HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. Section 1. An Employer contribution will be made for each eligible employee who has at least eighty (80) paid regular hours in the month unless required by law.
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HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. 18.01 Full Time Employees and Regular Part Time Employees shall be entitled after 3 continuous months’ employment to participate in the Xxxxxx insured benefit plan for regular employees. That plan, including eligibility and cost sharing, does not form part of this Agreement and may be amended from time to time as amended for other Company employees.
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. Section 1. The Employer, for the dura­ tion of this contract, agrees to pay into the Automotive, Petroleum and Allied Indus­ tries Employees Welfare Fund the regu­ lar monthly contribution, as determined by the Trustees (now $9.00 per month) not to exceed $10.83 per month, for each employee under the jurisdiction of this Union (and/or all other employees if the employer desires) in his employment on the first day of each month, in accordance with the Welfare Fund Trustees, State or Federal regulations governing such pro­ cedure. The aforementioned payment shall be made to the Union office on or before the 20th day of the current month.
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. An Employer contribution will be made for each eligible employee who has at least eighty (80) paid regular hours in the month. The contribution for eligible participating part-time employees with eighty (80) or more hours paid time for the month will be prorated based on the ratio of paid regular hours to full- time hours to the nearest full percent. For the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011, the Employer shall make a contribution sufficient to cover the premium costs to the PEBB health, dental and basic life benefits chosen by each eligible full time employee who has at least eighty (80) paid regular hours in a month. For the period of January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2013, the State will pay ninety- five percent (95%) and employees will pay five percent (5%) of the monthly premium rate, as determined by the PEBB. For the period of December 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013, the Employer will pay an additional thirty dollars ($30) monthly subsidy for employee’s monthly premium rate for employees with salary rates below two thousand-six hundred and ninety-six dollars ($2,696) per month.
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. The Employer agrees, for the duration of this Agreement, to pay into a Trust Fund, designated District No. 9, I. A of M. Welfare Association, the sum of $14.50 for each employee covered by this Agreement on the first day of every calendar month. This payment will be made on or before the 10th day of each such .month. In the event an employee is injured or becomes sick, the Company shall continue to pay the sum of $14.50 monthly on such employee until his recovery from said accident or sickness, provided, however, such payments shall not exceed twelve (12) in number. The Employer shall be under no obligation to see to the application of such monies as are paid into said Welfare Fund but said Fund shall be audited annually by a reputable Certified Public Accountant, without expense to the Employ­ er, and such auditor’s reports and the books and records kept by said Trustees shall be available at all times to the Em­ ployer, to participants, and to the officers of the Association. The detailed basis upon which payment from the fund will be made, have been resolved, in writing, by the Trustees in Resolution No. 1 adopted at their initial meeting held on July 14, 1949. Any Employer who becomes delinquent on welfare premium payments to District No. 9, I. A. of M. Welfare Asso­ ciation shall be subject to work stoppages or strikes ten (10) days after notice of delinquency has been sent to employer, and such work stoppages or strikes shall not be a violation of this Agreement.
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. A ELIGIBILITY 1 Full time employees will be eligible to participate in the Company's Health & Dental Plan (collectively referred to as Company Benefit Plans) and Life Insurance Plan, under the applicable standard terms, conditions, and rules established by the Company for employees covered by this Agreement .
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HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. 9.1 The Employer shall pay the following sums to the Line Construction Benefit Fund for the purposes of providing insurance benefits for eligible employees and/or their dependants. For each hour worked by all such employees Employer shall pay; effective January 1, 2005 the sum of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($ 4.75), effective January 1, 2006 the sum of five dollars ($ 5.00), effective January 1, 2007 the sum of five dollars and fifty cents ($ 5.50), effective January 1, 2008 the sum of six dollars ($ 6.00), effective January 1, 2009 the sum of six dollars and fifty cents ($ 6.50), effective January 1, 2010 the sum of seven dollars ($ 7.00), effective January 1, 2011 the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents ($ 7.50).
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. A. The Employer agrees to continue to pay to the jointly trusted Health and Welfare Trust Fund, known as the St. Xxxx Retail Grocery Clerks Health and Welfare Fund, the sum of Twenty-eight and no/100 Dollars ($28.00) per month on behalf of all employees who work an average of twenty-five (25) hours or more per week during the previous month by the fifteenth tldth) day of the month based on hours worked in the previous month. Contributions for new employees will not be paid until the first of the month following a full thirty (30) days of employment. Effective September 1, 1971 (which means on August hours), the Employer agrees to increase said contributions by Thirteen and no/100 Dollars ($13.00) per month, making a total con­ tribution of Forty-one and no/100 Dollars ($41.00) per month. Effective September 1, 1972 (which means on August hours), the Employer agrees to increase said contributions by Twelve and ninety-five/100 Dollars ($12.95) per month, making a total A contribution of Fifty-three and ninety-five/100 Dollars ($53.95) \ p e r month. In addition to the contributions, provided above, the Em- \Rployer further agrees to pay to the Health and Welfare Trust Fund, Six and fifty/100 Dollars ($6.50) per month on behalf of (' those employees who average less than twenty-five (25) hours N'^per week and who work on at least one day each week during Qthe previous month, effective May 1, 1972 (which means on April hours). Bagger-carryout shall be excepted from this provision unless, such employee performs work which requires the part-time rate of pay, as provided under Section C of Article V, and who works on at least one day each week during the previous month which requires the part-time rate of pay, and in that case, the con­ tribution to the Fund on such employee, shall be required.
HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE. Sec. I. T h e Em ployer, fo r th e d u ra tio n of th is c o n tra c t, ag re es to p ay in to th e A u xxx o tiv e , P xxxx xxxx and A llied In dustries Em ployees W e lfa re F und th e re g u la r m o n th ly co n trib u tio n , as d ete rm in ed by th e T ru ste e s (n ow $ 9.00 p e r m o n th ) not to exceed $ 10 .8 3 p e r m onth, fo r e a ch em p lo y ee u n d e r th e ju risd ic tio n of th is U n io n ( a n d /o r a ll o th e r em ployees if th e em p lo y e r d e sire s) in his em p lo ym en t on th e first d ay o f each m o n th , in a c co rd an c e w ith th e W e lfa re Fund T ru ste es, S ta te o r F ed e ra l regu la tio n s g overning such p ro c e d u re . T h e a fo rem e n tio n e d p aym en t shall be m ade to th e U n ion office on o r b e fo re th e 2 0 th d ay o f th e c u rr e n t m onth.
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