HIRING AND DISPATCHING. The Union shall be the sole exclusive source of referrals of applicants for employment. When Employers signatory to this Agreement make a request for an Employee(s), the first (1st) applicant request will be selected by the Union Hall. The second (2nd) requested applicant, the contractor can call by name from the Union hiring hall work referral list. Subsequent requests will continue to alternate in the same way.
HIRING AND DISPATCHING. A. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive source of labor for all classifications covered by this Agreement. The Employer accepts the exclusive hiring hall procedure (See Appendix A) as the Union's procedure for dispatching Installers. The Union reserves the right to modify its dispatching procedures in Appendix A during the term of this agreement. The Employer shall be entitled to complete a crew with workers from any source when the Union is unable to provide sufficient qualified workers. B. Workers who were covered by the “Convention Services Agreement” (SHOP) in effect until March 31, 2012 shall be known as Regulars. Workers who were covered by the Trade Show and Convention Decorator agreement (SHOW) in effect until March 31, 2012 shall be known as Installers. C. The Union upon request of the Employer shall dispatch up to thirty-six (36) Installers by name. Regular status employees of the Employer shall not be counted against the Employer’s “call-by-name” list. D. The Employer shall notify the Union of their call by name and provide their rollover lists for the next calendar week by 2:00 PM each Monday (except holidays) via e-mail or fax. There will be no modifications to the list during that calendar week except by mutual agreement as required for security reasons or client demands. If the Union does not receive a list by 2:00 PM each Monday the latest current list will remain in effect E. The Union agrees to furnish competent workers in good standing to the best of its ability, and the membership of the Union will give loyal, unprejudiced support to the requirements of the Employer. F. The Employer shall have the right to reject any worker dispatched by the Union if the worker is deemed by the Employer, in its sole discretion, not to be in a fit condition to perform the work for which the worker is dispatched. Workers sent home for just cause shall not be again dispatched to the same Employer for the remainder of the show. G. When Installers are requested, the final update for the following days dispatch shall be sent to the Union before 2:00 PM by the Employer or such late dispatch shall be subject to low priority. The initial dispatch requirement for Saturday, Sunday or Monday morning shall be sent to the Union by 2:00 PM Friday. All initial requests for labor shall be submitted in writing, via e-mail or fax. This notification will satisfy the approximate number of Installers needed. Other dispatch, layoff and rollover informat...
HIRING AND DISPATCHING. 1. Employers shall secure employees in classifications covered by this Agreement from the Union hiring hall. The Union shall maintain a nondiscriminatory hiring hall and shall maintain accurate employee availability lists. There shall be no discrimination in hiring and/or promotion and/or any other aspects of employment because of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or age. 2. If the Union is unable to supply qualified workers within twenty-four (24) hours after request, the Employer shall have the right to hire from any source whatsoever. 3. The Employer shall require each new employee to present a written referral from the Union or shall call the Union office to request a written referral prior to putting the new employee to work. 4. Each written referral shall designate in which category or categories of the trade the worker is classified or may be employed. 5. The Employer may request specific workers by name and such workers will be dispatched to such Employer provided such workers are available for employment and are registered with the Union. 6. In the event no specific workers are requested by name, the Union will dispatch workers in the order in which they are registered from the lists on which they are registered. 7. Every employee reporting for work within the scope of this Agreement shall have the appropriate tools of the trade for the phase of the craft for which he is reporting. Each worker shall procure and maintain the required tools at their own expense. The listing of appropriate tools of the trade are as set forth below:
HIRING AND DISPATCHING. 1. The Employer shall call the Union when any additional workers are needed, and the Union agrees to refer workers to the Employer within twenty-four (24) hours, if available. If the Union is unable to furnish qualified workers to the Employer within forty-eight (48) hours after the Employer calls for them, the Employer shall be free to procure workers from any other source. However, the Employer shall require the workers so procured to present a work referral from the Union prior to putting the worker to work. 2. Notwithstanding the above, members in good standing with the Union may seek their own job and the Employer may have referred to it any applicant (who is registered on the Unions out of work list) by submitting a request by name to the Union. 3. The Employer shall require each new employee to present a written referral from the Union prior to putting the new employee to work. 4. When the Union, employee and Employer agree to reclassify an employee, the Employer shall require the employee to present a written referral from the Union prior to putting the employee to work at the new classification. 5. In the event the Employer fails to comply with these hiring procedures, the Union may utilize the dispute settlement or arbitration procedures set forth in this Agreement and may resort to such economic and legal remedies as it sees fit with respect to such Employer. Any economic action taken will not be considered a violation of this Agreement. 6. Every employee reporting for work within the scope of this Agreement shall have the appropriate tools of the trade for the phase of the craft for which he is reporting. Each worker shall procure and maintain the required tools at their own expense. The listing of appropriate tools of the trade are as set forth below:


  • Law and Disputes This agreement is governed by Federal law. (i) Any language purporting to subject the U.S. Government to the laws of a U.S. state, U.S. territory, district, or municipality, or foreign nation, except where Federal law expressly provides for the application of such laws, is hereby deleted. (ii) Any language requiring dispute resolution in a specific forum or venue that is different from that prescribed by applicable Federal law is hereby deleted. (iii) Any language prescribing a different time period for bringing an action than that prescribed by applicable Federal law in relation to a dispute is hereby deleted.

  • DISCIPLINE AND DISMISSAL 27.01 The Employer may discipline, suspend or dismiss an employee for just cause only, except for the dismissal of a probationary Employee. Unsatisfactory conduct or performance by an Employee which is considered by the Employer to be serious enough to be entered on the Employee's record but not serious enough to warrant suspension or dismissal shall result in a written warning to the Employee and a copy to the Union within fifteen (15) days of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act. The Union shall not deny a request by the Employer to extend the timelines due to availability of persons identified by the Employer to be interviewed. A written warning that is grieved and determined to be unjustified shall be removed from the Employee's record. 27.02 In the event an Employee is suspended or dismissed, the Employer shall provide written reasons for the suspension or dismissal to the Employee and the Union forthwith and in any event not later than five (5) days of the action being taken. The action or suspension or dismissal shall be within fifteen (15) days of the date the Employer first became aware of, or reasonably should have become aware of the occurrence of the act, giving rise to the suspension or dismissal. The Union shall not deny a request by the Employer to extend the timelines due to unavailability of persons identified by the Employer to be interviewed. When action involves a suspension, the notice shall specify the time period of the suspension. 27.03 An Employee who has been subject to disciplinary action may after two (2) years of continuous service from the date the disciplinary measure was invoked, request in writing that their personnel file be cleared of any record of the disciplinary action. Such request shall be granted provided the Employee's file does not contain any further record of disciplinary action during the two (2) year period of which the Employee is aware. The Employer shall confirm in writing to the Employee that such action has been effected. 27.04 The procedures stated in Articles 27.01, 27.02 and 27.03 do not prevent immediate suspension or dismissal for just cause. (a) An Employee required by the Employer to attend an investigation meeting or a disciplinary discussion shall be paid at the applicable rate of pay for time spent in that meeting. (b) Where circumstances permit, the Employer shall schedule a disciplinary discussion with the Employee by giving reasonable advance notice which shall not be less than twenty-four (24) hours. At such discussion an Employee may be accompanied by a representative of the Union. 27.06 In the event that an Employee is reported to their licensing body by the Employer, the Employee shall be so advised, and unless otherwise requested a written copy shall be forwarded to the Union forthwith. In the event, an Employee is reported to their licensing body, by someone other than the Employer, the Employee shall advise the Employer of such and the Employee may copy the Union on such notification. 27.07 An Employee absent for three (3) consecutive work days without good and proper reason and without notifying the Employer shall be considered to have terminated their Employment with the Employer. 27.08 For the purposes of this Article, periods of time referred to in days shall be deemed to mean consecutive calendar days exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Named Holidays, which are specified in Article 19.

  • Complaints and Disputes 28.1. If the Client wishes to report a complaint, he must send an email to the Company with the completed “Complaints Form” found on the Website. The Company will try to resolve it without undue delay and according to the Company’s Complaints Procedure for Clients. 28.2. If a situation arises which is not expressly covered by this Agreement, the Parties agree to try to resolve the matter on the basis of good faith and fairness and by taking such action as is consistent with market practice. 28.3. The Client’s right to take legal action remains unaffected by the existence or use of any complaints procedures referred to above.

  • DISCHARGE AND DISCIPLINE (a) No employee, who has acquired seniority, shall be discharged or disciplined except for just and sufficient cause. The Union agrees to co-operate in an endeavour to correct inefficiencies of employees which might necessitate disciplinary action. Discharge or discipline grievances may be settled by confirming the Company’s decision or by reinstating the discharged or suspended employee with full compensation for lost time, less interim earnings if applicable, or by any other arrangement which is just and equitable in the opinion of the parties or an Arbitrator. (b) The Owner agrees that whenever an interview is held with an employee regarding their work or conduct which becomes part of their record, the store xxxxxxx on duty or another bargaining unit employee who is at work chosen by the employee shall be present. The party representing the Union will leave the meeting if requested to leave by the employee. (a) All disciplinary warnings or reprimands which are placed in an employee's record and all notices of demotion for cause, discharge or suspension, shall be in writing and shall contain the reason for the warning, reprimand, suspension or discharge. One copy shall be given to the employee and one copy shall be given to the Employer and one copy shall be emailed to the Union Office as soon as possible, but no more than seven (7) days of the incident giving rise thereto. (b) A disciplinary warning or reprimand which is not in writing shall not be adduced in evidence against an employee in any subsequent disciplinary proceedings in which the employee is involved. (c) Disciplinary warnings and/or reprimands which pre-date a disciplinary action by more than one (1) year shall not be adduced in evidence against an employee in any subsequent disciplinary proceedings in which the employee is involved. Notwithstanding, disciplinary warnings and/or reprimands arising from Harassment or Violence in the Workplace shall not be subject to this provision.

  • LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION (1) The present lease shall be governed by Norwegian law. (2) Any dispute relating to the lease shall be resolved before the courts in the jurisdiction of the Property.