NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Funding is limited to the minimum eligible project scope necessary for a safe and effective facility per WisDOT Performance-Based Practical Design policy. The funding for the project for both structure and approach is limited to: • replacement or rehabilitation of the existing facility, • or, meeting minimum bridge standards as outlined in the WisDOT Facilities Development Manual (FDM) or applicable TRANS code, • or, an approved justification based on engineering principles that exceed either Performance-Based Practical Design or the FDM. The Municipality may elect to construct alternative designs but approved Local Bridge Improvement Assistance Program (s84.18(2)(e)) funding will be limited to a maximum of 80 percent of the cost of the minimum eligible scope of the project. Type of facility Xxxxxx Xxxxxx XX X-00-0000 Structure passes over Branch of Plum Creek Clear bridge width 23.1 FT 24 FT Bridge length 26.5 FT 45 FT Total length of approach work 100 FT Number of spans 1 1 Special safety issues No Sidewalk No No Sidewalk along approach No No Bicycle / pedestrian improvements required No Improvement type as indicated on project application Replacement – existing alignment Acquisition of right-of-way Yes Minimal anticipated, less than 0.5 acre of fee and temporary limited easements. Approach width and type 18 FT 18 FT wide, Asphalt Approach shoulder width and type 2 FT wide, Gravel Bridge rail Yes Beam guard No Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable federal requirements: A municipality may elect to design a bridge or elements that exceed the current Performance-Based Practical Design policy, or that exceed minimum bridge standards as outlined in the WisDOT Facilities Development Manual (FDM) or applicable TRANS code, or are not justified as necessary based on current engineering principles. All costs for ...
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project will be submitted for approval in a federally funded program. The Project Sponsor agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility – Both the City of Watertown’s 2019 Parks and Open Space Plan and the 2019 Comprehensive Plan recommended the development of a comprehensive city-wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Network Plan. An integrated and expanded bicycle and pedestrian network will increase access to retail and employment opportunities as well as destinations such as schools, parks, and other attractions. Proposed Improvement – Create a city-wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Network Plan to connect existing route segments and further integrate the City’s network with the Counties’ and nearby State bicycle and pedestrian networks. The Project Sponsor agrees to the following TAP program funding conditions, updated as of June 2022: All Project Sponsors and processes, including real estate acquisition and environmental documentation, must comply with A Sponsor’s Guide to Non-Traditional Transportation Project Implementation (Sponsor’s Guide) and the current WisDOT Facilities Development Manual (FDM). The subject project is funded with 80% federal funding up to a maximum of $80,000 for all federally-funded project phases when the Project Sponsor agrees to provide funds in excess of the $80,000 federal funding maximum, in accordance with TAP guidelines. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the Project Sponsor. Any work performed by the Project Sponsor prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal funding. The Project Sponsor will be notified by the State when each project phase or ID is authorized and available for charging. The project is subject to a discretionary Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal assessment. The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CDFA) number for this project is 20.205 – Highway Planning and Construction.
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: The existing roadway is a 2-lane Minor Arterial. It is a 40-foot wide facility with an urban cross section constructed of asphalt pavement. The roadway was last improved in 1994. The roadway has a pavement rating of 5 with significant transverse and longitudinal cracking. There are existing sidewalks on both sides of the roadway and no bicycle accommodations. There is an at-grade railroad crossing outside the project limits but within 1000 feet. Proposed Improvement - Nature of work: A pavement replacement project from Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Road to CTH CV is proposed. The project will be 0.3 miles in length constructed of asphalt pavement with an urban cross section consisting of 11-foot wide travel lanes and 9-foot shoulders. Existing concrete curb & gutter to remain with spot replacement. The existing sidewalk on the south side of the roadway will be replaced with a 10-foot wide multi-use path. The sidewalk on the north side will be replaced as needed. Real estate acquisition is not anticipated. Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable federal requirements: None. The Municipality agrees to the following FFY 2023-2026 BIL STP-Urban project funding conditions: Project ID 6992-00-20 design costs are funded 100% by the Municipality including state review. Project ID 6992-00-21 construction costs are funded with up to 60% federal funding up to a funding limit of $840,007. The Municipality agrees to provide the remaining 40% and any funds in excess of the $840,007 federal funding limit. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the Municipality. Any work performed by the Municipality prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal funding. The Municipality will be notified by the State that the project is authorized and available for charg...
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Project Sponsor agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document.
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project will be submitted for approval in a federally funded program. The Project Sponsor agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: Eisenhower Drive is a 4-lane collector located between arterial streets of CTH CE and CTH KK. Currently there are no multi modal accommodations along Eisenhower Drive. Proposed Improvement - Nature of work: The proposed project will construct an 8-10-foot-wide shared use path from CTH KK to Theater Way, a total length of 4250 feet. Curb and gutter will be installed on the west side of Eisenhower Drive, filling the ditch west of the roadway. The minimum terrace separation between the roadway and path is proposed to be 5 feet. A physical separation or railing will be installed if the terrace width is less than 5 feet. The Project Sponsor agrees to the following State Fiscal Year 2023-2026 TAP project funding conditions: All Project Sponsors and processes, including real estate acquisition and environmental documentation, must comply with A Sponsor’s Guide to Non-Traditional Transportation Project Implementation (Sponsor’s Guide) and the current WisDOT Facilities Development Manual (FDM). The subject project is funded with 80% federal funding up to a maximum of $643,640.80 for all federally funded project phases when the Project Sponsor agrees to provide funds in excess of the $643,640.80 federal funding maximum, in accordance with TAP guidelines. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the Project Sponsor. Any work performed by the Project Sponsor prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal funding. The Project Sponsor will be notified by the State when each project phase or ID is authorized and available for charging. The project is subject to a discretionary Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal assessment. The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CDFA) number for this project is 20.205 – Highway Planning and Construction.
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: The existing facility is a 2-lane concrete roadway with an overall total pavement width of 40-feet. The roadway has an urban cross section with 8-foot shoulders and curb and gutter. The last improvement was in 1985. The pavement has significant cracking and deteriorated joints to a width beyond typical joint repair maintenance. The existing municipal utilities under the pavement are also in need of repair or replacement. The pavement rating is
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: This 0.758-mile, 36-foot wide, urban 2-lane facility was last improved in 1962. The existing roadway consists of concrete pavement with two 11-foot lanes with parking lanes, integral concrete curb concrete sidewalk on both sides. The existing facility does not provide for on road bicycle accommodations. The existing facility roadway was constructed in 1952 and has reached the end of its useful service life. The existing concrete pavement has many areas of transverse cracking along with concrete panel settlement. Municipal utilities that exist under the pavement are also in need of repair and/or replacement. Work to these utilities along with pavement repair, would result in reduced ride quality and further pavement deterioration. Proposed Improvement - Nature of work: Reconstruction-Modernization – This urban facility is proposed to be reconstructed to meet WisDOT standards with installation of new asphalt pavement, base, concrete curb and gutter, storm water sewer system, sidewalk replacement as needed, ADA compliant curb ramps, lighting and marked bicycle lanes. The intent of the improvement is to match the urban typical section on Xxxxxx Street form Xxx Street to Xxxxxx Street. Minor property interests are anticipated for installation of curb ramps and grading. The roadway is proposed to be open under staged construction. Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable federal requirements: Maintenance and repair of haul roads, detour (if applicable), improvements/adjustments to water main and sanitary sewer facilities and roadway widths exceeding WisDOT standards. The Municipality agrees to the following SFY 2022-2027 Urbanized Area project funding conditions: Project ID 4897-02-79 design costs are funded with up to 80% federal funding up to a funding li...
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: Vliet St is a 2-lane combination pavement type, urban cross section roadway. Current pavement rating is 2.9. There is sidewalk accommodations on both sides of street. Proposed Improvement - Nature of work: Reconstruction of roadway with sidewalk and 5’ on street bike lane. Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable federal requirements: As determined by design. The Municipality agrees to the following FFY 2022 BIL Urbanized Area project funding conditions: Project ID 2984-10-04 design costs are funded 100% by the Municipality including state review of design costs. Project ID 2984-00-74 construction costs are funded with up to 80% federal funding up to a funding limit of $6,442,330. The Municipality agrees to provide the remaining 20% and any funds in excess of the $6,442,330 federal funding limit. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the Municipality. Any work STP-U/Bil22/CMilwaukee Page 1 of 7 ID 2984-10-04, 2984-00-74-SE Region performed by the Municipality prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal funding. The Municipality will be notified by the State that the project is authorized and available for charging. This project is currently scheduled in State Fiscal Year 2023. In accordance with the State’s sunset policy for STP-Urban projects, the subject FFY 2022 BIL STP-Urban improvement must be constructed and in final acceptance within six years from the start of State Fiscal Year 2023, or by June 30, 2028. Extensions may be available upon approval of a written request by or on behalf of the Municipality to State. The written request shall explain the reasons for project implementation delay and revised timeline for project completion. The dollar amounts shown in the Summary of Costs Table below are estimates. The ...
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Existing Facility - Describe and give reason for request: Xxxxxxx Xx is a two-lane, rural cross section roadway with 12ft travel lanes and variable width shoulders. Bike accommodations are present on street, but there are no sidewalks. The route is classified as a minor arterial with an ADT of 16,600. The asphalt pavement is in poor condition with a rating of 4-5. This segment also contains two at-grade railroad crossings and several sub-standard vertical curves. During peak traffic flows, there is significant congestion. Proposed Improvement - Nature of work: Reconstruction with capacity expansion. The proposed work is to reconstruct the road as a four-lane, urban cross-section with curb and gutter and sidewalk. The total project length will be about two miles. The project segment lies within the Xxxxxxxxx Creek flood plain. Railroad crossing surfaces and signals will be upgraded. Additional work will include storm sewers, standard system lighting, permanent and temporary pavement marking, and permanent and temporary signing. Real estate is 100% locally funded for the project. Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable Federal requirements: Non-participating items determined in design. The Municipality agrees to the following 2015-2020 Urbanized Area STP-Urban project funding conditions: Project design and construction costs are funded with 80% federal funding up to a maximum of $14,290,624 for all federally-funded project phases when the municipality agrees to provide the remaining 20% and all funds in excess of the $14,290,624 federal funding maximum, in accordance with the STP Urban program guidelines for projects in urbanized areas. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the municipality. Any work performed by the Municipality prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal fund...
NEEDS AND ESTIMATE SUMMARY. All components of the project must be defined in the environmental document if any portion of the project is federally funded. The Municipality agrees to complete all participating and any non-participating work included in this improvement consistent with the environmental document. No work on final engineering and design may occur prior to approval of the environmental document. Proposed Project - Nature of work: Construct a bicycle pedestrian overpass structure over USH 12/14/18/151. Need for or Benefits of Project – summarize reasons for request: Current Cannonball Path needs a bicycle pedestrian overpass structure over USH 12/14/18/151 to connect neighborhoods south of USH 12/14/18/151 to destinations in central Madison. Describe non-participating work included in the project and other work necessary to completely finish the project that will be undertaken independently by the Municipality. Please note that non-participating components of a project/contract are considered part of the overall project and will be subject to applicable federal and state requirements: The furnishing and installation of permanent signing is the responsibility of the project sponsor. The Project Sponsor agrees to the following Calendar Year 2010 [Fiscal Year 2011-2014] Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program (BPFP) project funding conditions: The subject project is funded with 55% federal funding up to a maximum of $2,200,240 for all federal-funded project phases when the Project Sponsor agrees to provide the remaining 45% and all funds in excess of the $2,200,240 federal funding maximum, in accordance with BPFP guidelines. Non-participating costs are 100% the responsibility of the Project Sponsor. Any work performed by the Project Sponsor prior to federal authorization is not eligible for federal funding. The Project Sponsor will be notified by the State when each project phase or ID is authorized and available for charging. The Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CDFA) number for this project is 20.205 – Highway Planning and Construction. In the summary funding table below, the federal/state share of the total estimated cost distribution indicates the maximum amount of federal/state funding available to the project, to be distributed across federal/state-funded project phases. The final Project Sponsor share is dependent on the final federal/state participation, and the actual costs will be used in the final division of costs for billing and reimbursement. SUMMARY...