Authorized Payroll Deductions Sample Clauses

Authorized Payroll Deductions. A. The Treasurer shall provide direct deposit for payroll checks upon completion of appropriate forms by Bargaining Unit Members. This deposit will reach participating financial institutions on or before the distributing date of regular paychecks. B. Deduction of yearly dues and of fees shall be authorized for payroll deduction to the Treasurer by the Bargaining Unit Member for the following: 1. Unified Dues (WLEA, OEA, NEA, SEOEA) 2. Departments of the Ohio Education Association as found on the yearly enrollment form. 3. Health Insurance 4. Savings Bonds 5. Annuities 6. Credit Union 7. Fund for Children and Public Education 8. Federal, state and municipal taxes. 9. Xxxxxx Local School District Levy Campaigns The length of the deduction shall be unlimited. C. Deductions shall be transmitted to the proper agency within ten (10) days after the deductions are made, except under extraordinary circumstances. D. Agents, brokers, or companies designated to write tax-sheltered annuities on or after August 9, 1982 shall comply with the provisions of Section 9.91(A) of the Ohio Revised Code. There shall be no more than twenty (20) agents, brokers or companies designated for payroll deduction at any one time. E. The Board agrees to automatic payroll deduction, as a condition of employment, of an amount equal to the total dues of the Association from the pay of all Bargaining Unit Members who elect not to become members of the Association, or who elect not to remain members. The Treasurer of the Board shall, upon notification from the Association that a member has terminated membership, commence the check-off of the fair share fee with respect to the former member, and the amount of the fee yet to be deducted shall be the annual membership dues less the amount previously paid through payroll deduction. Payroll deduction of such fair share fees shall begin the first paycheck on or after January 15 of each year. Dues rates and fair share fee rates shall be transmitted by the Association to the Treasurer of the Board for the purpose of determining amounts to be payroll-deducted, and the Board agrees to promptly transmit all amounts deducted to the Association. The Board further agrees to accompany each such transmittal with a list of names of Bargaining Unit Members for whom all such deductions were made, the period covered and the amounts for each. Upon timely demand, non-members may appeal to the Association the payment of the fair share fee pursuant to the internal pr...
Authorized Payroll DeductionsThe employee shall be required to authorize payroll deductions for premium cost for any optional coverage involving an additional premium cost selected at any time.
Authorized Payroll Deductions. 38.§3.1 The Employer agrees to continue to provide payroll deductions for employees in the following categories: Union Dues/Fees Medical Hospitalization Insurance U.S. Bonds Credit Union Mandatory child support deductions when ordered by a court
Authorized Payroll Deductions. A. Deductions of yearly dues and/or fees may be authorized for payroll deduction to the Treasurer by any teacher for any of the following: 1. Alexander Local Education Association 2. South Eastern Ohio Education Association 3. Ohio Education Association
Authorized Payroll DeductionsEmployees may authorize the following payroll deductions, which will continue in effect from year to year unless revoked in writing: a. Faculty Council (MEA/NEA) Membership Dues b. MEA/NEA PAC c. United Way d. MEA Financial Services e. Tax-sheltered Annuities f. Life Insurance g. Alpena Community College Foundation h. Health Savings Account i. Health Insurance Premium Contribution (Insurance is cancelled if deduction is cancelled)
Authorized Payroll Deductions a. The Board shall provide for payroll deductions authorized by the teacher for the following: dues to professional organizations (NEA, OEA, NEOEA, WEA, and affiliates), U.S. savings bonds, Fund for Children and Public Education, tax sheltered annuities, authorized Employees Credit Union, United Way, and cancer insurance. Authorized deductions for U.S. savings bonds must be in divisible multiples which will from time to time equal the cost of the denomination of the bond authorized to be purchased. Authorization by the teacher for payroll deductions approved herein must be in writing, on the proper forms, and delivered to the Treasurer's Office at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the applicable pay ending date. b. New annuity carriers must have a minimum of thirty (30) bargaining unit clients registered for their annuity product(s) in order to qualify for the payroll deduction program described in (a) above. c. A program of direct deposit of payroll checks to Board of Education authorized banks is available and is mandatory for all newly hired teachers and for all teachers effective October 1, 2014. A newly hired teacher's request for direct payroll deposit shall be on proper forms, submitted at least seven (7) calendar days prior to their first pay date. Any teacher who has been considered “newly hired” under this section or its predecessor may not cancel direct deposit, buy may change a banking institution. Any changes to the banking establishment receiving the deposits approved herein shall also be in writing and presented at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the applicable change date. All funds will be timely deposited so as to have accessibility to the funds on the pay date.
Authorized Payroll Deductions. It is mutually understood there are limitations on the number of payroll deductions. Upon appropriate written authorization from the employee, the Board shall deduct from the salary of any employee and make appropriate remittance for annuities, credit union(s), savings bonds, charitable donations, insurance, or any other plans or programs approved by the employee.
Authorized Payroll Deductions. ‌ In addition to mandatory deductions, employees may authorize the following deduction in their paychecks: Health insurance, contributions to United Way, Credit Union and other deductions as applicable and agreed upon by the parties.
Authorized Payroll Deductions. 101 The Board shall provide for payroll deductions authorized by the employee for the following: dues or service fees to professional organizations (NEA, OEA, NEOEA, WSA), U.S. savings bonds, Fund for Children and Public Education, tax sheltered annuities, authorized Employees Credit Union, United Way, and cancer insurance. Authorized deductions for U.S. savings bonds must be in divisible multiples which will from time to time equal the cost of the denomination of the bond authorized to be purchased. Authorization by the employee for payroll deductions approved herein must be in writing, on the proper forms, and delivered to the Treasurer’s Office at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the applicable pay ending date.
Authorized Payroll DeductionsThe Employer agrees to continue to provide payroll deductions for employees in the following categories: Dental Insurance Life Insurance Union Dues/Fees Deferred Compensation U.S. Bonds Credit Union Medical Hospitalization Insurance Income Protection Insurance Mandatory Child Support deductions when ordered by a court Vision Care Insurance Michigan Education Trust (MET) Program It is understood and agreed that additional authorized deductions may be made by the Employer and shown on the check stub as payroll deductions. All authorized deductions are subject to sufficient earnings. Nothing provided herein shall prohibit the Employer from making deductions in accordance with court orders of a court of competent jurisdiction or other legal orders served on the Employer. Deductions will be made only upon receipt of a properly authorized deductions form and in accordance with the priorities established in Article 6, Section A. Deductions will commence as soon after receipt of an authorization as possible. Present administrative convenience and practice will prevail. The Employer agrees to effect deductions listed in this Section without administrative cost to the employee or Union. Once commenced, a deduction authorized by the employee shall continue until the appropriate written stop order is received.