exceed $5,000 in 23-24 only, as academic needs for teacher retention.
Academic Needs. The Superintendent shall have discretion to increase an eligible teacher’s salary to an amount up to $89,200, provided the resultant salary remains within the salary range, for meeting academic needs of students, except that the resultant salary for a speech language pathologist shall be no more than $80,000. Meeting academic needs of students is defined as the need to retain teachers who are important to the School Corporation. The academic needs factor is not related to experience or education. The Superintendent will notify the Association President prior to authorizing the increase. The experience factor is not more than 50% of the base salary increase. Eligible teachers on a less than full time contract will receive a Base Salary Increase on a pro rata basis. Redistribution: Any funds otherwise allocated for teachers who were rated ineffective or improvement necessary will be equally redistributed to all teachers rated effective or highly effective. The redistribution will be in the form of a stipend that will be paid at the end of the school year.
Academic Needs. The academic needs factor is a teacher retention catch-up. It is defined as the adjustment of the salary of a current teacher, with up to eight (8) years of experience, up to the amount on the New Hire Salary schedule for a new teacher with comparable education and experience.
a) For 2024-2025, a transcript or license must evidence the attainment of a content area master's degree or a degree beyond a master's for the purpose of moving current teachers consistent with the teacher retention catch-up increase.
Academic Needs. The importance of attracting and retaining teachers in IPS who, as identified below in Section C (iii), teach in certain subject areas and/or have effective IPS teaching service beyond novice years.
Academic Needs. The Superintendent shall have discretion to increase an eligible teacher’s salary to an amount up to $82,000, provided the resultant salary remains within the salary range, for meeting academic needs of students. Meeting academic needs of students is defined as the need to retain teachers who are important to the School Corporation. The academic need factor is not related to experience or education. The Superintendent will notify the Association President prior to authorizing the increase. The experience factor is not more than 50% of the base salary increase. Eligible teachers on a less than full time contract will receive a Base Salary Increase on a pro rata basis. Redistribution: Any funds otherwise allocated for teachers who were rated ineffective or improvement necessary will be equally redistributed to all teachers rated effective or highly effective. The redistribution will be in the form of a stipend that will be paid at the end of the school year.
Academic Needs. In order to retain teachers important to the district to ensure educational continuity and to recognize loyalty to Lake Station Community Schools, after the increase provided in Article X, Section (E)(2) above, an eligible teacher shall receive an increase to base salary to the applicable minimum salary as shown in the table below. Variations for minimum salary are based on years of service to Lake Station Community Schools, not all years of teaching experience. If the teacher’s base salary, after the increase provided in Article X, Section (E)(2) above, exceeds the applicable minimum salary amount, the teacher will not receive a base salary increase for the Academic Needs factor. A year of service at Lake Station Community Schools is defined as a minimum of 120 days in “pay status” per TRF. (The exception is for those staff members who may be on approved FMLA or ADA leave). 4. Redistribution. In the event that there are funds that were otherwise allocated for increases for teachers rated ineffective or needs improvement or who have left employment prior to distribution, those funds will be redistributed among the remaining eligible teachers as a stipend at the end of the school year.
Academic Needs. The need to retain teachers with one or more years’ of Pike experience.