Personal Necessity A maximum of eight (8) days of accumulated sick leave may be used in any school year for personal necessity leave for any of the following reasons:
Personal Necessity Leave Leave which is credited under sick leave in this Agreement may be used, at the unit member’s election for purpose of personal necessity, provided that use of such personal necessity leave does not exceed eight (8) days in any school year. Four (4) days of regular sick leave time may be used for illness of family members or family emergency. 14.17.1 For purposes of this provision, personal necessity shall be limited to: A. Death of member(s) of employee’s immediate family; members include: the employee’s or the employee’s spouse’s; mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, children or grandchildren; son-, daughter-, sister-or brother-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and spouse of the employee. In addition any person living in the immediate household of the employee shall be included. This leave shall be in addition to any bereavement leave granted under “Bereavement Leave.” B. Accident involving his/her personal property, or the personal property of the aforementioned relations or persons (above), of such a nature that the immediate presence of the employee is required during the employee’s work day. C. Appearance in court as litigant. D. Serious or critical illness or injury of member of the immediate family, as defined, of such a nature that the immediate presence of the employee is required during his workday. E. Other significant circumstances which are not school or school district related, that the employee feels need immediate attention. 14.17.2 Before the utilization of personal necessity leave, a unit member must provide prior notice to the appropriate supervisor, except in cases of A, B, and D. Should the circumstances outlined in A, B, D arise, the employee shall make every effort to comply with the District procedures to enable the District to obtain a substitute. 14.17.3 P.N. under “E” shall not be used on Friday or Monday unless previously approved by their immediate supervisor. 14.17.4 Leave shall not be available for the following: Withholding services to the District Shopping Seeking other employment Recreation Extending vacation or holidays Donating Service Attendance at non-professional meetings
Medical Necessity We Cover benefits described in this Contract as long as the dental service, procedure, treatment, test, device, or supply (collectively, “service”) is Medically Necessary e.g. orthodontia. The fact that a Provider has furnished, prescribed, ordered, recommended, or approved the service does not make it Medically Necessary or mean that We have to Cover it. We may base Our decision on a review of: • Your dental records; • Our dental policies and clinical guidelines; • Dental opinions of a professional society, peer review committee or other groups of Physicians; • Reports in peer-reviewed dental literature; • Reports and guidelines published by nationally-recognized health care organizations that include supporting scientific data; • Professional standards of safety and effectiveness, which are generally-recognized in the United States for diagnosis, care, or treatment; • The opinion of health care professionals in the generally-recognized health specialty involved; • The opinion of the attending Providers, which have credence but do not overrule contrary opinions. Services will be deemed Medically Necessary only if: • They are clinically appropriate in terms of type, frequency, extent, site, and duration, and considered effective for Your illness, injury, or disease; • They are required for the direct care and treatment or management of that condition; • Your condition would be adversely affected if the services were not provided; • They are provided in accordance with generally-accepted standards of dental practice; • They are not primarily for the convenience of You, Your family, or Your Provider; • They are not more costly than an alternative service or sequence of services, that is at least as likely to produce equivalent therapeutic or diagnostic results; • When setting or place of service is part of the review, services that can be safely provided to You in a lower cost setting will not be Medically Necessary if they are performed in a higher cost setting. See the Utilization Review and External Appeal sections of this Contract for Your right to an internal Appeal and external appeal of Our determination that a service is not Medically Necessary.
General Leaves of Absence A. Upon written request from the employee and upon approval of the College President, unpaid leave of absence may be granted to any employee for such things as: (a) illness; (b) family emergency; (c) maternity/paternity; (d) adoption; (e) education; and (f) military leave. The terms of the leave of absence will be confirmed in writing by the College. B. The leave of absence of an employee on leave for reasons other than military service will terminate at the end of one (1) full year in which no service has been rendered. No more than one (1) year will be granted to any family unit for maternity/paternity leave for any one (1) child. C. Except for military service, there shall be no other employment while on leave without prior approval of the President. D. The returning employee will be assigned to the position occupied before the leave of absence. If that position is unavailable/eliminated, the employee may choose a vacant position substantially equal in duties and compensation or any opening for which the employee is qualified. E. Employees filling positions of employees on leave of absence will be assigned to such positions for a specific period of time, during which they shall be subject to all provisions of this Agreement. It shall be the responsibility of the College to inform replacement employees of these provisions. This provision does not apply to leaves of short duration for which the College presently hires temporary employees. F. The employee will retain accrued sick leave, vested vacation rights, and seniority rights while on leave of absence. However, vacation credits, sick leave, and seniority shall not accrue while the employee is on leave of absence; provided, however, that if such leave is approved for extended illness or injury, seniority shall accrue.
Personal Leaves of Absence SRD includes the time an employee is on "leave", if the employee is on a: • personal leave of absence with pay; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is less than 15 working days; or • personal leave of absence without pay which is more than 15 working days and which was started on or after April 15, 1993 -- only that portion which was taken during the period from April 15, 1993 to August 31, 1997. • prepaid leave of absence, under the enhanced leaves of absence policy dated April 16, 1993, greater than eight (8) weeks.
Other Leaves of Absence In the event that you are on a bona fide leave of absence, not otherwise described in this definition, from which you have not returned to employment with the Company or an Affiliate, your Separation from Service has occurred on the first day on which your leave of absence period exceeds six months or, if earlier, upon your termination of employment (provided that such termination of employment constitutes a Separation from Service in accordance with the last sentence of the first paragraph of this definition).
New Jobs Any new job or jobs created by technological or mechanization changes shall be offered to present employees capable of being trained to perform the new or changed job and the Employer will provide such training. During training, the employee will maintain his/her rate. It is understood that the training herein referred to is on the job and not to exceed sixty (60) days. Certain specialized technical jobs may require additional and off-site training. An employee whose job is eliminated, if any, and who cannot be placed in a job of equal grade shall receive saved grade until such time as that employee fails to bid or apply for a position in the employee’s former wage level. The obligation hereinabove set forth shall not be construed to, in any way, abridge the right of the Employer to make such changes.
LEAVES OF ABSENCE applies for both paid and unpaid leaves. For the purposes of an unpaid 11.25 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 14.05 hours. For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5 hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours.
EXTENDED LEAVES OF ABSENCE A. Extended Leaves of Absence: As applicable, staff members employed during the 2015-16 school year will be “grandfathered” under the terms of the previous language. Provision has been made by the Board of Education for absence from duty of Professional Employees as follows: Health Leave Association Business Leave Parental Leave Military Leave Foreign Travel or Teaching - Academic Study Personal All requests for extended leaves of absence will be applied for and those approved shall be granted in writing. Professional Employees requesting reassignment upon completion of an extended leave of absence will be assigned to the first available position based upon their professional preparation, experience, and certification. Except for Association Business Leave and Military Leave, if a vacancy is not available by the beginning of the second year following the completion of the leave, the leave status ends and the Professional Employee is terminated from the district. Part-time Professional Employees who go on Extended Leave of Absence should not expect to return to a position which would increase their contract time. A part-time Professional Employee returning from Extended Leave of Absence may be offered a position of greater contract time. B. Health Leave (extended) Any Professional Employee, having served the district for a minimum of three years, or with approval from the Superintendent and/or their designee, whose personal illness or physical incapacity extends beyond accumulated Xxxx Leave will be granted leave of absence without pay or increment for the remainder of the current semester. Health leave may be extended for one additional semester with application, as appropriate and available, made no less than 30 days prior to the conclusion of the current semester. In cases where such notice is not available, consideration will be made at the discretion of the Superintendent and/or their designee. At such time as the employee is diagnosed by their medical advisor as able to return to work, the employee may be returned to a position for which they are licensed, provided one is available, at the beginning of the subsequent semester or school year. Under no circumstances will an employee be entitled to return to a position. C. Association Business Leave (extended) 1. Professional Employees designated by the recognized employees' organization may, upon request, be granted a leave of absence for up to two years without pay, for the purpose of engaging in activities of local, state, and national affiliates of the Association. Upon return from such a leave, a Professional Employee will be assigned to the same position, if available; or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position. 2. The president of the NEA SM may, upon request, be granted a leave of absence for up to six years for the purposes of performing those duties. The district will annually issue an employment contract to the NEA SM president during the term of the president's service. Such president shall receive Experience Credit as outlined in Article XI (Contracts and Salaries) C. (Experience Credit), 2. (Present Employees), hereof. During the tenure of the NEA SM president, the provisions of Article VIII (Temporary Leaves of Absence) hereof shall not apply to said president, including the accumulation of temporary leave and the reporting of absences to the district. The NEA SM will reimburse the district for all salary and benefits costs associated with the president's compensation. The Association agrees that the NEA SM president does not serve as an agent of the district while performing duties of the NEA SM president. Accordingly, the Association agrees to indemnify and hold the district harmless for any action of the NEA SM president while performing duties of the NEA SM president. Upon return from such leave, the NEA SM president will be assigned to the same position, if available, or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position. During the president's leave of absence, the president may agree to accept an additional assignment from the district. In that case, the district and the president shall agree (a) to the president's duties and responsibilities, (b) the terms and conditions of that assignment, and (c) an appropriate credit toward the NEA SM reimbursement for the president's salary and benefits. D. Parental Leave (extended) 1. A Professional Employee may be granted a leave of absence, without pay or increment, for the purpose of prenatal care, or for the purpose of childcare, upon the birth of or adoption of a child. Under special/appropriate circumstances, approved Parental Leave (extended) may be adjusted/discontinued with the approval of the Superintendent and/or their designee. a. In the event of pregnancy, the Professional Employee shall file a request for extended parental leave with the Human Resources Office at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. b. In the event of an adoption, the Professional Employee shall file written notice with Human Resources at the time the Professional Employee received notice from the adoption agency. c. Such leave may commence at any time and will extend through the end of the current semester. d. Upon written application, such leave may be extended for one semester. Exceptions to this policy will be governed by the requirements of the Family and Medical Leave Act. E. Military Leave (extended) 1. Leave for military or alternate civilian service, as provided by law or in the regulations of the Selective Service System, will be granted, without pay or increment, to any Professional Employee who is inducted or enlists in active military or civilian services. This leave shall continue for the duration of the period of actual service and for ninety (90) days immediately following the honorable discharge or separation of the employee. 2. Within ninety (90) days following the honorable discharge, each person desiring reinstatement shall so notify the Board and shall furnish evidence of physical fitness and mental competence to do the kind of work the Professional Employee was doing at the time leave was granted, or such work as may be available. 3. This leave does not include or guarantee any assignment in addition to, or independent of, the standard assignment or any extra-standard salary allotment therefor. 4. Every possible consideration and preference in assignment shall be accorded to persons returning to the schools from the Armed Services. 5. This leave applies only to persons who enter military service, and does not apply to persons who voluntarily seek employment in war industries or other governmental positions. 6. Professional Employees who are members of units of the National Guard or reserve forces of the United States and who are called to serve a mandated tour of duty for training or other service by proper authority pursuant to the laws of the United States or of the State of Kansas, shall be granted a leave of absence not to exceed fifteen (15) days during a contract period. Professional Employees called to serve will select those duty options which least interfere with the educational program of the District. The Professional Employee will be reimbursed by the District to make up any difference between the Professional Employee's base contract daily rate and the Professional Employee's military pay during this leave of absence. F. Foreign Travel or Teaching; Academic Study (extended) 1. Foreign Travel
TEMPORARY LEAVES OF ABSENCE A. Teachers will be entitled to the following temporary leaves of absence with full pay each school year: