Childbirth Sample Clauses
Childbirth. Childbirth means the live birth of a child, or a still birth after a pregnancy lasting at least 24 weeks.
Childbirth. A male employee shall be allowed leave for the birth or adoption of his child. This leave will be deducted from annual leave for that employee.
Childbirth. 1. Childbirth qualifies as a condition recognized under this Article because it necessitates an extended physical recovery period for the employee.
2. An employee recovering from childbirth may draw from the pool up to fifteen days for an ordinary delivery or Cesarean delivery.
3. Either of these periods set forth immediately above may be extended if the employee otherwise meets the requirements to draw additional pool days because a continued medical need exists (i.e., a Long-Term Illness), as confirmed by the employee’s physician.
4. If an employee chooses not to draw pool days for recovery from childbirth, the employee is free to make that choice.
Childbirth. (1) Leaves of absence for childbirth shall be granted consistent with applicable law. The employee shall be afforded use of her accumulated sick days for disability periods. Upon normal physician's certification, a teacher shall be entitled to 20 working days before and 20 working days after the anticipated date of birth (including school holiday and vacation periods). Upon additional specific medical certification, a teacher with pregnancy complications shall be entitled to utilize additional accumulated sick leave as necessary.
(2) Pregnant employees shall notify the Superintendent of Schools of their condition and anticipated delivery date as soon as possible but in no case less than 120 days prior to the delivery date. Their notice should include the anticipated date to commence the leave and their intention as to use of sick days (if available).
(3) Pregnancy leave granted to a non-tenured employee shall be limited to the specific school year and there shall be no guarantee of renewal as a result of the leave of absence.
(4) Employees returning from a pregnancy leave of absence shall be entitled to all benefits to which other employees returning from other types of sick or disability leave would be entitled.
Childbirth the father of the child shall receive one day on the day the child is born and one day on the day the child is brought home. The employees covered under this Agreement shall be eligible for Parental Leave under the City’s current Parental Leave policy. If the City’s Parental Leave benefit is terminated at any time, the parties will revert back to the language above in (B)(4). If the Parental Leave is modified, CODE may elect to apply the foregoing language.
Childbirth. A leave of absence without pay shall be granted under the conditions set forth in this section to an employee during the period of physical disability due to pregnancy, child birth, miscarriage, abortion, or illness resulting there from if the employee has no or insufficient sick leave credit and does not wish to use accumulated annual or personal leave credits or compensatory time off. For those employees with sufficient accumulated sick leave, use of sick leave will be granted for a period up to six weeks following childbirth/delivery and it may be extended for the period of continuing disability by the Court Administrator. The Court Administrator may require a doctor’s certificate regarding the continuing disability. A leave of absence without pay or use of annual leave, personal leave, or compensatory time off, in any combination, shall be granted to an employee for a period up to four months for the purpose of child rearing. The combination of leaves of absence for the period of physical disability due to childbirth and child rearing may not exceed six months without the approval of the Court Administrator. This provision shall pertain to probationary as well as permanent status employees.
Childbirth i. Paid leave for childbirth
1. Pregnancy of the teacher and childbirth. Pregnancy of the teacher is considered a period of temporary physical disability entitling teachers to use their accumulated personal illness or personal business hours for paid leave. Additionally, teachers who participate in the Sick Leave Bank may use hours from the Bank if otherwise eligible.
2. Birth of a teacher’s child. For the birth of a teacher’s child other than by pregnancy of the teacher, twenty-four hours (three days) paid leave shall be available to take immediately following the birth of the child if all family illness and/or personal business hours have been used.
Childbirth. In the event of a birth of a child of the employee’s spouse, sick leave will be allowed. (See FEMA guidelines.)
Childbirth. Teachers, who during the birth event, are the sole primary support of the mother in a non-professional capacity, will be granted leave with pay for the following:
a. One (1) day to attend at the birth of the child.
b. One (1) day to be present when the mother and child return from the hospital.
Childbirth a. A member of the unit shall notify the State District Superintendent of a pregnancy as soon as practical. The District shall grant maternity leave without pay to any member upon request, to commence on the day requested by the member so long as the effective date of the leave conforms to the most recent decisions of the Commission of Education, State and Federal Court decisions, and State Law.
b. A non-tenure member will not be granted maternity leave beyond the term of the contract.
c. The District agrees not to maintain or enforce any policy or practice for the removal of any tenure or non-tenure member from duties which are based solely on the fact of the pregnancy or on the fact that the member has completed a specific number of months of pregnancy, but shall consider and treat each member on an individual basis in accordance with the provisions of New Jersey Laws against discrimination