Out of Class Work Sample Clauses
Out of Class Work. 15.1 Any employee who is temporarily assigned to and performs the duties of a higher level position on an acting basis for longer than fifteen (15) consecutive calendar days shall be entitled to receive extra pay commencing with the sixteenth (16) consecutive calendar day. The employee's rate of pay shall be an amount of approximately 4.6% over the amount of regular pay the employee normally earns or the first step of the higher class, whichever is greater.
15.2 If any such future reassignment within a twelve (12) month period occurs which extends for more than seven (7) consecutive calendar days, the employee shall receive the appropriate compensation of the higher classification from the first day of such a reassignment. Days on which an employee is absent from work or on a paid leave shall not constitute a break in "consecutive calendar days" as the term is used in this Article.
15.3 Any employee who is promoted to and performs the duties of a higher level position shall be entitled to receive extra pay commencing with the first day of the payroll period following the promotion. The employee’s rate of pay shall be an amount of no less than approximately 4.6% over the amount of the employee’s base pay or the first step of the higher class, whichever is greater, provided the increase does not result in a salary rate above the top step of the salary schedule.
Out of Class Work. If a bargaining unit member is assigned to a lower classification; they shall receive their current rate of pay. If a bargaining unit member is assigned to work in a higher classification their rate of pay shall not be less than an additional five percent (5%) or step 1 of the higher classification, whichever is higher.
Out of Class Work. Section 1: When employees are approved by the Library Director to act in and perform the responsibilities of a higher level position for five or more consecutive work days, employees shall be paid their normal salary plus three percent (3%), or the first step of the salary of the assumed position, whichever is higher. The higher rate of pay shall be retroactive to the first day of assignment.
Section 2: Employees who have been appointed to higher level positions as described in this Article, shall have the fact noted in their personnel files as evidence of their abilities.
Section 3: Regular Employees who substitute in a position with a higher salary range, in lieu of their regularly scheduled hours or in the form of extra hours, shall be paid their normal salary plus three percent (3%), or the first step of the salary of the assumed position, whichever is higher, for the substitute hours worked.
Out of Class Work. 1. Employees in the Unit shall not be required by the District to perform duties which are not reasonably related to those fixed and prescribed in their current job description for any period of time which exceeds five (5) working days within a fifteen (15) calendar-day period.
2. A unit member may be required to perform duties inconsistent with those assigned to the position for a period of more than five (5) working days provided that his/her salary is adjusted upward for the entire period, including the initial five-day period he/she is required to work out of classification an in such amounts as will reasonably reflect the duties required to be preformed outside his/her normal assigned duties.
3. The District will use best efforts to seek volunteers before assigning these duties. When assigning work out of class, the District agrees to rotate work out of class as equally as is practicable based on required skills for the out of class work and seniority. CSEA members may express interest in working out of class in a particular department by filling out an interest form. The District will use the form to determine which members are interested in out of class work. The District will select individuals based on a combination of factors, including interest, skill set, qualifications, and seniority.
4. If the out of class work is at a higher classification, the rate of pay shall be in the classification in which the unit member is serving as a substitute at the grade which is the next highest hourly rate above their own regular hourly rate for the entire period working out of class including the initial five-day period. If the out of class work is at a lower classification, the unit member must work in a classification within the same job family. The rate of pay shall be at the unit members current hourly rate plus a 5% incentive for the entire period including the initial five-day period.
5. No assignments to perform certificated work will be given to classified employees who are unwilling to do them, and no employee will face retaliation for refusing such an opportunity.
6. Unit members that are working out of class in a management role shall continue to pay dues to CSEA so long as the role in the management position is temporary.
7. Assignment of duties for which differential compensation is designated shall be determined and authorized in writing by the District.
8. All bargaining unit employees whose assigned shift contains on (1) or more specific perio...
Out of Class Work. The City and the Union have agreed to a one (1) year trial period that allows Battalion Chiefs, who have indicated their availability, to fill vacancies in the rank of Fire Captain to assist in preventing mandatory shift fill, provided all vacancies in the Battalion Chief position have been filled. When working in the rank of Captain, Battalion Chiefs will receive stipend pay as provided in Section 5.8. At the end of the one (1) year trial, the out of class program for the Battalion Chiefs to work down as Captains ends unless the trial period is mutually agreed to be extended by the Fire Chief and the Union. Battalion Chiefs must indicate their availability as defined in the Staffing Policy. No Battalion Chief may work out of class when a mandatory assignment exists in their perspective rank. The Fire Chief and the Union maintain the ability to re-implement Out of Class Work, through mutual agreement, during the term of the contract based on department need.
Out of Class Work. Upon mutual agreement, if a bargaining unit member, during their normal working hours, is temporarily assigned to work in a lower classification, they shall receive their current rate of pay. If a bargaining unit member is temporarily assigned to work in a higher classification, their rate of pay, while working out of class, shall be at step A of the higher classification in which they are temporarily working or the next higher step in that classification that ensures the employee is receiving an increase in their regular hourly rate of at least 5%. This section (G) does not apply to "extra work" in addition to the normal hours of the employee which is described in Article Ill (H).
Out of Class Work. 2.4.1 Assignment to perform work of a higher-level classification: Employees assigned by their supervisors to perform the essential duties of a higher-level classification shall receive an additional five percent (5%) of base pay as out of class compensation. Payment shall continue for the term of the assignment to the higher-level classification duties. Assignments shall be limited to six (6) months, which may be extended on approval of the City Manager.
Out of Class Work. Any employee who is assigned by his/her supervisor to a position in a higher pay grade for a period of more than thirty (30) days shall receive the salary rate for the higher position from the first day of assignment, provided such assignment has the prior approval of the Appointing Authority or his/her designee.
Out of Class Work. Any employee who is assigned the duties of a position having a higher salary range shall be paid the minimum step in the new range that provides at least a five percent (5%) increase during the entire period of such assignment.
Out of Class Work. 4 27.1 The COMPANY and the UNION agree that non-bargaining employees will not be 5 allowed to perform work normally assigned to Bargaining Unit employees covered by 6 this AGREEMENT, except when a situation or occurrence of a serious nature develops 7 suddenly and unexpectedly, and demands immediate action. In such case, the 8 COMPANY will take appropriate measures to fill the work with available Bargaining Unit 9 employees as soon as practical. If there are no immediately available Bargaining Unit 10 employees, or if the work is an incidental or minor nature, the work may be performed 11 by other non-bargaining unit employees until such time as a substitute can be obtained.
13 27.2 Employees may also be used out of classification within their division to instruct or 14 train other employees or to substitute for short periods of time if another employee in a 15 higher or lower classification is not available.
18 27.3 If a Bargaining Unit employee is required to work in a higher classification for a JDoucett 12/9/14 10:37 AM Deleted: calendar JDoucett 6/25/15 5:56 PM Deleted: the xxxxxxxx 3/10/15 4:05 PM JDoucett 6/25/15 5:56 PM