Parental or Adoption Leave Sample Clauses
Parental or Adoption Leave a) Parental leave without pay is available to an employee who has been employed by the Employer for at least 90 days may request parental or adoption leave without pay as follows:
i) For an employee entitled to maternity leave, a period of not more than 62 consecutive weeks immediately following the last day of maternity leave;
ii) For an employee who is a parent, a period of not more than 62 consecutive weeks to be completed within 78 weeks after the birth of the child.
iii) For an employee who is an adoptive parent, a period of not more than 62 consecutive weeks to be completed within 78 weeks after the child is placed with the adoptive parent for the purpose of the adoption.
iv) An employee must provide written notice at least six weeks prior to starting parental leave unless the medical condition of the mother or child intervenes or the date of the child’s placement with the adoptive parent was not foreseeable. If employees intend to share parental leave, they must give notice of their intention to share parental leave.
b) If employees are parents of the same child, parental leave granted under 1(b) may be taken wholly by one employee or shared between both employees. However, employees may not take parental leave simultaneously.
c) The application for the leave must be made in writing to the employee’s supervisor, with a copy forwarded to the Vice President, Human Resources. Health benefit coverage shall be available to the employee, with the exception of long term disability. The employee shall be responsible for both the employee and employer premiums during this period. The employee shall be required to furnish proof of adoption.
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) An Employee who has completed ninety (90) days of continuous employment shall upon written request, providing at least two (2) weeks advance notice, before making application for Parental or Adoption Leave, be granted leave without pay for up to sixty-two (62) weeks.
(b) Adoption Leave without pay can start any time after the birth or adoption of a child, but must be completed within sixty-two (62) weeks of the date of the baby is born or placed with the parents.
(c) Where the Employee is unable to comply with clause 22.04 (a), the Employee may commence adoption leave upon one (1) days’ notice provided that application for such leave was made when the adoption was approved and the Employer is kept informed of the progress of the adoption proceedings.
(d) (i) Subject to clause 22.04 (d) (ii) an Employee granted adoption/parental leave shall provide the Employer with twenty- eight (28) calendar days notice of readiness to return to work, following which the Employer will reinstate the Employee in the same or an equivalent position at not less than the same step in the pay scale and other benefits that accrue to the Employee up to the date they commenced leave.
Parental or Adoption Leave. An employee who has been employed for at least ninety (90) days is entitled to Parental Leave without pay as follows:
(a) in the case of an Employee who has taken Maternity Leave, a maximum of thirty- seven (37) weeks commencing immediately following the last day of their Maternity Leave,
(b) in the case of a parent who has not taken Maternity Leave, a maximum of thirty- seven (37) weeks during the fifty-three (53) weeks after the child’s birth, or
(c) in the case of an adoption, Parental Leave can start any time after the birth or adoption of a child, but must be completed within thirty-seven (37) weeks of the date the baby is born or placed with the parents. If both parents are Employees, Parental Leave may be shared between them or wholly taken by one parent. If the parents intend to share the Parental Leave, they must advise the Employer. Only one parent may take Parental Leave at a time and the maximum combined Parental Leave of both parents is thirty-seven (37) weeks. An Employee must give at least six (6) weeks’ notice of the commencement date of Parental Leave. In extenuating or unforeseen circumstances where such notice cannot be provided, the Employer will accommodate the request for leave.
Parental or Adoption Leave. A full-time Employee shall, upon application, be granted parental or adoption leave subject to the following conditions:
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) An Employee who has completed fifty-two (52) weeks of continuous employment shall upon written request, giving twenty-eight (28) calendar days’ notice before making application for Parental or Adoption Leave, be granted leave without pay for up to thirty-seven (37) weeks.
(b) Where the Employee is unable to comply with (a), the Employee may commence adoption leave upon one (1) day's notice provided that application for such leave was made when the adoption was approved and the Employer is kept informed of the progress of the adoption proceedings.
(c) (i) Subject to section (ii) an Employee granted adoption/parental leave shall provide the Employer with twenty-eight (28) calendar days notice of readiness to return to work, following which the Employer will reinstate her in the same or an equivalent position at not less than the same step in the pay scale and other benefits that accrue to her up to the date she commenced leave.
Parental or Adoption Leave. In the event of the birth or adoption of a child, an employee who has completed twenty (20) cumulative weeks of employment shall be entitled to a maximum of one (1) year parental leave without pay. The leave may be taken in any combination before or after the birth or adoption of the child. The employee must give the Employer fourteen (14) days written notice of his/her intention to return to work. For temporary employees, the period of leave of absence shall not extend beyond the employee's scheduled date of termination.
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) An Employee who becomes a parent of one or more children through the birth or adoption of a child or children is entitled to an unpaid leave of absence of up to fifty-two (52) weeks upon giving the Employer four (4) weeks’ notice of the date that the Employee will begin the leave and the date that the employee will return to work. The Employee may alter the date of return to work upon two (2) weeks’ notice to the Employer.
(b) Where notice as required under Article 20.6 is not possible due to circumstances beyond the control of the employee, the employee will provide the Employer as much notice as reasonably practicable of the commencement of leave or return to work.
(c) The parental leave of an Employee, who has taken a pregnancy leave and whose newborn child or children arrive in the employee’s home during pregnancy leave:
(i) shall begin immediately upon completion of the pregnancy leave, without the employee returning to work;
(ii) shall end not later than thirty-five (35) weeks after the parental leave began as determined by the Employee, subject to the Employee giving four (4) weeks’ notice of the date upon which the leave will end.
(d) The parental leave for an Employee who becomes a parent of one or more children through birth or adoption of a child or children, other than who has not taken a pregnancy leave:
(i) shall begin on such date coinciding with or after the birth or adoption of the child as the employee determines; and
(ii) shall end not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the parental leave began and in any case, no later than fifty-two (52) weeks after the child or children first arrive in the employee’s home.
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) Upon written request an employee shall be entitled to parental leave of up to 35 consecutive weeks without pay. Birth mothers who do not take maternity leave, birth fathers and adoptive parents will be allowed up to 37 consecutive weeks without pay.
(b) Where both parents are employees of the Employer, the employees shall determine the apportionment of the 35 weeks parental leave between them.
(c) Such written request pursuant to (a) above must be made at least ten (10) weeks prior to the proposed leave commencement date. The Employer will consider accepting less notice when there are exceptional circumstances preventing the full ten (10) weeks' notice.
(d) Leave taken under this clause shall commence:
(1) In the case of a birth mother, immediately following the conclusion of leave taken pursuant to Clause 19.1;
(2) In the case of a parent other than a birth mother, following the birth or adoption of the child and conclude within the 52 week period after the birth date or adoption of the child. Such leave request must be supported by appropriate documentation.
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) An Employee who becomes a parent of one or more children through the birth or adoption of a child or children is entitled to an unpaid leave of absence of up to sixty-one (61) weeks upon giving the Employer four (4) weeks’ notice of the date that the Employee will begin the leave and the date the Employee will return to work. The Employee may alter the date of return to work upon two
Parental or Adoption Leave. (a) Upon written request an employee shall be entitled to parental leave of up to 35 consecutive weeks without pay. Birth mothers who do not take maternity leave, birth fathers and adoptive parents will be allowed up to 37 consecutive weeks without pay.
(b) Where both parents are employees of the Employer, the employees shall determine the apportionment of the 35 weeks parental leave between them.
(c) Such written request pursuant to (a) above must be made at least four weeks prior to the proposed leave commencement date.
(d) Leave taken under this clause shall commence:
(1) In the case of a birth mother, immediately following the conclusion of leave taken pursuant to Clause 19.1;
(2) In the case of a parent other than a birth mother, following the birth or adoption of the child and conclude within the 52 week period after the birth date or adoption of the child. Such leave request must be supported by appropriate documentation.