Choice of Vacation Periods Sample Clauses

Choice of Vacation Periods. Whenever possible, choice of vacation periods shall be granted employees on the basis of seniority. Employees wishing to split their vacations shall exercise seniority rights in the choice of the first vacation period. Seniority shall prevail in the choice of the second vacation period but only after all other "first" vacation periods have been posted. Seniority shall also prevail in the choice of the third vacation period, but only after all other "first" and "second" vacation periods have been posted. Seniority shall also prevail in the choice of the fourth vacation period but only after all other "first", "second" and "third" vacation periods have been posted. Seniority shall also prevail in the same manner for subsequent vacation periods.
Choice of Vacation Periods. 21.2.1 Vacation requests shall be honored on the basis of seniority, and shall be acted upon within fifteen (15) days of the closing date for the vacation period. Members may request vacation in blocks of less than one work week, however, requests submitted for one or more full work weeks shall take precedence over requests for less than one full work week regardless of seniority. Members may not request vacation time unless they have the time in their vacation bank at the time the request is submitted. Members shall have the right to use compensatory time credits in place of previously approved vacation time credits (or vice-versa) at any time prior to the dates that the credits are used. 21.2.2 Requests for the period April 1 through September 30 must be submitted by March 1 of that year. Vacation requests for the period October 1, through March 31 must be submitted by September 1. Members shall initially be entitled to be granted a maximum of three (3) full workweeks of vacation during each vacation period. During the summer period no more than two of these weeks shall be granted to any member during the period May 15 to September 14. Members may request vacations in excess of these maximums. Vacations granted in excess of these maximums shall be granted based upon seniority. Any request submitted after the closing date in a time frame shall be acted upon on a first come / first serve basis and shall be approved or disapproved no sooner than thirty (30) days or less prior to dates requested, will be approved or disapproved within seventy-two (72) hours. 21.2.3 Vacations which have been previously authorized and scheduled shall not be canceled without mutual agreement between the employee and the Sheriff or his designee, unless such cancellation is necessary due to an emergency declared by the Sheriff. Such cancellation shall not be utilized solely for the purpose of circumventing the payment of overtime. 21.2.4 For purposes of this Section, seniority shall be determined based upon the employee’s date of appointment to his/her current title. Time employed in another bureau, or as a part-time or seasonal employee, shall not be included when calculating seniority. In the event that a conflict arises between two persons with the same appointment date, the following criteria shall be used, in the order listed, to determine seniority: Deputy Sheriff Jailor Sergeant, date of appointment as a Corporal; date of appointment as a Deputy. Deputy Sheriff Jailor Corp...
Choice of Vacation Periods. All vacation requests shall require the employer's approval and may be put off to a time consistent with operational needs. In general, vacations will be granted at the time requested by the employee unless operational considerations require delay to a future time. If the nature of the work makes it necessary to limit the number of employees on vacation at the same time, or in the event of any conflict over vacation periods, the appropriate administrator will attempt to resolve the matter between the parties. Absent mutual agreement the employee with the earliest submitted request shall be given his/her choice of vacation period provided operational considerations do not require delay to a future time.
Choice of Vacation Periods by seniority ends at April 30th, thereafter employees may select their vacation period with the consent of their foreperson or
Choice of Vacation Periods. 1. An employee will be granted the amount of his/her vacation credits accumulated upon completion of the necessary continuous service time set forth in the schedule appearing in Section (a) above, except that if circumstances make it necessary for the Employer to limit the number of employees on vacation at the same time, the employee with the greater seniority shall be given his/her choice of vacation periods in the event of conflicts. Request for changes in vacation requests beyond the scheduling limits established by the department may be approved at the discretion of the Sheriff. a. Vacation leave may be taken in (1) one hour increments with the following restrictions: 1. Leave must be pre-approved 2. May not be used on initial vacation selections
Choice of Vacation Periods. Employees shall be given every reasonable and practical choice of vacation periods. Those of greater seniority shall be given preference in selection of vacation leave time. Vacation leave shall be scheduled so that at least one custodian is on duty in each building at all times.
Choice of Vacation Periods. 1. An employee will be granted the amount of his/her vacation credits accumulated upon completion of the necessary continuous service time set forth in the schedule appearing in Section (a) above, except that if circumstances make it necessary for the Employer to limit the number of employees on vacation at the same time, the employee with the greater seniority shall be given his/her choice of vacation periods in the event of conflicts. Request for changes in vacation requests beyond the scheduling limits established by the department may be approved at the discretion of the Sheriff. 2. Vacation will be assigned within each operating unit/shift as set forth in Sections 1 and 2. From June through September will be prime time, and seniority shall apply to a maximum of ten (10) days. Vacation requests shall be distributed by November 1, returned by December 1 and vacation schedules posted by January 1.
Choice of Vacation Periods. 1. An employee will be granted the amount of his/her vacation credits accumulated upon completion of the necessary continuous service time set forth in the schedule appearing in Section (a) above, except that if circumstances make it necessary for the Employer to limit the number of employees on vacation at the same time, the employee with the greater seniority shall be give his/her choice of vacation periods in the event of conflicts. Request for changes in vacation requests beyond the scheduling limits established by the department may be approved at the discretion of the District Attorney. Vacation request approved, will not be canceled unless an emergency forces the cancellation of all Vacation Requests.
Choice of Vacation Periods. 20.2.1 An employee will be granted the amount of his vacation credits accumulated upon completion of the necessary continuous service time set forth in the schedule appearing in 20.1 above, except that should circumstances make it necessary for the Sheriff to limit the number of employees on vacation at the same time the employee with the greater seniority shall be given his choice of vacation periods in the event of conflicts. 20.2.2 Effective January 1, 2001 or the date of execution of this agreement, whichever is later, vacation schedules shall be posted in the Corrections Ready Room at the Public Safety Facility once every four (4) months. The vacation bid periods shall be January to April, May to August, and September to December. Vacation bidding shall be conducted during the months of December (for January, February, March, and April), April (for May, June July, and August), and August (for September, October November, and December). For example, bids for January 2001 to April 2001, shall be made in December 2000. Employees may split their vacation periods into three (3) or more segments. 1. Beginning the date that this agreement takes effect, all covered employees within the Correction Division will be called into the Administrative Lieutenant’s office, one at a time and by seniority. 2. Each person when called in will be prepared with their preference for the vacation period they wish to bid. 3. Officers on leave at the time of bidding may submit their request in writing to the Administrative Lieutenant during the month in which to bidding occurs. Such written requests shall be considered the same as a vacation bid meeting with the Administrative Lieutenant. Final results of the vacation bidding shall not be tabulated until the close of the vacation bid period. 20.2.3 Unscheduled vacation requests may be granted by the Sheriff. Such vacation shall be granted on a first come first serve basis, except requests for emergency vacation leave.

Related to Choice of Vacation Periods

  • Splitting of Vacation Periods ‌ Annual vacations for employees with ten (10) work days’ vacation or more shall be granted in one (1) continuous period but may, upon request from the employee, be divided, subject to the approval of the Employer, provided that the following shall apply: 1. The Employer’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, taking into consideration the operational requirements of the department; and 2. At least one block of vacation shall be at least five (5) days in duration. Employees wishing to split their vacations shall exercise seniority rights in the choice of the first vacation period. Seniority shall prevail in the choice of the second vacation period, but only after all other “first” vacation periods have been approved. Seniority shall also prevail in the choice of each subsequent vacation period, but only after each previous vacation period has been approved. Annual vacations for employees with less than ten (10) work days’ vacation shall be granted in one (1) continuous period.

  • ANNUAL VACATIONS 15.01 Employees shall be entitled to an annual vacation after one (1) year of employment with pay, calculated as follows: (a) 3/52nds of the earnings of that year of service after one (1) year and each subsequent year thereafter, up to and including five (5) completed years of service; (b) 4/52nds of the earnings for the year commencing after five (5) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter, up to ten (10) completed years of service; (c) 5/52nds of the earnings after ten (10) completed years of service and each subsequent year thereafter. 15.02 For other than full-time employees, all vacation pay will be paid to employees on December 15th in each year unless the employee requests vacation pay when a holiday is taken. In such circumstances, the employee will receive vacation pay requested at that time or a portion of the payment at that time and the balance on December 15th. Part-time employees will be allowed to make two (2) such requests per year based on earnings to June 30th. Full-time employees will receive vacation pay when they take their vacation. 15.03 Employees who are hospitalized or make use of compassionate leave during their vacation period shall be credited with extra vacation time equivalent to the time used. 15.04 Vacations cannot be accumulated from one year to another. 15.05 When a statutory holiday occurs during an employee’s vacation, an extra day’s vacation shall be granted if the holiday is one for which the employee would have received pay if he/she had been working. 15.06 If the employment of an employee is terminated, the Employer shall pay him/her for any vacation time he/she has earned. 15.07 A vacation list shall be submitted to the employees requesting them to indicate their preference as to vacation dates. Both parties agree, however, that the vacation schedule must be practical insofar as the operation of the business is concerned and therefore the Employer is able to make a final decision as to how many and which employees would be able to take vacation at any particular time. Seniority shall prevail in the event of a conflict of vacation requests between employees.

  • Annual Vacation 9.1 An employee who, at the beginning of the calendar year, is not qualified under paragraph 9.2 hereof, shall be allowed one working day’s vacation with pay for each 25 days’ cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 10 working days until qualifying for further vacation under paragraph 9.2. 9.2 Subject to the provision of Note 1 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 3 years and have completed at least 750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation schedule on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 16 2/3 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 15 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.3. NOTE 1: Employees covered by paragraph 9.2 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on fourth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 1,000 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.1. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.3 Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below, employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working days’ vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.4. NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth or subsequent service anniversary that they achieve 2,750 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Subject to the provisions of Note 2 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have, maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 9 years and have completed at least 2,250 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 12 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with a maximum of 20 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph NOTE 2: Employees covered by sub-paragraph 9.3(a) will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their tenth of subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 2,500 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.2. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.4 Subject to the provisions of Note 3 below employees who, at the beginning of the calendar year, have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 19 years and have completed at least 4,750 days of cumulative compensated service, shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 10 days of cumulative compensated service or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year with a maximum of 25 working days; in subsequent years, they will continue vacation entitlement on the foregoing basis until qualifying for additional vacation under paragraph 9.5. NOTE 3: Employees covered by paragraph 9.4 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein of in their twentieth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 5,000 days if cumulative compensated service; otherwise, their vacation entitlement will be calculated as set out in paragraph 9.3. Any vacation granted for which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. 9.5 Subject to the provisions of Note 4 below, employees who at the beginning of the calendar year have maintained a continuous employment relationship for at least 28 years and have completed at least 7,000 days of cumulative compensated service shall have their vacation scheduled on the basis of one working day’s vacation with pay for each 8 1/2 days of cumulative compensated service, or major portion thereof, during the preceding calendar year, with maximum of 30 working days. NOTE 4: Employees covered by paragraph 9 5 will be entitled to vacation on the basis outlined therein if on their twenty-ninth or subsequent service anniversary date they achieve 7,250 days of cumulative compensated service; otherwise their vacation entitlement which employees do not subsequently qualify will be deducted from their vacation entitlement in the next calendar year. If such employees leave the service for any reason prior to their next vacation, the adjustment will be made at time of leaving. (a) Scheduling an employee for five weeks vacation with the employee being paid for the sixth week vacation at pro rata rates; or (b) Splitting the vacation on the basis of five weeks and one week.