Methods of Measuring Student Progress Sample Clauses

Methods of Measuring Student Progress. NSCS will run an enrollment report to determine which 3rd graders have been attending NSCS for two or more consecutive years and compare the IRI results to find the percentage of students that have obtained a score of 3.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Students at the Academy will continue to take all state-mandated tests, just like all public school students in Idaho. This will include the SBAC and/or the ISAT, as well as any other state-adopted or state- mandated testing instrument. All eleventh-graders take the PSAT/NMSQT, and have for many years, even before the state began paying for it. In addition, the Academy has long made it a practice to test all of its seniors with the SAT. As our mission is college-preparatory, these college-admissions tests are a crucial measure of our success in pursuing our mission. Every effort will be made to ensure maximum participation in mandatory testing. Our testing coordinator will track participation and ensure that those who miss school test days are allowed and provided a make-up test day. The Academy has consistently met and surpassed the state’s requirement for test participation.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. RSA shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. RSA will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. a. RSA students will perform at or above the state average for test scores in Reading and Writing, when comparing results for the ACT and ACT Aspire testing components. b. This is an arts-oriented approach to curriculum delivery which recognizes the uniqueness of the individual, while promoting artistic and academic excellence. c. Students in seminar courses facilitated by artist-in-residence will create a piece or performance that is linked to one of his/her elective classes. This linked arts experience will be a representation of all the art the student has created in a semester. d. Students will select an example of his/her work for presentation to faculty through the “Arts Festival” presentations. The following topics/questions will be kept in mind when choosing and preparing materials for the common experience presentations. On request of the school director or department director, students must be able to present/explain their: • Evidence – How do you know what you know? • Perspective – From whose viewpoint is this being presented? • Connection – How is this connected to other areas of study? • Supposition – What if things were different? • Relevance – Why is this important? • Transition – What’s next? e. RSA shall report progress on IEPs in accordance with the IDEA and AASD administrative practices. f. RSA shall administer other assessments as required under state and federal law, and as directed by XXXX. g. RSA shall provide AASD records as required to document compliance with state and federal law.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. WCA shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. WCA will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. a. Student Goal 1--Increase student achievement in state standardized assessments. (1) Objective: The percentage of WCA students scoring proficient or advanced in English Language Arts on the state assessment will meet or exceed AASD and/or state averages. Assessment: WSAS Assessments or any future state assessments (2) Objective: The percentage of WCA students scoring proficient or advanced in mathematics on the state assessment will meet or exceed AASD and/or state averages. Assessment: WSAS Assessments or any future state assessments b. Student Goal 2--Increase student achievement on longitudinal assessments. (1) Objective: When completed with the pre-test, the post-test provides a measure of academic growth gains over the school year. Assessment: longitudinal assessments or any future assessments c. Student Goal 3--Graduation Rate. (1) Objective: Ninety-five percent of students who start their Department of Public Instruction (DPI) cohort and remain at WCA will graduate in four years. (2) Objective: Ninety percent of students who start their high school cohort in another school will earn at least six credit each year (five credits in final year). Assessment: Graduation requirements. e. WCA shall report progress on IEPs in accordance with the IDEA and AASD administrative practices. f. WCA shall administer other assessments as required under state and federal law, and as directed by XXXX. g. WCA shall provide AASD records as required to document compliance with state and federal law.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Xxxxxx Elementary shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Xxxxxx Elementary may participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. a. Student Goal 1 -- Increase student achievement as measured by District Wide Assessment (1) Objective: Xxxxxx Elementary will meet or exceed the district’s average targeted growth in reading and math.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Tesla shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Tesla will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. a. Student Goal 1—Increase/maintain student achievement in state standardized assessments. (1) Objective: Tesla students will score at or above the state average of students scoring proficient or advanced in reading assessments. Assessment: ACT Aspire and ACT or any future state assessments (2) Objective: Tesla students will score at or above the state average of students scoring proficient or advanced in mathematics assessments. Assessment: ACT Aspire and ACT or any future state assessments b. Student Goal 2Other assessments specific to charter school. (1) Objective: By the end of the 2017-18 academic year, 50% of students will score one of the following, depending on the final assessment adopted by Tesla teachers: (a) A stanine score of 6 or higher on their PLTW End of Course Assessment given at the end of the academic year. (b) A score of 80% or better on each of the Tesla teacher-developed final course assessments. (2) Objective: By the end of the 2019-20 academic year, 60% of students will score one of the following, depending on the final assessment adopted by Tesla teachers: (a) A stanine score of 6 or higher on their PLTW End of Course Assessment given at the end of the academic year. (b) A score of 80% or better on the Tesla teacher-developed year-end assessment. Assessment: PLTW End of Course Assessment or Tesla teacher-develop year- end assessment. c. Student Goal 3Graduate students will have a well-thought out, well-researched, well- developed post-secondary plan. (1) Objective: One Hundred Percent (100%) of graduates will have identified a career field they are interested in focusing on for their post-secondary academic pursuits, and have developed a plan to achieve the necessary training and education for the career field. Assessment: Student Academic and Career Plan on file for each student. d. Tesla shall report progress on IEPs in accordance with the IDEA and AASD administrative practices. e. Tesla shall administer other assessments as required under state and federal law, and as directed by AASD. f. Tesla shall provide AASD records as required to document compliance with state and federal law.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. FWA shall use the following local measures, 82 assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Staff meets regularly during the 83 school year to retrieve and analyze data. This information is used to develop school 84 improvement action plans based on goals. 85 a. FWA shall achieve a percentage of pupils enrolled in FWA scoring proficient or 86 advanced on State Assessments in the area of reading and mathematics that is 87 comparable to the district averages for the corresponding subjects of same-age 88 peers. 89 b. FWA shall achieve a percentage of pupils enrolled in FWA scoring proficient or 90 advanced on District Assessments in the area of reading and mathematics that is 91 comparable to the district averages for the corresponding subjects of same-age 92 peers.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Kaleidoscope Academy shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Kaleidoscope Academy will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. a. Student Goal 1--Increase student achievement in state and/or district standardized assessments. (1) Objective: Increase individual student growth in the areas of reading and math each academic school year. Assessment: iReady or Forward Testing b. Student Goal 2--Social-Emotional Well-Being (1) Objective: Increase individual student’s sense of belonging and school connectedness each academic school year. Assessment: Panorama or any other social emotional based assessment/survey as provided by the school or district c. Student Goal 3Family Satisfaction (1) Objective: KA provides an atmosphere of family involvement that promotes family connectedness to the school’s mission and student academic success. Assessment: Increase in percentage rating from school or district produced family engagement survey to be administered every spring. d. Other—Any other assessments as approved by the KA Governance Board. e. Kaleidoscope Academy shall report progress on IEPs in accordance with the IDEA and AASD administrative practices. f. Kaleidoscope Academy shall administer other assessments as required under state and federal law, as directed by AASD. g. Kaleidoscope Academy shall provide AASD records as required to document compliance with state and federal law.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Student progress will be obtained through formative and summative assessments and will be monitored through both formal and informal assessment methods. Students at ACES will participate in state and federally mandated tests including the national standardized assessment required of all charter schools. In addition, ACES staff may administer other assessments as decided upon by the staff and approved by the ACES Governing Council. Student and school performance will be communicated to the parents through a variety of methods to include: parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, and report cards or alternative reporting procedures as determined by the ACES staff and Governing Council. In accordance with the mission and vision of ACES and State and Federal guidelines, along with guidance from RVSD, ACES will establish a clear organizational framework for delivering high levels of academic and behavioral success for all students by supporting student learning with a multi-level system of RtI support.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Student Goal 1--Increase student achievement in state standardized assessments. Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in reading as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in mathematics as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Objective: Eighty-Five Percent (85%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in science as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Student Goal 2--Increase student achievement on MAP tests. Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score at or above the District average in reading, beginning Spring 2011, after one full academic year. Assessment: MAPs Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score at or above the District average in mathematics, beginning Spring 2011, after one full academic year. Assessment: MAPs Student Goal 3--Improve student achievement in scientific inquiry. Objective: By the end of the academic year One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will achieve proficient or advanced proficient levels of performance. Students will engage in scientific inquiry and research culminating in an end of year project, as begun September 1, 2005. Assessment: Students will be evaluated using a performance assessment in which a scientific problem will be posed and students must conduct an investigation and use scientific equipment appropriately. The performance assessment will be developed by the curriculum committee. Objective: By the end of the academic year One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will achieve proficient or advanced proficient levels of performance. Students will engage in scientific inquiry and weekly research in the field, reporting their results in weekly field notes as begun September 1, 2005. Assessment: Field note rubric developed by the curriculum committee. Student Goal 3—Create well-rounded environmentally literate students who are proficient in the use of strategies, learning processes, and higher order thinking skills needed to be stewards of the environment. Objective: One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will identify local environmental problems and propose appropriate solutions. Each student will participate in at least one investigation. Students will define a specific problem, research it, a...