Living Wages Sample Clauses
Living Wages. This Contract is subject to the City’s Living Wage Ordinance (LWO), codified in San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article 2, Division 42. Bidder agrees to require all of its subcontractors, sublessees, and concessionaires subject to the LWO to comply with the LWO and all applicable regulations and rules.
Living Wages. The City’s Living Wage Program, Rule R161-17.14, is located at:
A. The minimum wage required for all Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) directly assigned to this City Contract is $15.00 per hour, unless Published Wage Rates are included in this Solicitation. In addition, the City may stipulate higher wage rates in certain Solicitations in order to assure quality and continuity of service.
B. The City requires Contractors submitting Offers on this Contract to provide a certification (see the Living Wages Contractor Certification included in the Solicitation) with their Offer certifying that all Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) directly assigned to this City Contract will be paid a minimum living wage equal to or greater than $15.00 per hour. The certification shall include a list of all Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) directly assigned to providing services under the resultant Contract including their name and job title. The list shall be updated and provided to the City as necessary throughout the term of the Contract.
C. The Contractor shall maintain throughout the term of the resultant Contract basic employment and wage information for each employee as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
D. The Contractor shall provide to the Department’s assigned Contract Manager with the first Invoice, individual Employee Certifications for all Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) directly assigned to the Contract. The City reserves the right to request individual Employee Certifications at any time during the Contract term. Employee Certifications shall be signed by each Contractor Employee (and all tiers of Subcontracting) directly assigned to the Contract. The Employee Certification form is available on-line at xxxxx://
E. Contractor shall submit employee certifications for Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) annually on the anniversary date of Contract award with the respective Invoice to verify that employees are paid the Living Wage throughout the term of the Contract. The Employee Certification Forms shall be submitted for Contractor Employees (and all tiers of Subcontracting) added to the Contract and/or to report any employee changes as they occur.
F. The Department’s assigned Contract Manager will periodically review the employee data submitted by the Contractor to verify compliance with this...
Living Wages. In the event that there is a difference between the amount of wages to be paid under the CITY of Ventura’s local Living Wage requirements and the requirements of this provision, the wage rate that is the higher of the two shall be applicable to this Agreement. PLEASE NOTE, with respect to Federal contracts, other requirements may apply, in which case, the highest of the federal Prevailing Wage, state Prevailing Wage and local Living Wage prevails.
Living Wages. This Agreement is subject to City’s Living Wage Ordinance (“LWO”), codified at SDMC sections 22.4201 through 22.4245, if and to the extent that any of the Activities to be undertaken under this Agreement are services subject to the LWO. The LWO requires payment of minimum hourly wage rates and other benefits to “covered employees” (as defined in the LWO), unless an exemption from the LWO applies. SDMC section 22.4225 requires Manager and its Subcontractors to fill out and file a living wage certification with the City Manager within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date. Subcontractors hired by Manager after the Effective Date must fill out and file a living wage certification with the City Manager within thirty
Living Wages. This Agreement is subject to City’s Living Wage Ordinance (“LWO”), codified at SDMC sections 22.4201 through 22.4245. The LWO requires payment of minimum hourly wage rates and other benefits, unless an exemption applies. SDMC section 22.4225 requires Subrecipient to fill out and file a living wage certification with the City Manager within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date. LWO wage and health benefit rates are adjusted annually in accordance with SDMC section 22.4220(b) to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index. Service contracts, financial assistance agreements, and City facilities agreements must include this upward adjustment of wage rates to covered employees on July 1 of each year. In addition, Subrecipient agrees to require all of its Subcontractors, sublessees, and concessionaires subject to the LWO to comply with the LWO and all applicable regulations and rules.
Living Wages. In accordance with King County Ordinance 17909, contracts for services with an initial or amended value of $100,000 or more, the Consultant agrees that it shall pay and require all subconsultants to pay a living wage as described in the ordinance, to employees for each hour the employee performs a measurable amount of Work (“Measurable Work”) on this Contract.
Living Wages. Contractor shall comply with Living Wage Ordinance starting July 1, 2016. This Agreement is subject to the City’s Living Wage Ordinance (LWO), codified at San Diego Municipal Code sections 22.4201 through 22.4245. The LWO requires payment of minimum hourly wage rates and other benefits unless an exemption applies. San Diego Municipal Code section 22.4225 requires each Contractor to fill out and file a living wage certification with the City Manager within thirty (30) days of Award of the Contract. LWO wage and health benefit rates are adjusted annually in accordance with San Diego Municipal Code section 22.4220(b) to reflect the Consumer Price Index. Service contracts, financial assistance agreements, and City facilities agreements must include this upward adjustment of wage rates to covered employees on July 1 of each year. In addition, Contractor agrees to require all of its subcontractors, sublessees, and concessionaires subject to the LWO to comply with the LWO and all applicable regulations and rules.
Living Wages. Contractor, and any Subcontractor(s), shall comply with the City’s Living Wage Ordinance. The current Living Wage Standards are set forth in Exhibit “D”. Upon the City’s request, certified payroll records shall promptly be provided to the City.
Living Wages wages shall comply with the applicable laws and collective agreements. They shall therefore be fair and non discriminatory, and sufficient for workers to cater for the fundamental needs of a decent life in the social context where they live and work. The company shall seek to enhance the minimum conditions prescribed by law for the members of the most disadvantaged groups, including through collective bargaining. Any wage deduction shall be previously agreed by the worker concerned, unless it is prescribed by national regulations, or by national, company and/or territory-based bargaining. All workers shall be provided with both written and verbal information on wage conditions. The amount of working hours shall comply with national regulations and collective agreements. Overtime work shall be voluntary whenever possible, shall not be demanded on a regular basis and shall always be paid at a premium rate, without prejudice to the fact that one rest day a week shall always be guaranteed. According to the ILO Conventions 155 and 167 and to the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Companies (2011), a safe, healthy and sustainable working environment shall be provided. The best health and safety practices will be promoted and shall comply with the ILO Guidelines for Occupational Health Management Systems, in coordination with contracting and subcontracting companies within the same construction site. Training on safety and risk prevention at the work place shall be provided to all workers on a regular basis.
Living Wages. A. The minimum wage required for any Contractor employee directly assigned to this City Contract is $11.39 per hour, unless Published Wage Rates are included in this solicitation. In addition, the City may stipulate higher wage rates in certain solicitations in order to assure quality and continuity of service.
B. The City requires Contractors submitting Offers on this Contract to provide a certification (see the Living Wages Contractor Certification included in the Solicitation) with their Offer certifying that all employees directly assigned to this City Contract will be paid a minimum living wage equal to or greater than $11.39 per hour. The certification shall include a list of all employees directly assigned to providing services under the resultant contract including their name and job title. The list shall be updated and provided to the City as necessary throughout the term of the Contract.
C. The Contractor shall maintain throughout the term of the resultant contract basic employment and wage information for each employee as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
D. The Contractor shall provide to the Department’s Contract Manager with the first invoice, individual Employee Certifications for all employees directly assigned to the contract. The City reserves the right to request individual Employee Certifications at any time during the contract term. Employee Certifications shall be signed by each employee directly assigned to the contract. The Employee Certification form is available on-line at xxxxx://
E. Contractor shall submit employee certifications annually on the anniversary date of contract award with the respective invoice to verify that employees are paid the Living Wage throughout the term of the contract. The Employee Certification Forms shall be submitted for employees added to the contract and/or to report any employee changes as they occur.
F. The Department’s Contract Manager will periodically review the employee data submitted by the Contractor to verify compliance with this Living Wage provision. The City retains the right to review employee records required in paragraph C above to verify compliance with this provision.