Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. Student volunteering is an integral part of Bucks Students’ Union. We strive to create personal development opportunities by strengthening Community Partner relationships. By acting in accordance with this agreement, we aim to: • To support community partners and help meet the need to recruit volunteers for their organisation which in turn supports the local community. • To ensure the Bucks Students’ Union Activities Coordinator (Volunteering & Charity Fundraising) follows procedure to recruit student volunteers for opportunities. • To ensure student volunteers are prepared and understand the expectations of the organisation in which they have applied and understand the commitment required for the duration of the project. • To ensure all Bucks student volunteers receive a high quality experience whilst volunteering, helping them develop as a person, prepare for life after university and better their overall student experience.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. 34 Agreement Goals 35 The goals of this Agreement are to: 36 • Support California’s goal of 100% zero-carbon generation by 2045. 37 • Design and develop a cost-effective 2 MWh, 10-hour long-duration energy storage 38 technology and demonstrate its value for 12 months of operation.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. Agreement Goals
1) Demonstrate an ESS of approximately 100 kW / 100 kWh;
2) Provide the California stationary energy storage market with a technologically superior, economically viable alternative to the incumbent portfolio of Li-ion batteries;
3) Demonstrate increased California ratepayer benefits for the early-adopter market application of EVFC that will appropriately value the characteristics of the PB/Na-ion battery technology;
4) Support the economic deployment of high-power EVFC infrastructure to increase EV adoption, enabling California’s goal of 5 million EVs by 2030 and 10,000 EVFC by 2025;
5) Create California employment opportunities in PB/Na-ion battery manufacturing, assembly, deployment and operations; and
6) Inform public and private sector stakeholders of the regulatory changes required to accomplish goals 2-5, including topics of environmental justice and access to low income and Disadvantaged Communities. Ratepayer Benefits:2 This Agreement will provide ratepayer benefits in four key areas. First, the proposed battery solution will enable more EVFC stations to be deployed, providing more access for consumers to charge their vehicles. Second, by lowering the costs of battery solutions and increasing their effectiveness with EVFC stations, those station operators are better able to compete for customers through lower customer charges at each station. Third, the proposed 2 California Public Resources Code, Section 25711.5(a) requires projects funded by the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) to result in ratepayer benefits. The California Public Utilities Commission, which established the EPIC in 2011, defines ratepayer benefits as greater reliability, lower costs, and increased safety (See CPUC “Phase 2” Decision 00-00-000 at page 19, May 24, 2012, xxxx://xxxx.xxxx.xx.xxx/PublishedDocs/WORD_PDF/FINAL_DECISION/167664.PDF). technology is inherently safe and non-flammable, increasing public safety as well as allowing EVFC developers to site projects in remote areas where wildfire risk would eliminate any flammable battery technologies. Finally, by providing a proof point in the EVFC market, this technology can be further scaled to support large stationary storage applications for other grid applications.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. Agreement Goals
1. Eliminating operational carbon emissions through full electrification and offsetting with site based solar
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. Agreement Goals
1. Standardize energy efficiency retrofits to double energy efficiency in existing multifamily buildings by 2030.
2. Address financial barriers including developing a trajectory for reducing retrofit package costs by 50% while increasing capital access to 100% of installed energy efficiency measures.
3. Develop and deploy a scalable business model to generate owner and manufacturer demand and sector interest to facilitate mass adoption. Ratepayer Benefits3 This Agreement will result in the ratepayer benefits of: ● Reduced energy costs and improved access to energy efficiency retrofits for multifamily properties in DACs burdened by structural barriers to adoption such as: complex financial arrangements for low-income multifamily housing owners, insufficient access to capital, building stock with high levels of deferred maintenance, and residences located in underserved or remote regions. ● Improved economic security, living conditions, comfort, and health and safety for low- income tenants receiving retrofits. Residents will also experience lowered energy costs and improved indoor air quality. ● Greater electricity system reliability by integrating demand response and load shifting solutions into the integrated energy efficiency retrofit packages. ● Increased number of local job opportunities in DACs through installation of integrated energy efficiency retrofit packages. Increased adoption of energy efficiency retrofits may lead to local economic development in the contracting industry and trades. ● Increased availability and reduced costs of technologies as a result of demand created by installation of standardized integrated energy efficiency retrofit packages, lowering the cost of the technologies for all Californians.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. The Contractor shall purchase lamps as directed by the Contract Manager (CAM), inspect them, prepare the test space for testing, perform energy efficiency testing by following the applicable test method, and generate a test report documenting the findings. No later than the completion of the contract, tested lamps shall be delivered to a local facility in Sacramento, California, as directed by the CAM. The Contractor shall ensure the proper protocols are followed to demonstrate consistent, accurate and repeatable testing. The Contractor shall also be available for the following activities, including but not limited to, attending meetings in person and by phone to address technical lamp testing concerns, reviewing and commenting on new or proposed Appliance Efficiency Regulations, observing testing at remote locations (including other labs), and reviewing test reports as needed.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. The activities conducted under this Agreement will contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions from the building sector by supporting the integration of high-performance building designs and near-zero-emission building technologies, with a priority to address low-income and affordable multifamily housing. The contractor will provide technical assistance and education and outreach supporting BUILD to achieve these program objectives. 1 Two years from the CEC’s issuance of the BUILD Program’s Notice of Availability. WORK AUTHORIZATIONS For certain tasks, as specified below, no work shall be undertaken unless authorized by the CAM through a specific written document called a “Work Authorization.” For tasks subject to a Work Authorization, the CAM will prepare a Work Authorization that identifies the specific tasks to be performed and sets a maximum price, budget, and schedule for the work as further described in Exhibit E, section 2. The end date for Work Authorizations should be no later than 60 days prior to the term end date of the Agreement to allow the Contractor time to complete closeout activities and prepare the Final Report. All other tasks may begin immediately, as appropriate and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. The goal of this agreement is for the employees, both male and female in this case, of the enterprise Daimler Benz, which is part of the European Union and part of the European business community, to be informed and consulted through this agreement. This European-wide informwawtiwon.eaunrod-berx.cdheange of viewpoints between the central management and employees is a two-way understanding designed to promote cooperation and integration. The economic and social aspects of a common and joint relationship are important parts of a future-oriented corporate policy. To this purpose, the overall business enterprise of Daimler Benz has closed an agreement which is related in Article 13, 94/45 of the European Union which was signed on the 22nd of March, 1994 for all employees of the umbrella company or overall enterprise of Daimler Benz which is part of the European Union and the European business economy. The employees in the United Kingdom are also part of this agreement.
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. The goal of this agreement is to supplement and update key elements of the RH2 Roadmap. The objective of this agreement is to support CEC planning aimed at maximizing the successful scale-up of the green hydrogen sector in California.2 In this context, successful means achieving cost and performance parity (including user operational and duty-cycle requirements) with next- best alternative zero-emissions technologies in the vocations served. The following guiding principles will be applied in the execution of the tasks of the agreement: • Apply a uniform definition of green hydrogen consistent with and transparently mapped to those used by the CEC, California Air Resources Board (CARB), and other stakeholders. • Conduct the analysis in the context of the evolution of global markets for green and clean hydrogen and the scale benefits and learning that can advance progress in the California market. • Base assumptions on most-likely rather than optimistic fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) deployment projections. For example, pursuant to AB 8, vehicle Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) report on their projected hydrogen vehicle sales, which tend to be overly optimistic as are projections from other industry groups. While AB 8 and industry group projections are important data points, they should not be taken as definitive. • Include evolving and potential use of green and clean hydrogen across all sectors, globally to capture production and supply chain synergies (and challenges) relevant to evolution of the California green hydrogen sector (not limiting the analysis to the beachhead light-duty passenger vehicle sector that currently anchors the market). • Make full use of other CEC funded research efforts to avoid overlap and to integrate ongoing and recent CEC-supported studies including Guidehouse Inc’s. Work Authorization NAV-15-057 for market and infrastructure analysis for implementation of 2 For purposes of this agreement, green hydrogen (alternatively renewable hydrogen) is defined as hydrogen produced from 100% renewable feedstock, specifically: 100% renewable electricity, waste biomass and solar energy. hydrogen to support electrical grid reliability, and the University of California, Davis Agreement 000-00-000 for studying the role of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles and infrastructure in a California hydrogen transition. When creating reports, the Contractor shall use and follow, unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Commission A...
Goals and Objectives of the Agreement. The goals of Retrofit Bay Area mirror those of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: (a) energy savings, (b) job creation/preservation, and (c) economic recovery. The proposed program will create jobs and stimulate the economy through a comprehensive program to implement energy retrofits in existing residential buildings. To achieve these goals, Retrofit Bay Area has identified a set of three core program objectives that address the major barriers to market transformation and guide program design. These three objectives aim to spur comprehensive residential energy retrofits on a broad scale. • Provide financing mechanisms, including both Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing (when not inhibited by FHFA) and alternative financing such as secured and unsecured loans, to address the high upfront cost of retrofits. Retrofit Bay Area will build on the region’s existing investments into municipal financing programs and reduce or remove these barriers for a wide range of projects and population segments. Funding will not be used to directly fund municipal financing programs. • Demonstrate more effective marketing and outreach methods to inform and motivate property owner participation. Retrofit Bay Area will bundle homeowner incentives (e.g., PACE when appropriate and other secured and unsecured financing, utility and local government rebates, tax credits, etc.) and employ an array of innovative outreach methods that reflect current behavioral science research; more effectively communicate current value propositions, and create new ones. Marketing and outreach messaging will strongly promote Tier 3 whole-house retrofits. • Streamline participant, contractor, and administration processes to reduce the high transaction costs and build a quality green workforce. Retrofit Bay Area will use new cutting-edge data and decision software tools to reduce transaction costs for both contractors and the program. These innovations can contribute greatly to the growth and maturity of the building performance industry that will be capable of delivering building energy performance with strong momentum toward a mass scale at more reasonable cost. Retrofit Bay Area will work collaboratively with the local jurisdictions, governmental agencies, and utilities to implement strict protocols that will assure consistent project quality, high performance, and verifiable results. Consistent standards will be applied to build consumer confidence and maximize customer satisfac...