Methods of Measuring Student Progress Sample Clauses

Methods of Measuring Student Progress. 1. NSCS will run an enrollment report to determine which 3rd graders have been attending NSCS for two or more consecutive years and compare the IRI results to find the percentage of students that have obtained a score of 3.
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Methods of Measuring Student Progress. RSA shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. RSA will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Tesla shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Tesla will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Students at the Academy will continue to take all state-mandated tests, just like all public school students in Idaho. This will include the SBAC and/or the ISAT, as well as any other state-adopted or state- mandated testing instrument. All eleventh-graders take the PSAT/NMSQT, and have for many years, even before the state began paying for it. In addition, the Academy has long made it a practice to test all of its seniors with the SAT. As our mission is college-preparatory, these college-admissions tests are a crucial measure of our success in pursuing our mission. Every effort will be made to ensure maximum participation in mandatory testing. Our testing coordinator will track participation and ensure that those who miss school test days are allowed and provided a make-up test day. The Academy has consistently met and surpassed the state’s requirement for test participation.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Appleton eSchool shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. The Appleton eSchool Governing Board will assist in setting annual strategic goals to drive measurements to improve student access, course completion and achievement within eSchool courses. In addition, eSchool will participate and play an active role in the WEN strategic planning process to assist in key planning areas in the eSchool governing board.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Elementary Charter School shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Elementary Charter School may participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. WCA shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. WCA will participate in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process.
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Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Student Goal 1--Increase student achievement in state standardized assessments. Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in reading as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in mathematics as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Objective: Eighty-Five Percent (85%) of FRA students will score proficient or advanced proficient in science as begun November 2006 after one full academic year. Assessment: WSAS Assessments Student Goal 2--Increase student achievement on MAP tests. Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score at or above the District average in reading, beginning Spring 2011, after one full academic year. Assessment: MAPs Objective: Eighty Percent (80%) of FRA students will score at or above the District average in mathematics, beginning Spring 2011, after one full academic year. Assessment: MAPs Student Goal 3--Improve student achievement in scientific inquiry. Objective: By the end of the academic year One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will achieve proficient or advanced proficient levels of performance. Students will engage in scientific inquiry and research culminating in an end of year project, as begun September 1, 2005. Assessment: Students will be evaluated using a performance assessment in which a scientific problem will be posed and students must conduct an investigation and use scientific equipment appropriately. The performance assessment will be developed by the curriculum committee. Objective: By the end of the academic year One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will achieve proficient or advanced proficient levels of performance. Students will engage in scientific inquiry and weekly research in the field, reporting their results in weekly field notes as begun September 1, 2005. Assessment: Field note rubric developed by the curriculum committee. Student Goal 3—Create well-rounded environmentally literate students who are proficient in the use of strategies, learning processes, and higher order thinking skills needed to be stewards of the environment. Objective: One Hundred Percent (100%) of students will identify local environmental problems and propose appropriate solutions. Each student will participate in at least one investigation. Students will define a specific problem, research it, a...
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Classical School shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Classical School will report directly to the Board of Education on an annual basis in lieu of participation in the District’s Continuous School Improvement Planning (CSIP) and reporting process. The current method of reporting is sufficient.
Methods of Measuring Student Progress. Appleton Bilingual School shall use the following local measures, assessments and standardized tests to measure pupil progress. Instruction and assessment will occur in two languages in this instructional model. The development of academic knowledge in two languages is a valuable skill, and this ability will enhance students’ lives in future years. Research by Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (1979) indicates that even average competency in a second languages takes time. While students acquire conversational skills in one to two years, it often takes five to seven years to acquire strong academic skills in both languages. Once established however, students will move forward with a deeper, more meaningful understanding of academic Spanish and English. Student Goal 1—ABS students will achieve high levels of proficiency in two languages, Spanish and English. Objective: By sixth grade, English learners (ELL) students who have been enrolled in ABS for at least four consecutive years will develop sufficient English language skills to score at level 5.5 or higher on ACCESS. Starting in kindergarten and after each subsequent year, English learners will make 0.3 level gains on this assessment (composite score) Objective: By sixth grade, ELL and native English speakers will score within the grade level range in Spanish Language Arts as measured by Aprenda 3 (corresponds to the Stanford Achievement Test in English). Starting in kindergarten and after each subsequent year, all learners at ABS will make 1.0 grade equivalency growth in Spanish Language Arts. Assessment: ACCESS for XXXx (XXXx only) and Aprenda 3(all students) Student Goal 2—ABS students will continuously improve in the areas of reading and mathematics. Objective: By sixth grade, 90% of all ABS students, who have been enrolled in ABS for at least four consecutive years, will perform at or above the district’s average in reading for their grade level as measured by RIT scores on the MAP assessment in reading. Starting in grade two, ABS students on average will make 5-7 RIT point gains each year on the MAP assessment in reading (English). Assessment: MAP (Reading-English) Objective: For grades kindergarten to third grade, 90% of all ABS students will gain several benchmark levels commensurate with the district’s standard for grade level growth on the EDL-2, the Spanish language benchmarking assessment. Assessment: EDL-2 (Spanish) Objective: For grades three through six, 80% of all ABS students will score proficient or advance...
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