ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. It is the desire of the Union and the Company to maintain high standards for safety in order to eliminate insofar as possible, industrial accidents and illnesses. Accordingly, there is hereby established a Safety Committee consisting of five (5) union members, as well as the Company representatives. Of the union side of the committee all four (4) departments (Packaging, Production, Maintenance Warehouse) must be represented. It shall be the duty of the Safety Committee, at regular intervals, to make or cause to be made inspections of the plant and to report the existence of any condition which, in its opinion, require correction and the Company agrees that it will use due diligence to avoid hazardous conditions, and will make every effort to eliminate any conditions which might result in injury or illness to employees. In each year of the collective agreement the Company shall pay a safety incentive payment of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to each employee who has at least one (1) year of service as of June 1st. Such payment shall be paid by separate cheque on the first pay day after June 1st.
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Union and the Employer shall comply with the Regulations of the Workers' Compensation Act and all other legislation related to the health and safety of the employees in the workplace. The Union and the Employer agree to form a joint committee and meet in accordance with the Workers' Compensation Act. The committee will work co-operatively to support and develop safe work procedures to ensure the safety and health of individual employees, clients and patrons. An employee having to cease work as a result of an injury covered by the Workers' Compensation Act shall be paid at the applicable straight time rate up to the end of the scheduled work day for which the employee was called.
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Employer will make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its employees during working hours and the Union agrees to co-operate with the Employer in maintaining proper observation of all safety and health rules. The parties shall observe the provisions of Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (1997). Effective May the Employer, on behalf of each employee will make a contribution of two cents ($0.02) per hour to the De Novo Drug and Treatment Facility. Contributions are to be remitted in accordance with Article Payments to Trust Funds, Administration Dues and Union Dues.
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Association shall complywith applicable federal, territorial, and municipal health and safety legislation and regulations. All standards established under the legislation and regulations shall constitute acceptable practice. The Association shall make available a copy of the applicable health and safety legislation and regulations, including the
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. It is the desire of the Union and the Company to maintain high standards for safety in order to eliminate insofar as possible, industrial accidents and illnesses. Accordingly, there is hereby established a Safety Committee consisting of four (4) members, each of whom shall represent their respective departments, as well as the Company representatives. It shall be the duty of the Safety Committee, at regular intervals, to make or cause to be made inspections of the plant and to report the existence of any condition which, in its opinion, require correction and the Company agrees that it will use due diligence to avoid hazardous conditions, and will make every effort to eliminate any conditions which might result in injury or illness to employees. In each year of the collective agreement the Company shall pay a safety incentive payment of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) to each employee who has at least one (Iy)ear of service as of June 1st. Such payment shall be paid by separate cheque on the first pay day after June
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Company and the Union agree to co-operate in the promotion of safety and health of employees during working hours. The Company shall continue to maintain provisions for the safety and health of its employees at the plant during the hours of their employment. Where the Company deems necessary, and as required by government regulations, for the safety of the employees, protective devices and other equipment shall be provided in an effort to reduce exposure to injury. The Union will co-operate with the Company insisting that employees make use of devices and equipment furnished for their protection. An Employee who does not wear safety equipment provided shall be subject to discipline. The Company shall recognize two (2) Health and Safety representatives appointed by the Union. These representatives, together with two (2) appointees from the Company, shall form a Committee as established under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. An employee who is injured at work and unable to complete the rest of his shift shall be paid for the entire shift. The injured employee shall be transported to a hospital or doctor whichever is necessary, at the expense. The Company may require employees to undergo medical examinations because of a suspected health problem for the purpose of determining if the employee physically fit for employment, or for other legitimate reason. Such examinations shall take place during the regular work hours. The Company shall pay the cost of the examination and fully compensate the employee for all time lost. The Company shall provide a job description to the physician. The Company agrees to provide protective clothing and equipment at its expense. Such protective clothing and equipment includes: gloves when required; safety glasses with a limit); proper masks where required; aprons where required. overalls to be provided to the on the paint line, when required. The Company agrees to pay, effective September seventy ($70.00) dollars per year towards the cost of approved safety shoes for each employee who purchases safety shoes to wear at work. Employees will be required to wear such safety equipment as may be designated by the Company and failure to do so will be subject to discipline.
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. All standards established under the Safety Act and Regulations shall constitute minimum acceptable practice. The Employer shall continue to make all reasonable provisions for the occupational safety and health of employees. Such reasonable provisions shall include the provision of personal protection devices, such as alarms or other items which could enhance the safety of employees who are routinely required to work in potentially dangerous situations, where immediate help is not always available. The Employer will entertain suggestions on the subject from the Union and the Employer and the Union undertake to consult with a view to adopting and expeditiously carrying out reasonable procedures and techniques designed or intended to prevent or reduce the risk of employment injury.
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Employer shall comply with all applicable Federal, Territorial, and Municipal health and safety legislation and regulations. All standards established under the legislation and regulations shall constitute minimum acceptable practice. A copy of the applicable Health and Safety legislation and regulations will be readily accessible to each employee in the workplace. Occupational health and safety shall be a regular agenda item for meetings of the Labour Management Committee referred to in Article
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. Purpose ................................................................... Safety Programme ...................................................
ARTICLE SAFETY AND HEALTH. The Company will make reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its employees at the plant during working hours of their employment, The Company and the Union will name an in-plant safety and health committee comprising of not more than five (5) Management and (5) Union representatives who are employees of the Company. Such committee shall meet once a month. One (1) Management representative and one (1) Union representative who are members of the committee shall make a safety tour of the plant once a month. Each member of the Union Safety Committee, if available, will rotate on a monthly basis lor the plant safety tour. The committee will be given one hour of preparation time per month in addition to meetings, plant tours and other duties. The Union shall select one (1) certified member from the committee for each shift and one (1) alternate Certified member from each shift to carry out the duties of a certified member. one (1) member per shift will be designated to carry out the duties of a certified member representing Union members. The Company agrees to pay the cost of training certified members. An employee who is injured at work and requires medical attention and who a doctor determines is unable to return to work shall be paid for the balance of his regular hours in the day upon which the injury occurred, Employees injured at work will be provided with transportation to their home, or for medical attention and then back to work or home after the necessary medical attention. Thereafter the injured employee may attend their family physician if so desired. The Company will provide an adequately equipped first aid room with a qualified attendant in charge. Any accident in which immediate medical attention is required the accident scene must be left undisturbed until it has been reviewed and released by an accident review committee composed of one Management and one Union representative of the health and safety committee. In the event that the health and safety committee members are not present in the plant, a report of the accident will be provided to the health and safety committee in place of review and release by the accident review committee. The Company agrees that it will appoint a management health and safety committee representative who is working on shift work. Medical attention for purposes of this Article mean attendance at a hospital or by a physician. Where drivers identify delivery locations which they believe involve a health and...