Non-Certified Employees Sample Clauses
Non-Certified Employees. Non-certified employees, excluding classroom paraprofessionals, shall work a 7 ½ hour day, excluding a duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) minutes. The regularly scheduled work day for personal aides shall be 6 ½ hours, excluding a duty-free lunch period of thirty (30) minutes.
Non-Certified Employees. A. For employees first employed before May 1, 2016, the Board agrees to pay up to $9,300 per full time employees towards the cost of an "Individual" hospitalization insurance plan, or up to $10,200 per full time employees towards the cost of a "Family' hospitalization insurance plan. This plan shall be from Egyptian Area Employees Benefit Trust Plan, Gold, Silver, or Copper Plan, or a comparable benefit plan. An employee may opt to receive this benefit in the form of an annuity rather than in the form of insurance. The monthly annuity shall be up to $500 dollars per month. If a change in benefit plans is required, no change will be made without negotiations with the bargaining unit.
B. For employees first employed on or after May 1, 2016, the Board shall contribute $500 per month for each employee toward the cost of the sole District Approved Health Insurance. Any employee who chooses not to participate in the District Approved Health Insurance Plan will have the option of applying the unused portion of the contribution to salary. Employees may sign up for this benefit to be applied to their salary in the enrollment period of August 15 through September 5 each school year, and the employee may not change the amount applied until this enrollment period the following year. The monthly annuity shall be up to $500 dollars per month. If a change in benefit plans is required, no change will be made without negotiations with the bargaining unit.
Non-Certified Employees. A. For employees first employed before May 1, 2016, the Board agrees to pay up to $9,300 per full time employees towards the cost of an "Individual" hospitalization insurance plan, or up to $10,200 per full time employees towards the cost of a "Family' hospitalization insurance plan. This plan shall be from a District Approved Health Insurance Plan. An employee may opt to receive this benefit in the form of an annuity rather than in the form of insurance. The monthly annuity shall be up to $650 per month in the 2023-2024 and 2024- 2025 school years and $700 per month in the 2025-2026 school year. If a change in benefit plans is required, no change will be made without negotiations with the bargaining unit.
B. For employees first employed on or after May 1, 2016, the Board shall contribute $650 per month in the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years and $700 per month in the 2025-2026 school year for each employee toward the cost of the sole District Approved Health Insurance. Any employee who chooses not to participate in the District Approved Health Insurance Plan will have the option of applying the unused portion of the contribution to salary. Employees may sign up for this benefit to be applied to their salary in the enrollment period of August 15 through September 5 each school year, and the employee may not change the amount applied until this enrollment period the following year. The monthly annuity shall be up to $650 per month in the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years and $700 per month in the 2025-2026 school year. If a change in benefit plans is required, no change will be made without negotiations with the bargaining unit.
Non-Certified Employees. The TMCSEA will for an employee retiring prior to the expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement pay non-certified employees a retirement incentive subject to the following terms:
Non-Certified Employees. Employees shall receive a written evaluation/observation report at least twenty-four
Non-Certified Employees. The Board of Education may authorize unpaid leaves of absence to employees. Any leave of absence of up to one (1) year of absence without pay may be granted to an employee who has reasonable need for such a leave. Individuals who elect continued participation in the District Insurance Program during said leave may do so at their own expense.
Non-Certified Employees. Each employee shall be entitled to (11) sick leave days and (3) personal leave days per school year without loss of pay. Sick leave may be used for personal illness, mental or behavioral health complications, quarantine at home, birth, adoption, placement for adoption or serious illness or death in the immediate family or household (as defined in Section 24-6 of the Illinois School Code). One-half day of sick leave will be counted if the employee leaves after the midpoint of the day. A full day’s sick leave will be counted if the employee leaves before the midpoint of the day. All unused sick and personal leave days will be added to accumulated sick leave, accumulating a total of three hundred sixty (360). Seventy-two (72) hours’ notice of leave shall be submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee for personal leave. Personal days may not be used during the first two weeks of the school term, the last week of the school year, or the day before or after Christmas break without permission from the Superintendent. If a personal day is used prior to or after a holiday or scheduled break, staff will be limited to no more than 5% of employees based on first come, first serve basis and granted in order submitted. Employees shall not be permitted to take a day of leave without pay in lieu of a day of leave, leave during a restricted part of the school year, or if there are no days of leave available to the employee. Non-certified employees who have voluntarily terminated their employment with the district will be entitled to the following: 5 years – 20% of accumulated sick leave paid according to their rate. 10 years – 40% of accumulated sick leave paid according to their rate. 15 years – 60% of accumulated sick leave paid according to their rate. 20 years – 80% of accumulated sick leave paid according to their rate. The maximum amount of accumulated sick days is 180.
Non-Certified Employees a. The Board shall grant a leave of absence for medical reasons associated with pregnancy and birth to pregnant employees for up to three (3) months, on the same terms and conditions governing leaves of absence for other illnesses or medical disabilities as set forth in N.J.S.A. Title 18 a:30-1 et seq. and applicable case law.
b. Any employee seeking such leave shall apply to the Board within sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of such leave unless an emergency prevents such notice. At the time of application the employee shall specify in writing the date on which she wishes to return to work after birth. The Board may require any employee to produce a certificate from her physician in support of the requested leave dates. Any employee granted maternity leave without pay according to the provisions of this section may, at her discretion, elect to use all or any part of her accumulated sick leave during the period of such absence and receive full pay and benefits. The employee shall indicate on her application whether or not she elects to exercise this right.
c. Following the grant of such leave to any employee, the commencement and termination dates thereof shall be further extended or reduced for medical reasons upon application by the employee to the Board. Such extension or reduction shall be granted by the Board for an additional reasonable period of time, provided the employee produces a physician’s certificate in support of the requested change, which certificate is subject to agreement by the Board’s physician.
Non-Certified Employees a. The evaluator shall provide employees with a copy of the formal evaluation instrument (that administration developed with union consultation) on the first in- service or within the first month of employment and prior to evaluation if hired after the start of the school year.
b. Each employee to be evaluated shall be informed in advance by the building principal the name of the evaluator. Employees shall be issued a formal evaluation one time per year. The administrator will meet with the employee to review and issue the final evaluation.
i. Building Secretaries - Each principal evaluates their own secretaries;
ii. Paraprofessionals - Principal(s) completes form with input from teachers and then goes over the form with the employee
iii. Health Care Providers – One principal will evaluate the Health Care Providers.
iv. In School Suspension Monitor - School Principal evaluates v. Media/Library clerk will be evaluated by one of the building principals.
Non-Certified Employees