Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts Sample Clauses

Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts. 3.3.1 The CONSULTANT shall assist the OWNER in obtaining proposals from Contractors and in awarding construction contracts, and 1) Shall evaluate products equals at the request of the OWNER and make a recommendation on each in a timely manner. 2) Shall attend the prebid conference and bid openings. 3) Will assist the OWNER in evaluating all cost estimates, GMP's or all bids received and provide comment and recommendation to the OWNER. 3.3.2 To the extent provided by the contract for this project between the OWNER and the Contractor, the CONSULTANT shall make decisions on all claims of the OWNER and Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. The CONSULTANT shall check and approve samples, schedules, shop drawings and other submissions only for conformance with the design concept of the Project and for compliance with the information given by the Contract Documents, prepare Change Orders and assemble written guarantees required of the Contractor. 3.3.3 The CONSULTANT will make periodic visits to the site to familiarize itself generally with the progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The CONSULTANT will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work; the CONSULTANT will not be responsible for the techniques or sequences of construction or the safety precautions incident thereto, and the CONSULTANT will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of the CONSULTANT'S observations as a qualified professional while at the site, the CONSULTANT will keep the OWNER informed of the progress of the work, will endeavor to guard the OWNER against defects and deficiencies in the work of Contractors, and the CONSULTANT may condemn work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. 3.3.4 Based on such observations and the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the CONSULTANT will determine the amount owing to the Contractor and will approve Certificates for Payment in such amounts to the OWNER. The CONSULTANT shall review and forward all Certificates for Payment to the OWNER within OWNER established timeframes in order for the OWNER to provide payment to the Contractor within the timelines established by the Florida Prompt Payment...
Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts a. Furnishing general administration of each construction contract awarded for the Project until final completion and acceptance by the University of the construction of the Project. b. Furnishing such field administration of each construction contract and inspection of the work of each contractor in an effort to guard the University against inferior materials or workmanship. The Consultant shall use all reasonable care and diligence and exercise its best efforts to see that the Project is constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Through the use of such care, diligence and efforts and any action taken by the Consultant in accordance with this Agreement or under each construction contract, the Consultant does not, however, guarantee that a contractor will not breach its construction contract, but the Consultant shall use all reasonable care and diligence and exercise its best efforts to discover any breach and after it becomes aware of any breach it shall immediately notify the University thereof. In the event of such breach, the Consultant shall submit to the University its recommendations for appropriate remedial action. c. Arranging for and/or providing, at regular intervals, and at special times as directed by the University, field administration and inspection of each construction contract by home office personnel of the Consultant and its subconsultants who are expert in the technical areas of work involved in the Project. The Consultant shall provide such field administration and inspection on an average of not less than twice a month during the Construction Phase and shall require its subconsultants to provide such field administration and inspection not less than twice a month during the Construction Phase when work in the subconsultant's specialty is in progress. Said services shall be provided without additional compensation except that, when the total direct labor cost of the same, and a sum equal to 150 percent thereof, equals one-half of the Construction Phase Fee, additional services in the field, unrelated to any fault or omission of the Consultant or its subconsultants, required and approved in writing by the University, will be paid for by the University in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (3) of Section D and subdivision (2) of Section E of Article III hereof. d. Furnishing a Field Representative and such assistants as are required, where the same are requested and approved in writing by the University,...
Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts. If authorized in writing by the Owner. 3.3.1 The Civil Engineer shall assist the Owner in obtaining proposals from Contractors and in awarding and preparing con­struction contracts. 3.3.2 To the extent provided by this Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, the Civil Engineer shall make de­cisions on all claims of the Owner and Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the inter­pretation of the Contract Documents. The Civil Engineer shall check samples, schedules, shop drawings and other materials submitted within seven (7) days after receipt, and shall issue an approval if found to be in conformity with the design con­cept of the project and in compliance with the information given by the Contract Documents prepared by the Civil Engineer. The Civil Engineer shall prepare Change Orders, and assemble written guarantees required of the Con­trac­tor. 3.3.3 The Civil Engineer shall visit the site a minimum of once per week, or at other intervals agreed to in writing by the Owner and Civil Engineer in advance of the performance of the services, as appropriate to the stage of construction, to remain familiar generally with the progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Civil Engineer will not be required to make exhaus­tive or continuous on-site inspec­tions to check the qual­ity or quantity of the work, or be responsible for the tech­niques or sequences of construction or the safety precautions incident thereto; neither will the Civil Engineer be responsible for the Contrac­tor's failure to carry out the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of observations as a qualified pro­fessional while at the site, the Civil Engineer will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work, will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractors, and may condemn work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. Based on such observa­tions and the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Civil Engineer will de­termine the amount owing to the Contractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts. These certificates will constitute a representation to the Owner, based on such observations and the data comprising the Application for Payment that the work has progressed to the point indicated. By issuing a Certificate for Payment, the C...
Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts. If authorized in writing by the Owner 3.3.1 The Architect shall assist the Owner in obtaining proposals from Contractors and in awarding and preparing con- struction contracts. 3.3.2 To the extent provided by this Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, the Architect shall make decisions on all claims of the Owner and Contractor and on all other matters relating to the execution and progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. The Architect shall check samples, schedules, shop drawings and other materials submitted within 21 days after receipt, and shall issue an approval if found to be in conformity with the design concept of the project and in compliance with the information given by the Contract Documents prepared by the Architect. The Architect shall prepare Change Orders, and assemble written guarantees required of the Contractor. 3.3.3 The Architect shall visit the site a minimum of once per week, or at more frequent intervals appropriate to the stage of construction, to remain familiar generally with the progress and quality of the work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the work, or be responsible for the techniques or sequences of construction or the safety precautions incident thereto; neither will the Architect be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of observations as a qualified professional while at the site, the Architect will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the work, will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractors, and may condemn work as failing to conform to the Contract Documents. Based on such observations and the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect will determine the amount owing to the Contractor and will issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts. These certificates will constitute a representation to the Owner, based on such observations and the data comprising the Application for Payment, that the work has progressed to the point indicated. By issuing a Certificate for Payment, the Architect will also represent to the Owner that, to the best of the Architect’s knowledge, information and belief, based on what the observations have revealed, the ...
Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts. A. The A & E shall perform professional observation to determine that all elements of the Project meet the performance and design features as well as the technical and functional requirements of the Contract Documents. The A & E shall provide proper and periodic observations covering all phases of work, including all mechanical and electrical phases. His duties shall include, but not be limited to, all functions described in Section 2166.351(3) and Section 2166.355, Texas Government Code, applicable to professional inspection. The A & E acknowledges professional observation as defined by the law includes a weekly physical presence at the site. The A & E with TFC’s approval, shall be the final authority concerning design intent and interpretation of the Contract Documents in the administration of the construction contract. On projects where the TFC employs a Project Inspector to provide on-site inspection, the A & E shall coordinate his inspections with this TFC representative; however, this shall not diminish the A & E responsibilities to properly and periodically inspect the work in progress, nor to follow established procedures in the handling of submittals, applications for payment, change orders, etc., or the Contractor's requests for information, clarification or assistance. The A & E shall conduct his contract administration activities in conformance with the time lines established in the Uniform General Conditions for Building Construction, 2000 edition. If requested by TFC in writing, A & E shall, as an Additional Service to this Project, provide an on-site representative during construction phase. This representative shall have decision-making authority and be able to bind the A & E. The person fulfilling these duties is subject to the approval of TFC and the Client. The A & E shall obtain approval of the TFC’s representative for any contemplated construction change prior to preparing any change documents, prepare drawings and/or specifications for approved proposed changes and submit them to the Contractor for his price proposal. The A & E shall review Contractor’s proposal and recommend approval or disapproval to the TFC based upon the proposal. During construction, the A & E shall submit weekly and monthly reports to the TFC covering overall job progress, contract and projected completion dates, percentage of completion, deficiencies, status of revisions, existing or potential problem areas and status of Construction Record Documents. Upon rece...

Related to Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Contracts

  • SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 4.3.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his / her best skill and attention. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. All aspects of the Project shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the State. Contractor guarantees to repair, replace, re-execute or otherwise correct any defect in workmanship, materials, or the like that fails to conform to the requirements of this Contract or that appears during the progress of the Work or within one year of final acceptance by the State. 4.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible to the State for the acts and omissions of his / her employees, Subcontractors and their agents and employees, and other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contractor. 4.3.3 The Contractor shall not be relieved from his / her obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents either by the activities or duties of the Architect in his / her administration of the Contract, or by inspections, tests or approvals required or performed under Paragraph 7.7 by persons other than the Contractor. 4.3.4 The Contractor shall acquaint himself (herself / itself) with the limits of the property or right- of-way of the State and shall not trespass on other property. The Contractor shall adequately protect the project, adjacent property and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage or injury due to the Contractor’s act or neglect, and shall save the State harmless in respect thereto. 4.3.5 All work shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere with the State’s operating functions. Contractor and his employees shall familiarize themselves and comply with all rules and regulations applicable to the project. 4.3.6 The Contractor shall keep the premises free from liens arising out of or from the Project. Contractor shall obtain and submit waivers of liens with a request for a progress or final payment.

  • Contract Construction 6.27.1 The parties acknowledge that each party and its counsel have reviewed this CONTRACT and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this CONTRACT or any amendment or exhibits hereto.

  • Agreement Construction Headings or captions to the provisions of this Agreement are solely for the convenience of the parties, are not part of this Agreement, and shall not be used to interpret or determine the validity of this Agreement. Any ambiguity in this Agreement shall not be construed against the drafter, but rather the terms and provisions hereof shall be given their reasonable interpretation.

  • Commencement of Construction Construction of the Project will start within thirty (30) days after notification to the Developer by the Owner, or as soon thereafter as weather and ground conditions permit.