Part-Time Wages. Class I shall comprise all non-teaching assistant positions in the bargaining unit. **Class n shall comprise all teaching assistant positions in the bargaining unit.
A. Index For Employees Employed July 1, 2018 or after Step Class I* Class n** 0 1.000 1.000 1 1.025 1.025 2 1.050 1.050 3 1.075 1.075 4 1.100 1.100 5 1.125 1.125 6 1.160 1.160 7 1.195 1.195 8 1.230 1.230 9 1.265 1.265 10 1.300 1.300 11 1.335 1.335 12 1.370 1.370 15 1.475 1.475 20 1.700 1.700 Schedule-2020 -2021 Step Class I Class II 0 $12.24 $19.27 1 $12.55 $19.75 2 $12.85 $20.23 3 $13.16 $20.72 4 $13.46 $21.20 5 $13.77 $21.68 6 $14.20 $22.35 7 $14.63 $23.03 8 $15.06 $23.70 9 $15.48 $24.38 10 $15.91 $25.05 11 $16.34 $25.73 12 $16.77 $26.40 15 $18.05 $28.42 20 $20.81 $32.76 Schedule-2021-2022 Step Class I Class n 0 $12.48 $19.66 1 $12.79 $20.15 2 $13.10 $20.64 3 $13.42 $21.13 4 $13.73 $21.63 5 $14.04 $22.12 6 $14.48 $22.81 1 $14.91 $23.49 8 $15.35 $24.18 9 $15.79 $24.87 10 $16.22 $25.56 11 $16.66 $26.25 12 $17.10 $26.93 15 $18.41 $29.00 20 $21.22 $33.42 Schedule - 2022-2023 Step 0 Class I $12.73 Class n $20.05 1 $13.05 $20.55 2 $13.37 $21.05 3 $13.68 $21.55 4 $14.00 $22.06 5 $14.32 $22.56 6 $14.77 $23.26 7 $15.21 $23.96 8 $15.66 $24.66 9 $16.10 $25.36 10 $16.55 $26.07 11 $16.99 $26.77 12 $17.44 $27.47 15 $18.78 $29.57 20 $21.64 $34.09
B. Bargaining Unit Members Employed Prior to July 1, 2018. No bargaining unit member employed prior to July 1, 2018’s compensation will be reduced as a result of this Negotiated Agreement. Teaching Assistants employed on Step 1 prior to July 1, 2018 will be placed at Class II, Step 6 of the schedule in Section A above. Teaching Assistants employed on Step 3 prior to July 1,2018 will be placed at Class n, Step 9 of the schedule in Section A above. Clerks placed at Step 13 on the ACE scale prior to July 1,2018 will be placed at Class I, Step 11 of the schedule in Section A above. All other bargaining unit members employed prior to July 1,2018 will be placed at the same step as they held as of July 1, 2018.
Part-Time Wages. ‐ Part-‐time employees who work in a classification for which a rate is established in this Agreement shall be paid at such rate and shall advance on the wage grid (if applicable) according to the actual hours worked.
Part-Time Wages. Payment in lieu of benefits - sixty-five (65) cents
Part-Time Wages. The following minimum rates of pay will become effective the date of ratification of this collective agreement: Number Of Hours DOR November 8, 2009 November 8, 2010 November 8, 2011 0 – 650 $8.75 $9.50 $10.25 $10.25 651 – 1300 $8.80 $9.55 $10.30 $10.30 1301 – 1950 $8.85 $9.60 $10.35 $10.35 1951 – 2600 $8.90 $9.65 $10.40 $10.40 2601 – 3250 $8.95 $9.70 $10.45 $10.45 3251 – 3900 $9.00 $9.75 $10.50 $10.50 3901 – 4550 $9.10 $9.85 $10.60 $10.60 4551 – 5200 $9.20 $9.95 $10.70 $10.70 5201 – 5850 $9.55 $10.05 $10.80 $10.80 5851 – 6500 $9.80 $10.15 $10.90 $10.90 6501 + $12.00 $12.20 $12.40 $12.65 Active part-time employees at the end rate on payroll on March 15, 2009, will be provided with the following wage increases. − Effective the first pay week following March 15, 2009 and retro-active to November 8, 2008 – twenty (20) cents − Effective the first pay week following November 8, 2009 – twenty (20) cents − Effective the first pay week following November 8, 2010 – twenty (20) cents − Effective the first pay week following November 8, 2011 – twenty-five (25) cents The above wage increases have been applied to the end rates of the existing part- time hourly wage progression as outlined above. For clarity, only those part- time employees who are on the payroll on the dates indicated will receive the wage increases reflected in the wage scales set out above. Effective March 15, 2009 the following minimum hourly rates of pay will apply to all part-time employees under 18 years old: Number Of Hours DOR November 8, 2009 November 8, 2010 November 8, 2011 0 – 650 $8.20 $8.90 $9.60 $9.60 651 – 1300 $8.25 $8.95 $9.65 $9.65 1301 – 1950 $8.30 $9.00 $9.70 $9.70 Upon reaching their 18th birthday or achieving 1950 hours worked part-time clerks who are on this progression will be moved to the regular part-time wage progression according to their full accumulated hours of work. Employees under 18 years of age hired prior to March 15, 2009 shall move to the regular part-time progression upon reaching their 18th birthday or achieving 650 hours worked. In the event that a general wage increase places an employee in an off rate within his/her classification, it is understood that the employee will still have to acquire the appropriate number of hours to advance on the progression scale. Effective on ratification, all part-time employees have the opportunity to participate in a group RRSP program. Payment towards the RRSP shall be on a shared basis as follows: All part-time employees wi...
Part-Time Wages. Effective September 1, 2002 the Employer may hire part- time corrections officers starting up to the 2 year pay step. These part-time positions hired after September 1, 2002 shall be without any benefits.
Part-Time Wages. Class I shall comprise all non-teaching assistant positions in the bargaining unit. **Class II shall comprise all teaching assistant positions in the bargaining unit.
Part-Time Wages. Part-time employees shall be paid hourly wage rates according to Appendix A. Six (6) months of service for the purpose of wage progression shall be determined based on a cumulative one thousand (1,000) hours worked by the part-time employee.
Part-Time Wages a) A part-time Employee will be paid the applicable hourly rate for their classification in Table 3 of Schedule 2 for their ordinary hours of work.
Part-Time Wages. The wage scale for part-time employees will be as follows: Based on the current Appendix I – Wage Rates 0000 - 375 ........... straight-time hours worked...........80% of Appendix 1 rates 376 - 750 ............. straight-time hours worked...........85% of Appendix 1 rates 751 - 1125 ........... straight-time hours worked...........90% of Appendix 1 rates 1126 - 1500 ......... straight-time hours worked...........95% of Appendix 1 rates
Part-Time Wages. Part time employees hired for the Your Independent Grocer Store Part time Clerks Amended RCSS Part Time Food Scale (for employees of Lasalle YIG) Part-time Employees in the Xxxxx & Meat Cutter Classifications