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Limitations and Future Research Sample Clauses

Limitations and Future Research. Although our work was partly inspired by historical precedent, we tested our predictions in stylized experimental contests between two individuals. The strength of this approach lies in its internal validity and enables us to draw causal inference about the effects of transfer opportunities in conflicts between an attacking and defending party. While providing valuable insights, this approach might not fully capture the complexities of real-world situations. Factors to think about when generalizing our findings to other contexts include the involvement of multiple parties, group dynamics, conflicts extending beyond the basic roles of attacker and defender, asymmetries in resources and power, and the impact of long-standing, nuanced histories between conflicting parties. Some of these complexities might be addressed through simple experimental extensions. For example, future studies could look at third-party interventionism (cf. Fehr & Xxxxxxxxxxx, 2004; Xxxx et al., 2011) or extend our design to a group-based contest (cf. Xxxxxxxxx, 0000; Xx Xxxx et al., 2016). In addition, future research could further expand our understanding of conflict and appeasement by integrating experimental work with macro-level data (cf. De Dreu et al., 2016; Xx Xxxx et al., 2022). Our study points to the importance of individual differences, in particular social value orientation, in moderating the response of aggressors towards appeasement. While pro-sociality moderated attackers’ aggression, this effect was limited in scope. Even pro-social attackers still used some or their resources to aggress on defenders. Future research could therefore further investigate the role of individual differences by examining other psychological factors that might influence aggression and the response to appeasement. For instance, future research might investigate how traits such as risk aversion, empathy, guilt sensitivity, or dominance orientation affect how individuals behave in this context. Such work could deepen our understanding of the individual characteristics that shape behavior in conflicts and thus improve our ability to manage and de-escalate real-world conflicts.
Limitations and Future Research. This research is focused on the development of a process model that explains how and why the process of IT dis-integration unfolded. Given its nature, the study of process models does not allow for the identification and development of a hypothesis or a hypothesis test of variables that affect the level of outcome. A follow-up study might be interested in asking specific questions about what factors affect the success of IT dis- integration. For example, does the degree of top management or expert involvement affect success? Do antecedent conditions of the common information technology environment prior to the demerger, like the existence of a common ERP or level of IT architecture modularity have any impact on the outcome (Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx 2009). Clearly, future research can build upon the findings of this study by examining additional IT dis-integration projects and trying to develop constructs that affect the successful outcome of IT dis-integration projects and allow the use of quantitative measures to test hypothesized relations amongst the constructs. With regard to the limited generalizability of single case studies, an extension of the current process model to explore the IT dis-integration process at other demerger sites can provide further insights and confirmation of the process model for IT dis-integration. In addition, more case studies will allow a cross-case analysis and increase the validity of the model.
Limitations and Future ResearchCHAPTER 3
Limitations and Future Research. ♙ first limitation of this study is that the validity of the conclusions may be re- stricted to a specific Dutch group of Protestant Christians, with members believing in a personal God. ♙ second limitation is that we used only an explicit personality functioning instru- ment for examining the construct validity. Therefore in this particular article, we could not conclude about the association between implicit measures of God representations and implicit measures of personality (mal)functioning. It would be appropriate to also examine associations between the ♙TGR scales and implicit or indirect measures of personality pathology, for example by using the STIP-5, a semi-structured interview for personality functioning (Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Kaasenbrood, Xx Xxxxxx, & Xxxxxxxxxx, 2013) and the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (XXXXX, Xxxxxxx, Caligor, Xxxxx, & Xxxxxxxx, 2004; Xxxxx et al., 2010). ♙ third limitation is that the comparison between associations of implicit and ex- plicit God representation scales with personality scales may be obscured because they do not measure exactly the same aspects of God representations. ♙n explicit God rep- resentation measure that is conceptually equivalent to the ♙TGR does not exist. ♙lt- xxxxx we have considered to use the Spiritual ♙ssessment Inventory (Hall & Xxxxxxx, 1996, 2002) that perhaps is conceptually more related to the ♙TGR, we chose the QGR, an explicit God representation that is well-validated for Dutch believers. When a translated and well-validated Dutch version of the S♙I becomes available, it would be useful to examine its associations with the ♙TGR and to also compare associations of both measures with explicit and implicit measures of personality (mal)functioning. ♙ fourth limitation is the cross-sectional design of this study. ♙lthough it is xxxx- xxxxxxxxx assumed that differences in implicit representations of self, God and others, and of the self in relationship with God and with important others, underlie and cause differences in interpersonal functioning, results cannot conclude about the direction of the found associations. More research is needed into the influence of biographical factors on ♙TGR scale scores. Finally, validation of the scales could be more strongly undergirded by exam- ining whether, among patients, changes in implicit God representations are related to changes in personality functioning and in, explicitly but preferably also implicitly measured distress/well...
Limitations and Future ResearchThe primary constraint of the current research is the research site and study participants that were represented only by users of the Xxxxxxxxxxx.xx platform. Consequently, all the findings and conclusions about the teacherpreneurship phenomenon were based on the data reported by this limited group of educators. However, with a high probability, many teachers who do not register on Xxxxxxxxxxx.xx marketplace but involve in teacherpreneurship stated outside the focus of this study. Furthermore, study participants may be prejudiced towards the advantages and disadvantages of teacherpreneurship because they are directly involved in it through the marketplace and are personally interested in the success of this digital platform, while it is fair to say that this applies to a greater extent to teacher-sellers. Moreover, the lack of research about teacherpreneurship in the CIS context and internationally limited the number of sources used within literature review and discussion chapters. In addition, the qualitative evidence from interviews was interpreted from my personal views as an educator and researcher. However, it is possible that other researchers may interpret these findings from different perspectives. At the same time, I used only descriptive statistics to report the results of the quantitative part without reliability testing or other methods of analysis. There are several possible directions for the future research investigating teacherpreneurship in CIS context. For instance, future researcher could explore the influence of teacherpreneurial approaches implemented by teacherpreneurs on their students and teaching performance. Furthermore, future research may expand the current study by addressing broader audience of educators do not limiting it by one particular website. In addition, future researchers could also investigate the quality of resources developed by teacherpreneurs.
Limitations and Future Research. The empirical strategy of my study enabled richness in qualitative observation of the CBM phenomena and quantitative assessment of its effects within 44 business units of a multinational firm. However, our findings have yet to consider cross-industry effects. In addition, while our theory stipulates that a broader set of performance measures are needed to assess the effectiveness of marketing activities from a CBM perspective, our data focuses on GBU sales, employee engagement, and company trust. More work is needed to understand other consequences on firm and constituent performance, including profitability and constituent endorsement. Also, while CBM is expected to result in the creation of an offering that addresses multiple constituent needs, the current study does not measure the offering itself. Future research could consider the view of CBM from the offering perspective as an alternative way of studying its consequences. From an organizational perspective, the costs associated with the development of CBM capability are yet to be understood. In addition, the work presented here raises questions about the role of the CMO and product managers, and implies that their responsibilities may need to evolve in order to support the development of CBM capability within a marketing organization. Furthermore, additional research is needed to understand the tradeoffs involved in CBM. While I stipulate the importance of managing a portfolio of constituents, I do not investigate the choice among the specific mix of constituents for a given offering. It is unlikely that all constituents are relevant or cost effective to manage at all times, so I expect that the formulation of a constituent mix for different market conditions to be a fruitful area of research with important strategic and theoretical implications. Finally, our empirical evaluation of CBM is able to assess its relationship to short-term performance. From a theoretical perspective, CBM is expected to strengthen a firm’s position across multiple constituents and, in doing so, enhance the sustainability of its performance. However, such contention remains to be tested and compared to the benefits of Market Orientation. Despite the limitations in our current effort, I hope the ideas presented and preliminarily tested in this study help to ignite a debate about the direction of the evolution of Market Orientation and to revive scholarly interest in organizational issues within marketing, which are at the co...
Limitations and Future Research. One strength of the survey interviews was that they were all conducted in Spanish by a native-Spanish language speaker, allowing little to no language barrier, and for respondents to easily ask clarifying questions to the researcher as need. Survey interviews were also conducted in a small, quiet office where respondents felt comfortable that their responses to questions would not be overheard by others. Additionally, a strength of conducting the survey at the Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta is that it was a central location for reaching otherwise hidden populations across the Southeast. One limitation of data collection was the use of opportunity sampling, this meant that persons were self-selecting to participate in the survey, introducing bias between the persons who agreed to participate and those who did not. Participants were approached and asked to participate in the survey as they sat in a Consulate waiting room, thus common responses for not participating in the survey was the fact that they were pressed for time, did not want to leave the waiting room, or were in a hurry to leave after receiving their documents. Records of how many persons declined to participate in the survey were not kept. Although the study aims to draw conclusions about the experiences and opinions of Mexican immigrants living in the Southeast, the sampling was limited to recruiting participants from persons who sought consular services, thus excluding Mexican immigrants who did not seek consular services. Future studies should aim to gather a more even distribution of undocumented immigrants and those residing in the United States with legal authorization. Due to opportunity sampling used and constraints on the data collection timeframe, it was not possible to gather a more even distribution of participants. Had the survey been conducted with a larger and randomized population at the Consulate, a clearer distinction between the two legal status groups may be stronger. Given that participants were recruited at the Consulate, proximity to the consulate also led to a greater proportion of participants living in Georgia, in the future it would be of interest to also increase the number of participants from neighboring states, Alabama and Tennessee, the second and third most commonly reported states of residence. Additionally, it would be of interest to have a third group of participants who were only U.S.-born Americans and had lived in the United States their entire live...
Limitations and Future Research. This study is really not without some limitations that have to be taken into account when interpreting the results. First, the empirical analysis is applied to relatively small samples. Since a pre- and post- measurement of each variable has to be available, many observations have to be excluded from the study. This could possibly have a negative impact on the generalization of the empirical findings. In addition, the statistical analyses are carried out on a relatively short panel of 4 years. In follow-up studies, it would be desirable to collect more data and over a longer period of time so that the effect of the B Corp certificate can be investigated on a longer term. Secondly, this study does not take into account the extent to which a CBC meets the requirements of B Lab. It is possible that the impact of the certificate on growth and profitability differs depending on the company's score on the BIA. Also, the separate partial scores on different impact areas, such as workers, community and environment, could possibly influence the impact of the certification on company growth and profitability. The entire BIA score or the individual sub-scores of the BIA could be taken into account in follow-up research. Next, this study focuses solely on the financial performance of the CBCs before and after B Corp certification. However, no attention is paid to the social and environmental impact of these companies. Follow-up research could investigate such social and environmental impact of CBC's in order to better understand such hybrid organizations. Finally, during this study the impact of the B Corp certificate on company growth and profitability was examined. However, follow-up research could also examine the impact of this certificate on other financial parameters such as firm survival, productivity, cost of debt and so on. But also, the impact of the B Corp certification on employee and customer satisfaction would be useful since employees and consumers are important stakeholders of a company. Despite the various limitations associated with this research, it also offers some important contributions. This study could make an important contribution to literature concerning CSR and hybrid organizations such as CBCs. Such hybrid organizations face a number of challenges as they seek to combine profit generation with social objectives. Furthermore, there are already numerous publications in literature investigating the link between CSR and CFP, but the results ar...
Limitations and Future Research. ‌ This thesis seeks to identify the inter-organizational critical success factors of an IOS deployment for SCM purposes. As such, technical and intra-organizational factors are not taken into consideration and this thesis does not attempt to provide a complete list of success factors to an IOS deployment or to explain their relationship in-between. Further, this thesis considers only those organizations which in mutual agreement decide to implement and deploy an advanced IOS for collaborative purposes. Hence, IOS of pure transactional or operational nature is not examined. Another issue that should be explicitly mentioned is that this thesis does by no means try to come up with a general or overall merger of the research streams of SCM and IOS. When the research on SCM and IOS in this thesis is merged it is limited to and with the goal of identifying the common denominators within the literature in respect to the deployment of an IOS for SCM purposes. A last concern is that the research combining SCM and IOS is scarce, thus making it a research domain still in its infancy. Research within this “new” domain will most certainly develop, and the initial contributions will probably have several potential aspects of amendment. Consequently, the literature review is restricted to the, pro tempore, fairly small body of research within the interception between SCM and IOS. Future research should seek to further develop this highly current, yet relatively undiscovered, research stream. Last, the propositions developed in this thesis should be tested empirically. Organizations which have deployed IOS for achieving SCM in a successful way could be appropriate to analyze to assess the propositions. References‌ Xxxxxxx, X. & Xxxx, X. (2003). Electronic Supply Chain Partnerships: Reconsidering Relationship Attributes in Customer-Supplier Dyads. Information Resources Management Journal, 16(3), 59-84. Xxxxxxxx, X. & Xxxxxx O. E. M. (2008). IS Success Factors and IS Organizational Impact. Xxxxxxx, X. & Xxxxxxx S. (2007). Collaborative supply chain management. The most promising practice for building efficient and sustainable supply chains. Business Process Management Journal, 13(3), 390-404. Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxxxxx, X., & Xxxxxxxxx, K. (2005). Benefits of IT in supply chain management: an explorative study of progressive companies. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 35(2), 82-100. Xxxxx, X. (1991). A Strategic Analysis of Electronic Marketp...
Limitations and Future Research. More empirical research on the topic presented here is needed. First of all, the dataset we used for testing our expectations is very small and it is necessary to test the hypotheses again using a larger dataset. Second, in this paper we investigated and found support for the influence of the different interdependencies on individual outcomes; future research should also examine how the interdependencies might influence group level outcomes. As many authors have argued, the group is not merely the sum of all its parts (e.g., Xxxxxxxxxx & Xxxxx, 1993), therefore it is likely that the effect of the interdependency types on group level outcomes appear via different mechanisms than we suggested in this paper for individual effectiveness. Furthermore, although we found significant results associating individuals’ positions in their relational structure and their effectiveness, future research needs to examine the relational aspect of interdependence using more than one group to verify these associations. Because we analyzed only one workgroup we cannot deny nor confirm that the found associations are a coincidence or not. Finally, time is also an interesting variable that future research might want to take into consideration when studying the process of coordination in workgroups. In this study we collected data on one point in time and it is possible that if the data were collected a year earlier or later, results would have been different. Therefore, to get a full understanding of how the interdependencies influence effectiveness, longitudinal research is needed. Also comparing the different interdependencies in groups that already exist for a long time with newly formed groups may give us more information about the process of coordination. Notwithstanding the importance a longitudinal design would have for assessing the causality among the interdependence types and effectiveness. Another aspect that deserves closer examination is the profile of the different interdependency types and its consequences for individual and group outcomes. In this study we presented the main effects of the different interdependency types. However, managing just one interdependence type does not guarantee effective outcomes (Xxxxxx, 1999). It may be the profile of interdependencies that can lead to optimal group and individual effectiveness (Xxxxxxxxxx, 1997). With respect to the interrelationship among the interdependencies, it is assumed that functional interdependence is shaped...