Overtime Process Sample Clauses
Overtime Process. It is understood there will be times where overtime is necessary in order to complete work. It is also understood overtime work is voluntary and will not be forced on any employee. Management will make training opportunities available for those employees interested in overtime. Any employee who volunteers for overtime and does not follow through, retracts or fails to report three (3) times within a calendar year, will no longer be able to volunteer for the duration of that year. The process to sign up for overtime may be modified by mutual consent of both parties.. If there are not enough volunteers, non-bargaining unit members will work overtime. There will be no right to grieve the process when non-bargaining unit members work in their place.
Overtime Process. Overtime will be administered as follows:
A. Work group overtime rosters will be posted bi- weekly, ranking employees according to their year-to-date call-out and overtime hours actually paid. The employee having the least amount of call-out and overtime worked will be first on the roster. The employee having the greatest amount of call-out and overtime worked will be last on the roster. Overtime opportunities will be voluntarily offered in order of the posted roster’s ranking from first to last. Whenever an insufficient number of volunteers are available, seniority will determine who shall be forced to work, beginning with the least senior employee in the overtime group.
B. These overtime rosters will be used exclusively for advance scheduling of overtime and for call-outs. These overtime rosters will not be used for scheduling daily overtime (or “continuation of same day” overtime) purposes.
C. Employees assigned to temporary projects or special assignments will continue to have their overtime and call-out hours accumulate on the roster, but will be exempted from the selection system during their special projects or assignments.
D. Employees may indicate in advance their desire to not be considered for overtime or call-out opportunities. The notification must be submitted in writing to the employee’s supervisor and will remain in effect until canceled in writing. The initial notification and subsequent cancellation must be received at least one week prior to the posting of the overtime roster. Employee’s who indicate their desire not to be considered for overtime/call-out opportunities will be bypassed when such overtime/call-out opportunities arise, service conditions permitting. In any case, the Company reserves the right to require employees to accept overtime/call-out opportunities when the need arises as determined by the Company in accordance with this Agreement.
Overtime Process. A. Policy Overtime may be worked only when scheduled and directed by the Municipality. All hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in any given work week shall constitute overtime.
Overtime Process. Where there is an opportunity for overtime, the senior available posted employee in the role are to be asked first, if the employee declines then the next available senior employee with the skill and ability will be offered regardless of the department they are scheduled in. The Company and the Union agree to provide employees with access to voluntary severance packages, subject to the conditions outlined below. The main purpose of the VSP is to provide an incentive to retire with financial assistance to employees who wish to change their employment status, and to create opportunities to employees remaining actively employed. The Company:
Overtime Process. Overtime will be administered as follows:
A. Work group overtime rosters will be posted bi-monthly and will also be made available electronically, ranking employees according to their year-to-date call-out and overtime hours actually paid. The employee having the least amount of call-out and overtime worked will be first on the roster. The employee having the greatest amount of call-out and overtime worked will be last on the roster. Overtime opportunities will be voluntarily offered in order of the posted roster’s ranking from first to last. Whenever an insufficient number of volunteers are available, seniority will determine who shall be forced to work, beginning with the least senior employee in the overtime group.
B. These overtime rosters will be used exclusively for advance scheduling of overtime and for call-outs. These overtime rosters will not be used for scheduling daily overtime (or “continuation of same day” overtime) purposes.
Overtime Process. Purpose: This article will ensure that all employees have an equal opportunity to work overtime as it becomes available to ensure customer requirements or product builds are met. When overtime is required, the company will use a voluntary system. Any signatures or other writing on any form that is a part of the article and therefore part of the overtime process must be done in blue or black pen. All weekly/weekend overtime related postings for production and maintenance will be copied and forwarded to the union. In the event the Company requires extra overtime resources which require calling employees at home, it is agreed all calls will be made in the presence of the Union Chair or Union Xxxxxxx.
Overtime Process. Overtime will be administered as follows:
A. Work group overtime rosters will be posted bi-monthly and will also be made available electronically, ranking employees according to their year-to-date call-out and overtime hours actually paid. The employee having the least amount of call-out and overtime worked will be first on the roster. The employee having the greatest amount of call-out and overtime worked will be last on the roster. Overtime opportunities will be voluntarily offered in order of the posted roster’s ranking from first to last. Whenever an insufficient number of volunteers are available, seniority will determine who shall be forced to work, beginning with the least senior employee in the overtime group.
B. These overtime rosters will be used exclusively for advance scheduling of overtime and for call-outs. These overtime rosters will not be used for scheduling daily overtime (or “continuation of same day” overtime) purposes.
C. Employees assigned to temporary projects or special assignments will continue to have their overtime and call- out hours accumulate on the roster, but will be exempted from the selection system during their special projects or assignments.
D. Employees may request in advance in writing to their immediate supervisor, their desire to be relieved from overtime and/or call-out opportunities on a periodic basis. Employees who have been relieved with supervisory approval for overtime and/or call-out opportunities will be bypassed, for the mutually agreed upon time period in accordance with this agreement.
Overtime Process. Purpose: This article will ensure that all employees have an equal opportunity to work overtime as it becomes available to ensure customer requirements or product builds are met. When overtime is required, the company will use a voluntary system. Any signatures or other writing on any form that is a part of the article and therefore part of the overtime process must be done in blue or black pen. Application: This article applies to all employees at Wescast Industries Inc., Strathroy division who are not on a modified work program.
Overtime Process. (This process must first be approved by Management).
1) From the information gathered on the Call - In Sheet.
a) Offer the Open-Shift, giving preference to seniority to the staff on the unit the Open-Shift occurred. Seniority is listed as “Date of Hire” and found on the Call - In Sheets.
b) Offer the Open-Shift, giving preference to seniority to staff on other units.
Overtime Process